Appliqued Tie Onesie Tutorial


  • Baby bodysuit or tee
  • Tie pattern (see link to pdf at end of this post)
  • Fabric scrap for tie – you could get away with as little as 4″ X 8″ or 5″ X 6″ if you’re cutting the tail piece at an angle.
  • Wonder Under, same sized as your fabric
  • Thread
  • Sewing machine or hand sewing needle

Fuse Wonder Under to wrong side of fabric using the directions on the product. (Already done in picture.)

Print tie pattern and cut out. It prints to scale for me, but for reference…the tail portion measures approximately 5.5″ from top to point and 3″ wide at the widest point and the knot portion measures about 2″ wide at the top and is 1 3/8″ tall in the center.

Trace both pieces onto Wonder Under paper backing. Depending on the print, you may want to rotate one piece 45 degrees (I did this in the example pictured).

Cut out. Remove paper backing.

Line the “knot” piece of the tie up with the neckline of the shirt and center it. I like to slide it under the neckline a tiny bit. You might want to just touch the top of the knot with your iron to keep it from moving but BE SURE not to iron down the bottom edge of the knot.

Slip the “tail” piece of the tie under the knot piece about 1/4″.

Fuse both pieces to the shirt.

In theory, you could stop now because Wonder Under is supposed to be washable. I never dare chance it, though I hear Alissa did once and she lived to tell about it. I sew a straight stitch around the tie, about 1/16″ from the edge, by machine to finish mine. You could zig zag, but I think the straight stitch looks neater. You could hand sew a backstitch as well (I sometimes do this with stuff with sharp turns but this tie is WAY easy to do by machine). Just make sure to keep the rest of the shirt all wadded up so you don’t catch it in your stitching.
If you want to be able to sew the outline in one shot — without stopping and starting or sewing the same line twice — you’ll need to pay close attention to this next part. Start on the left hand side where the knot meets the tail (green dot). Sew straight across the bottom of the knot (1/16″ from the edge of the knot piece, on the knot side so you’re sewing through both tie pieces). Turn and go up the right hand side of the knot then across the neckline edge. Come back down the left hand side of the knot. Pivot at your starting point and continue down the left hand side of the tail. Finish sewing around the edges of the tail. You’ll end on the right hand side where the knot meets the tail (purple dot).

Clear as mud? Leave any questions in the comments and I’ll clarify.

And here is a link to the pdf in Google Docs. I’m hoping that Mac users will be able to print it now.

***For personal use only. Make ‘em, gift ‘em, please don’t sell ‘em!***

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  1. imajacobs says:

    Yay! You are my hero! Thanks for poisting this and for doing it so quickly!

  2. great job char! i like the look of the handstitching… but that’s only because I’m scared of my sewing machine sometimes.

  3. Thank you for this! I can’t wait to try it. Although I’m sure I will be the one with questions. :)

  4. Yay! I can’t wait to go shopping for my different shirts!!! I’m definitely doing a little tie onesie (maybe 2 or 3) for my little guy.

  5. Do you have them in adult sizes?????? Tyler would LOVE to never wear a tie again…

  6. If I had boys….

  7. Hey Char! This is random, but I have a question for you. Where did you get your Fleurville diaper bags? Do you still love them? I’m in need of a good one and wanted your input. Email me ([email protected]) or leave me a comment, PLEASE! Thanks!

  8. Char,

    I have chosen the winners of my Birthday Bash giveaway…. your name was not chosen but I am still offering everyone that entered 50% off which is only $25.00 more than the giveaway!! Visit for details. By the way I adore your blog you are a talented gal!! The tie onesie would be be absolutely darling for pics!!

    Thanks for entering

  9. Hi Char,
    now I found you on facebook and blogs. You sure are talented,…and gifted…seriously.

  10. Thank you! I had this idea, but didn’t know how to make it happen. There are so many cute things to do to a onsie for a girl, but not much for those boys out there. Any other boy onsie ideas?

