Got ribbon?

My ribbon scraps were way, way, WAY out of control. The basket was overflowing. Thankfully, my friend Leilani posted this idea a while back (along with a whole lot more fabulousness). I finally remembered to pick up clothespins last week when I was at JoAnn’s, but they sucked. So, I got some replacements at Dollar Tree this weekend and they worked perfectly.
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  1. I don’t have any ribbon scraps, but I think I’ll get me some just so I can do that to them!

  2. I love this too–so perfect for the LOADS of extra ribbon I have. I have an addiction, truly.

  3. unfortunately, i’d need about 12 of these containers and 47 packs of closepins in order to make this work for me.

  4. Char – looks great! Not so fun to wrap those pins though, is it? Lol.

    Alissa – I have a seriously, seriously big jar I bought at Cost Plus. Like 18 inches tall maybe? They have some big containers to choose from.

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