Don’t do it

I cannot, in good conscience, recommend the use of red spray paint to anyone. I’ve spent the morning sweeping and vacuuming my garage and stuff’s still covered in red dust. Heck, there’s even red dust on the fan blades INSIDE MY HOUSE! Also? Took 8 cans for 2 stools and one chair. Seriously. Don’t do it.

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  1. Oh, no! It sounded like a good idea at the time. Did the chair and stools at least turn out cute?

  2. We need a picture of said stools…

    I couldn’t believe how many cans of spray paint it took me to do that secretary.

  3. OK I am glad I read this and I have been putting off buying the red spray paint. I think I am going to have to have Jim paint the table for me with his sprayer.

    Or maybe I just just try black, do you think that would be worse?

    Thanks for the hugs BTW

  4. You know that you have to show us a picture, right? You guys have been busy. That view from your parent’s house is so pretty. I’ve never been to Bear Lake, but I’ve heard it’s gorgeous. Glad you got out of jury duty. Poor Bennett. It looks like he and my Bennett have another thing in common. LOL!

  5. I hate painting.

  6. Where did you find the room to paint in BC’s mess of a garage?????

  7. Triana Ord says:

    Hahha! I was just informed about your blog from TipJunkie and I haven't stopped laughing! I love your take on motherhood! But I have to agree with not using red spray paint… so would my hubby's blue car…. Took 2 car washes and then a good scrubby car wash to get it off in the middle of a 90 degree August day! That's what I get for not thinking and just doing! SO wish I would have found your blog before that day!

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