For Leilani

The larger version of our family picture from Macy’s baptism/Bennett’s blessing day.


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  1. That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Fabulous!

  2. You don’t wear shoes to baptisms in Utah?

  3. There is that family I know and love! That is a great picture, I hope it is in a card and on it’s way to my house ;)

    Miss you!

  4. I LOVE this picture! I’m so glad Lei asked about this, because I wanted to see it too! You have a BEAUTIFUL family!

  5. Some of us might have thought we were done with pictures, so we took our insanely cute (and painful) shoes off. That’s when the photographer pointed out that we’d not yet taken the one picture that was the whole point of hiring her. Oops.

  6. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    Great pic.
    Hey, did you happen to notice on my post before last; when I said “we enjoyed seeing all of our neighbors (except the Coesters)”. I re-read that and realized it sounded like we were happy to see everyone except you. I didn’t mean it that way! I am surprised you didn’t give it to me for that!

  7. CUTE!!!! I love the look of Bennet’s face in that picture. It’s hilarious. BTW, the party at ur house was way fun!! we’ll have to have it again some time.

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