  11. Holy Cow…this is so stinkin’ cute!

    I love it…thanks for sharing!


  12. Kathryn-nannygoat says:

    Love this. I’m totally going to make one! Thanks!

  13. Julie @ Joy's Hope says:

    THANK YOU!! As a mom of a house of girls I really struggle making gifts for little boys. I just made this and it was crazy easy and super cute. LOVE IT! Thanks for the fab tute and the perfect PDF pattern. For a second I wished I had a boy to put it on.

  14. Love this oneie tutorial.
    Re-linking it .
    Thank you so much for the time you took to show us how to do this.

  15. Just found your blog and love the tutorial. I have wanted to make a shirt like this for my son for a while. Thanks.

  16. I am so so so so happy to have found this! This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

  17. Nadia@FunWithMama says:

    gorgeous thanks for sharing
    did you use a knit fabric or woven fabric for the tie? (Or does it not make a difference…) which do you prefer?

    Also, doesn't the sides of the fabric fray if you do a straight stitch?

  18. Mandy and Jack says:

    This is fabulous! Thanks for sharing! I'll have to do this sometime. :)

  19. I use woven fabrics.

    Re: fraying….I just put up a new post about it:

    Good luck!

  20. i love your tutorials. i have a new baby girl and can't wait to make her the coolest clothes. i've screen printed and ironed on, but haven't tried applique…yet!

  21. Hello,
    I was wondering what size the pattern is to be set at before printing?
    Thank you in advance,
    Ali :o)

  22. I just made two of these for my 7-month-old and they were incredibly easy and so adorable! Thanks!

  23. Ali, I just print it with the "no scaling" box checked. It's good for about 6 months and up. If you need to make a newborn size, trim the bottom edge 1" on both sides. HTH!

  24. Hi,

    I can't seem to download the pdf file of the tie. any tips?

  25. Lynn, it's working fine for me. I don't actually click "download", though. I just click on the thing that looks like a piece of paper. Maybe try that?

  26. I'm so excited that I found this tutorial.
    My friend is having twin boys and these would be soooo cute!
    Thank You!

    By the way, is this you on etsy?

  27. Nope…not me! She does, however, have a GREAT site!

  28. I've waited so long to be able to post my link! I finally can! Thanks for this tutorial. You made it so easy to follow! I look forward to seeing more of your applique tutorials for beginners like me!

  29. did you prewash both the fabric and the onesie beforehand?

  30. Lynn, I ALWAYS prewash the onesies…they shrink like crazy. if I'm using good quality (designer, $8/yard type stuff) fabric that won't shrink much, sometimes I don't prewash.

  31. Just found your site and so excited to make my son the tie shirt!! So hard to find matching boy-girl outfits so now I can make the tie out of the same material I make my little girls dress. Thanks to your blog I have our christmas card photo idea, yay!!

  32. I am sooo happy I found your site. These are the cutest ever and really simple to make! I am headed to a babyshower tomorrow and I am certain my friend is going to love these for her lil' guy! ;) Thanks!!

  33. Nicole Bergman says:

    Glad to have found this- was hoping to make one of these but didn't have a template for the tie. Thank you!

  34. Matt, Katie & Jayden says:

    Thanks so much. I made two of these the other day. Your instructions were great.

  35. Matt, Katie & Jayden says:

    Thanks so much. I made two of these the other day. Your instructions were great.

  36. Get N Together says:

    I tried this pattern out a couple of days ago….the tie onesies turned out so stinkin cute! They are selling these at my local mall for over $20. Make a great cheap gift…thanks!

  37. stephjacobson says:

    Thank you for sharing this tutorial. I used it to make my son this cute little shirt for Valentine's Day–

  38. The Noalls says:

    I was so scared to applique. I can't believe it's so easy. Thanks for sharing!

