Boys = sick

So, we went to the Draper Temple open house this morning. As we were getting ready, Keller came in and said…

“Don’t worry, Mom! I changed my undies so my butt won’t stink at the temple!”

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  1. Rosie and Derek says:

    Ha ha, that’s so funny! Yes boys are certainly different than girls!

  2. Very considerate Keller! We are going tomorrow…I’ll have to tell Kenz the proper underwear changing preparations.

  3. Only a boy would think of that… The funny thing is you have said that to him before and that is where it comes from……. HA HA HA HA HA HA

  4. Flockhart Family says:

    That is awesome. I can’t wait until MacRae says stuff like that.

  5. I don’t know where on earth he would have heard that before!

  6. Such a gentleman, that Keller.

  7. He kills me!!

  8. lol. That is most definitely a boy’s thought process!

  9. Kristine Robinson says:

    That is my kind of kid. So where did he put the undies??? That is the million dollar question.

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