Pencil bag

My sister came over today for help making a couple of laundry bags. We got that done and she mentioned she also needed something to keep track of her pencils in her purse. We found the fabric in my stash and loosely based the bag on this tutorial.

I made a second bag for Macy and put the zipper in so it zips the other direction, which feels better to me.

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  1. LOVE IT!
    you really need a paypal link on your blog so I can place my orders!

    Once again your talent is amazing.

  2. i’m with jane… where’s my paypal link?

    also, sweet fabric!

  3. I just want to come play with your fabric. How’s that for sounding dirty? But really, love the fabric! and the pencil bag thing is cool, too :p

  4. SO cute! I want one!

  5. (uh, thought I commented on this one already. heh)

    Way cute. LOVE that fabric, too. And ditto Jane and Alissa.

  6. I could really use one of these to hide the feminine products floating around in my purse.

    I’m being dead serious, it’s a cute way to discretely carry them around and beats pulling a t-pon out of my bag when I’m really searching for my hard to find wallet.

    I’m with everyone else, you’ve got to start selling your stuff. Open an etsy store already!

  7. Too funy, Lindsey…I asked my sister if she needed another one for that very purpose!

  8. That’s adorable! Do you buy your fabric some place special? They’ve got such cute patterns.

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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