Back to school

Macy’s been back for just over a week, but today was the first day of Kindergarten. Everything went relatively smoothly, except for Keller sobbing about not wanting to go to school and demanding I go with to drop him off and not eating breakfast, Macy sobbing about her BFF Uncle Blake leaving for Pittsburgh in the morning, me not having planned on taking the kids to school and therefore not having bathed yet, Bennett screaming to nurse whilst we were waiting for school to start, Campbell laying on the ground and/or humping BC’s leg the whole time…..OK, maybe things didn’t go so smoothly.

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  1. sweetpea says:

    CUTE, CUTE kids! How do you like year-round school? It seems so foreign to me to see backpacks and school stuff in the summer.

  2. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    **falls unconscious**

    Keller’s wearing a character shirt!

    Also, he is very cute. As they all are. Did he like his first day in the end?

    7 days for Scooter, 8 for Animal. Crazy.

  3. Our big day is tomorrow.
    Good to my life as I have know it for the summer.

    Your kids are as cute as ever, like they always are.

    And ROFL about how well the first day went. It might beat my day of crying in the principals office yesterday…before our meet the teacher night.

  4. CUTE! Sorry the first day was so spectacular. At least it can only get better right?

  5. Don’t tell Keller that Indiana Jones is a character…pretty sure he thinks he’s real.

  6. I thought Indiana Jones was real!

    I hope our first day in a few weeks goes better than yours :p

    Freaking cute kids.

  7. Stinkin’ cute kids.

  8. What a cute picture! I can’t believe how grown up they all look. I also can’t believe how early they start school!

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