  39. Sherri @ Dude I Made It says:

    Thanks for the fun tutorial! I appreciate you sharing and linked to your tutorial on my blog

  40. Thanks for this tutorial… I just started sewing and found out recently our third baby is boy :) I linked your tutorial on my post.

  41. Matt, Katie & Jayden says:

    I finally made some of these the other day for baby shower gifts and they turned out so good. Thank you so much for the tutorial.

  42. Matt, Katie & Jayden says:

    I finally made some of these the other day for baby shower gifts and they turned out so good. Thank you so much for the tutorial.

  43. Creative Minds says:

    Too cute! I am in love with those tie onesies. :) My sister is going to make a matchcing onesie and shirt for my boys. :)

  44. R.McKnight says:

    Love this! I made the tie onsie using a scrap of flannel that I had made some cute (and really easy) pajama pants from! Thanks!

  45. I can't seem to print the PDF on my mac. Any help?

  46. frugalmom says:

    I came with the same question as above. I am pretty sure I have this file saved on my pc which got infected with a virus and can't talk to my network so I can't print it out from there. the mac doesn't seem to recognize it as a .pdf.

  47. frugalmom says:

    I came with the same question as above. I am pretty sure I have this file saved on my pc which got infected with a virus and can't talk to my network so I can't print it out from there. the mac doesn't seem to recognize it as a .pdf.

  48. OK, I uploaded it to Google Docs, too. Here's a link:

    Let me know if that works!

  49. It did! Thanks!!

  50. Thank you so much for sharing! This looks like something I should be able to do for my sons first birthday = )

  51. Made this a couple of weeks ago for one of my friends. She loved them as do I. I'm excited to have a boy one day to make some more.

  52. Stephanie says:

    This idea was AWESOME!! I have several friends and BFFs who will be having babies here shortly and it's a way cute way to make it personal to the friend!! I also used a star shape from Microsoft word to create a different pattern. Turned out way cute!! And for girls, you can totally create things in a heart pattern and flowers!! Thanks again!

  53. Mommy of Two 24/7 says:

    Thank you for the tutorial! This will be a great baby gift for my girlfriends that all seem to be having boys this year! :)

  54. Ashley O says:

    Thank you so much! I have a baby shower later this month and this will be perfect!

  55. I LOVE this idea. I just made one yesterday after finding your blog through another mom blogger's site.

    I made this for my son, it's perfect.


  56. Melissa says:

    Thanks! I made one for a new mom just in time for Father's Day. Very Cute!!!

  57. Pati @ A Crafty Escape says:

    Love this tutorial and that you answered all my questions… thank you so much Char. You rock!!!

    I just blogged about it:

  58. BigSis LilSis says:

    I FINALLY got a chance to use this tutorial! I love the way they turned out and I had to add it to my blog, hope you don't mind :)

  59. all boy stuff says:

    glad i found your blog! i have 3 boys & a 4th ont he way. i always see these shirts & think, "i should make one of those…" then, i never do! maybe now is the time! thanks for the tutorial. check out my blog for boy activities. we moms of boys have to help each other out :)

  60. Made it with a white tie on white onesie for a baby blessing. Thanks for being so crafty and inspiring me.

  61. So cute! I just made a couple for friends. You can see one on my blog:

  62. hi! this is great!!! what kind of wonder under did you use, there are so many kinds out there! i want to make sure to buy the correct one! thanks!

  63. Char @ Crap I've Made says:


    I just use regular old Wonder Under. I don't like Heat n' Bond (personal preference).

  64. Char I love this!!! I just made my first ones and can already tell they won't be my last! Thanks for the tip!

  65. Thanks for the tutorial! I had great success with it. Here they are!

  66. I made this…but didn't sew around it. I know I need to, but I'm afraid of ruining it! Here it is…


  67. mommyrocks4 says:

    I'm having issues with fraying. How do I keep the ends crisp and clean like yours? Fray-check???

