Mission: Organization

My sewing room is a disaster. I’ve started tidying and cleaning, but that means dealing with a lot of unfinished projects. A LOT. For example, I started this purse over a year ago. I hate the handles, so I never finished. I can’t decide if it’s worth working on some more or if I should just cut it apart and use the scraps for something else.

I also had some huge floor pillows I bought for the reading corner in my boys’ room. I did all the machine sewing 2 months ago, but still hadn’t sewed the darn things shut. Heck, the throw pillows on the couch in my master bedroom still aren’t sewed shut after a year or more, I just put that side down. And not many people hang out in my master, so it’s OK…right?

BC has a 42″ plasma leaning against the wall in there, too. He claims he’s taking it to work for training videos. Or something. I think it should be the prize for our next giveaway. And I’m sending him a link to this post. Maybe it’ll be the motivation he needs to remove it?

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  1. a 42″ plasma sounds perfect for your sewing room… for watching movies/Martha Stewart/Food Network/HGTV…

  2. Dude, if I win the plasma, I can add it to our own personal Best Buy we’ve got located in our storage room. Pretty sure they could be sending people over here for unstocked merchandise w/all the crap J’s got stored “to sell”.

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