Frequently asked questions

Q: Why on earth did you paint your piano?

It was poorly refinished (involving brown paint and drippy lacquer) when we got it. There was no where to go but up. The color is from Sherwin Williams and is called "Watery". I had it color matched at Home Depot and used Behr’s paint and primer in one…Premium Plus Ultra or something.
Q: Did your husband go to school in Arizona?

No. He was born in Tucson but moved before he was a year old. And that is his only connection to Arizona.

Q: Do you sell anything?

Not currently. If that changes, you readers will be THE FIRST to know.
Q: What kind of sewing machine/serger do you have?

I have a Babylock Decorators Choice sewing machine. It was a retaliation purchase when BC got a riding lawnmower a couple of years back. I adore it. My serger is a very basic Brother 1034D. It’s perfect for everything I’ve ever needed it to do. I also have a new Brother embroidery machine. I haven’t figured it out yet.
Q: Where do you get your fabrics?

I buy most locally from Material Girls and occasionally JoAnns, Hancocks, or Hobby Lobby. I’ve also ordered online from Fabritopia and Sew Mama Sew.
Q: Where did you learn to sew?

I took a sewing class in 9th grade and kind of figured the rest out as I went along. I should have just listened to my mother.

Q: How did you make your new header?
This is an older question from when my header looked like this:

Disclaimer: The only photo editing software I have is little old free Picasa.
I cropped the 4 pictures I liked using the "Square/CD Cover" option. Then, I selected all 4 pictures and clicked on the "Collage" button. I picked the "Grid" option and then changed the aspect ratio to 4 X 1 (because I had 4 pictures and I wanted them in one row). Click "Create Collage" and you’re almost there. Next you’ll need to log in to Blogger and go to the "Layout" tab. Click on the "Edit" button in your header and upload your image. BE SURE TO CHECK THE BOX TO SHRINK YOUR HEADER TO FIT. I missed it the first time, hence the 3 page wide header that some of you encountered.
Q: How did you get your buttons to scroll like that?
(See the right hand sidebar under "I get around")
Emily from Not So Idle Hands directed me to this tutorial over onBe Different…Act Normal. In the first box of code, I changed the "left" to "up". And then I copied and pasted the html codes from all my buttons.
Q: Where did you get your rug?

CompanyC. The one I have is called “Carousel”. It’s discontinued.
Q: Do the edges of your appliques fray?

I did a post about it here.

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Get Organized Series

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Crap I’ve Made is no longer accepting advertisements.  I will, however, continue to review offers for long term corporate relationships with companies I love.
Feedburner says I currently have over 8600 subscribers. I also have right around 6100 Google followers and 6500 Facebook followers.
175,000+ page views/month
100,000+ unique visitors
I posted about them here and MAN OH MAN did my readers have a lot to say!
In order to stay authentic and be able to spend more time creating (as opposed to responding to angry emails), I’m restricting giveaways to the following:
Super awesome stuff…like the AccuQuilt GO! or the Silhouette or the Oh Sweet Sadie Academy passes I’ve given away in the past.
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Contact me

Email me!
And if I don’t reply…I’m sorry!  Some days the kids come first. ;)
I try to respond to questions about Crap I’ve Made projects in a timely manner.  Questions about projects you’ve seen elsewhere (don’t laugh…you’d be surprised)?  Not so timely.
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About me

Short version:

My name is Char and you can find me here most days.

Longer version:

I’m a stay at home mom to 4. I have a daughter who is 10 and boys who are 8, 5, and 2. I sew and craft because it keeps me sane.

Weird version:

I only like paste toothpaste. Gel toothpaste grosses me out. Speaking of things that gross me out, I HATE pudding. Nothing makes me quite as sick as the sight of a big old bowl of pudding on a salad bar. I think prison made Martha Stewart soft. I can’t stand to watch her anymore. I hate to wear shoes. I own 14 diaper bags. When you’ve been carrying one for almost 11 years straight, you need a little variety. I might also own 14 carseats (haven’t counted, don’t dare). I’m a little obsessed with them, too. I have never had Hamburger Helper. I love American Idol. I laugh ’til I cry often. I hate hugging. I cried when I got put in a sewing class in 9th grade.

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Crap You’ve Made

Crap You’ve Made is a Flickr group where you can share things you’ve made inspired by or using tutorials from Crap I’ve Made.
Every Friday, I feature things from the Flickr group. If you want your blog mentioned, be sure to include a link in your photo description.

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Creative Commons License
Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Registered & Protected