  68. For The Luv Of Boys says:

    Thank you for the easy to follow tutorial! I'll probably spend all evening making these for my boys!

  69. Char @ Crap I've Made says:


    The Wonder Under *should* keep it from fraying. I've never tried Fray check. Has anyone else?

  70. Better Life Bags says:

    I have used Fray check on all the tie shirts/onesies I've made with this tutorial – and it works great!

    In fact, I'm showcasing one that I made on my blog this coming Saturday (I have a Saturday Link Up party about using up our scraps!) and I specifically show how to use the Fray Check on these ties!

  71. I love this!! I have made a few for my little guy and love that he looks spruced up for church on Sunday. So fun! I will be linking you to my blog Thanks for sharing!

  72. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this! I had seen a pillowcase dress and tie onesie with Christmas fabrics for sale in an online store, but once I saw the price tag I decided to make them myself. The pillowcase dress I knocked out easily, but the onesie was holding me up – until I found your tutorial!!!

  73. Candice and Kate says:

    Wonderful … thank you so much!! I made a set for a baby shower recently and they were a hit! Used old t-shirts and too-small onesies to create the ties … learned that knit and wonder-under are not the best combo (hard to separate) but the end result was gratifying. Pic (and link back to you) posted here:

  74. AmericKim says:


  75. Thanks so much for posting this! Super easy and this look could not get any cuter. I see myself doing MANY of these for my boys! Linked to you at

    Have a great day!

  76. 3 Little Things says:

    Thank you so much! I needed this and will be making some today! I'm a fan already!

  77. Im going to try this soon! Thanks so much for posting it!

  78. Breahna Young says:

    Thanks so much for posting this!! I'm going to try it! Do you know how to do it with suspenders? Thanks :)


  79. The Halls says:

    Thank you for the pdf & instructions.

  80. Craftee Wanna Be says:

    I just made my first tie onesie and it is absolutely adorable! I used my Cricut machine to cut the tie, I noticed one of Cricut cartridges has a tie on it and it worked perfectly! Thanks for the inspiration!

  81. I just made my first onesie tie, and I wanted to say thanks for the pattern! If you want to check it out:

  82. FriendInDeed says:

    You just saved me sooo much time. I had seen someone with one of these shirts and I wanted to make one for my little man this Easter (as in the day after tomorrow).. I was worried how long it would take me to plan, measure, etc. etc. etc.. but voila, you have a pattern all ready for me!!! And that Wonder Under stuff – I'd never heard of it but my husband's grandma gave me a box of old craft supplies and I believe there's some in there!!! what are the chances?! THANKS A ZILLION! :)

  83. How do the measurements work for different age groups? On how long they should be is there a specific length for 0-12 months, 2-5 yr old ??

    • Char @ Crap I've Made says:

      I’ve never made one for a 2-5 year old. My kids are large and don’t wear onesies one they’re that age. The template size is good for about 3 months to 24 months. For a newborn, I’d cut 1″ off the bottom.

  84. Kat Bare says:

    I wanted to say thanks for posting this for everyone to see and have the template! Some crafters in my area have begun making them but sell them for like $10 a Onesie. I just made my son one tonight. He will wear it tomorrow for his 1st birthday when he eats his Smash Cake. Thanks again!

  85. Becky Kasten says:

    I just say this on lollipopsformomsblogspot!! She directed me to you! Cute site. . .

  86. bonita12 says:

    Thx so much for this tutorial – I made my first tie onesie tonight…it’s not perfect but will get better with practice. I want to make a few for gifts,

  87. Hi, I was wondering where do you get the Wonder Under from. I can’t wait to try this! thx :)

  88. Absolutely adorable!

  89. Thanks so much for posting this. The pattern came in handy! I made this for a shower gift. :-D

  90. I’m currently working on a blog post that this very post inspired. I’m going to link back to you. Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  91. I just stumbled upon your post. I LOVE this onesies and the tip for sewing it all in one go is genius. I’m the world’s worst. I’m self-taught with on a free, usually working machine and I’m always stopping and starting and going over places I’ve stitched already. I may just make one of these for my toddler. So cute!

