Today, I am grateful

for 2 washers and 2 dryers, because waking up to a kid puking in your face makes for a lot of laundry.

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  1. You have 2 washers and 2 dryers? Seriously, can I move in?

    If I’m within 5 feet of throw up I throw up. Good luck today.

  2. Ugh, suckage!

  3. Linds, we have another set in the utility room in the basement. I figure if I ever actually have kids down there, I’m WAY too lazy to haul the laundry clear up to the 2nd floor to wash it. And it comes in handy in times of puke (or for prewashing sewing fabrics).

  4. First of all, I think it’s awesome that you have 2 dryers and 2 washers!

    Secondly, I’m so sorry about your sick kids! It is NO fun!

  5. Really? Oh yuck. And two washers and two dryers? Want to do some of mine?

  6. Oh yuck! I’m so sorry. That makes life no fun at all!!! Who was it?

  7. Oh…I’m so sorry! Which one? I think I’d take Bennett’s over the older kids, cuz the chunks really suck! Sorry. If you want to send Kenzie’s boyfriend over, she’d love to play with him!

  8. that’s just delightful. ew.

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