  92. Is there a way to keep it from fraying when washed? Or does the wonder under help that? Looking forward to making many many of these as Christmas gifts, and baby shower gifts in the next few months!

    • Char @ Crap I've Made says:

      The Wonder Under helps with that. You can satin (tight zig zag) stitch the edges if you want it to be completely fray proof!

  93. Great tutorial. love it, thanks for sharing.

  94. adorable thanks for the easy steps!

  95. How do you keep the edges from fraying? Even though I use the iron-on, it doesn’t stay around the edges especially after wearing and washing. Any ideas?

  96. The download doc is gone! Can it return?

  97. thanks so much for the pattern. my daughter had to dress as the actual Dr Suess for school. so i am making her a suess-ified mens shirt. hey why be boring?!

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  101. Could you kernel know where I can purchase one of these baby tee with tie?

  102. This is really cute! But I’m new with sewing so I have a question. What is wonder under for?

  103. ali north says:

    this just rocked my world. just made 3 for a baby shower this weekend… in less than 30 min. although my iron-sticky stuff says not to sew…. so, i didn’t. hope it sticks!!! thanks for sharing this SWEET freebie. :)

  104. Great tutorial! I recently made 3 of these and dyed 2 of the onesies navy which turned out so cute!

  105. I just made one of these for my 1 year old daughter. I used a pink onesie & made the tie with a floral pattern. I even added a pocket with a pink polka-dot pocket square. It’s the menswear trend! : )

  106. I love this! It is idiot-proof for those of us who aren’t super crafty! I have already made three! I shared the link on my blog: Thanks so much for sharing!

  107. I love this sweet little onesie with the tie applique <3 I shared it on my blog post Baby Stuff – Best Onesie Makeovers on Pinterest here:

    Thanks for teaching us about this!

  108. Thank you for posting the tie applique pattern. I am pretty new to sewing and wanted to applique a onesie for a new baby boy coming into the family. This is perfect. Thanks so much!

  109. Thank you for the tie pattern! I used it to make a gift for two of my friends who are having baby boys in December.

  110. I love love LOVE this project. I am going to try it as soon as I can get my hands on my new sewing machine. Thanks for posting this :)

  111. This is wonderful! You make it so easy. Thank you so much for all of the detail. I made two for my boys and they came out perfect :) Thank you so much for sharing!!

  112. You are so nice to share this great pattern! I just made it today for my grandson and next I’m making some matching bibs and burp cloths for a gift. Your instructions are great and it was fast to sew, thanks so much!

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  114. I just wanted to say thank you! I have used this template and tutorial time and time again!
    This is my go-to baby shower gift :)

  115. Merci beaucoup ! ! !

  116. This is an excellent tutorial.

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  1. [...] wanted to incorporate something that just screamed “BOY!” So, when we can across this Appliqued Tie Onesie post (courtesy of Char from the Crap I’ve Made blog), we just had to use it. Our friend, [...]

  2. [...] he cannot get enough of his feet right now.  I made this cute little tie onesie for him, following this tutorial.  As his hair come in, the majority of it is growing in a strip on the top of his head, [...]

  3. [...] tutorial comes from Char over at Crap I’ve Made. This is one of the best I’ve seen for this project. If you want to make one too, head over [...]

  4. [...] I had seen several great tutorials online, I decided to go for that option and headed over to the Crap I’ve Made blog, which has a fabulous step-by-step tutorial to make this onesie.  So, I got it ready and sent [...]

  5. [...] different patterns onto various sizes of onesies.  I went with a super cute tie that I found on Crap I’ve Made,  a star, and a ducky .  (I found those last two on google image search.)  I used the pictures [...]

  6. [...] Boys should get some of the fun too! This applique tie is an easy addition and very handsome. Read the how to here. [...]

  7. [...] give it a try. Then, I ventured out onto my own. My first attempts where following the tutorial at Here are my [...]

  8. [...] for Bria & Jason’s wedding. I made Noah a tie onsie for the wedding ceremony. I followed THIS tutorial from Crap I’ve Made and it was super easy. Here is my finished [...]

  9. [...] This is the blog I used to help me through. Hope it can help you make one too. [...]

  10. [...] I made t-shirts with tie appliques in the matching chevron fabrom. I got the template fro the ties from here at [...]

  11. [...] Appliqued Tie Onesie Tutorial [...]

  12. [...] Little onesies made (easy tutorial all over the web.  I used this pattern) [...]

  13. [...] Tie Onesie – Crap I’ve Made [...]

  14. [...] To learn how to make the applique tie, go here. [...]

  15. [...] THIS tutorial for some adorable baby cardigans and just had to try them.  I used the template on THIS tutorial to make a tie onesie to go underneath the cardigan (I use embroidery thread and hand [...]

  16. [...] THIS tutorial for some adorable baby cardigans and just had to try them.  I used the template on THIS tutorial to make a tie onesie to go underneath the cardigan (I use embroidery thread and hand [...]

  17. [...] tutorial tie onesies This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged fabric, matching, onesies, shoes, tie on June 25, 2011 by sandra. [...]

  18. [...] baby bib from Shwin&Shwin as the base, tie pattern for use on a [...]

  19. [...] but decided to google it first and a bazillion freebies came up. I picked out my favorite one (this one here, complete with full on tutorial) and whipped up one or two…or five. Whatever. I also found [...]

  20. [...] Happy Monday! It's Tiffany. You know, when I found out I was having baby boy #2 I was really excited. To my husband's dismay (maybe) I like to dress them in things that are similar. Because of their age difference, I'm yet to find something that is an exact match. That is where my DIY-ness (is that a word?) comes in. I found this great tutorial for making fabric ties . When I saw Deena's Scoot fabric, I knew what had to be done.   i also used this tie onsie tutorial [...]

  21. [...] it was awesome! I got the tutorial for the Monster Bibs at Stubbornly Crafty and the Tie Onesie at Crap I’ve Made. Happy [...]

  22. [...] used the necktie pattern from char over at Crap I’ve made.   I fused the fabric to my onesie using wonder under.  [...]

  23. […] 2:  Make an applique tie using this tutorial.  Or you can design your own tie shape out of fabric and iron Wonder Under on the […]

  24. […] These are like the easiest things to make, y’all. I am obsessed with these. They only take about 20-25 minutes and are so cute. If you can find a pattern, you can make this onesie. I used this one from this lovely blog, Crap I’ve Made. […]

  25. […] which I’m showing just for fun.  I made the onesie tie with a tutorial from a blog called Crap I’ve Made. I love it!  Then I made a pattern from one of my husband’s ties and made a grownup-size T […]

  26. […] this concept is nothing new. I’m not sure who started the whole fad. I first saw it over at Crap I’ve Made. I like the tie onesies because it’s easy to spruce up an average […]

  27. […] tutorial from  and thought that would be the perfect gift. I ended up using the pattern from Both are great tutorials but I did a few things differently for my tie […]

  28. […] at her baby shower with some twine and clothespins (sorry I don’t have a photo of that!). This is the necktie tutorial/pattern that I use. And this is the bow tie tutorial I used. Instead of […]

  29. Molecule New Water Technologies

    Appliqued Tie Onesie Tutorial – Crap I’ve Made

  30. […] at Crap I’ve Made has a cute Applique Tie Onesie […]

  31. […] Appliqued Tie Onesie Tutorial – Crap I’ve Made – Fuse Wonder Under to wrong side of fabric using the directions on the product. (Already done in picture.) Print tie pattern and cut out. It prints to scale for me … […]

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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