Burp cloths and onesies

Sometimes I wonder if I’m considering having another kid because I really think we should have one or if I just can’t bear the thought of not making tiny cute stuff anymore. Case in point? Baby shower tomorrow. How many onesies with matching burp cloths did I make?


Seriously…I can’t stop.

At least there are a couple of different sizes to choose from?

Any super cute ideas for packaging them?

And I’m going to try to get BC to help me attach PDF’s of the applique patterns, if you’re wanting to make your own. (Except for that mouse head. I don’t want to get sued.)

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  1. The Vreeken Family says:

    I love the Mickey!

  2. I love the octopus most- but they’re all adorable!

  3. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    Totally adorable as always. I wish I’d invited you to all my baby showers!

  4. Joni Walton says:

    Can I go in on YOUR present? :) (Just kidding) I so can’t wait to see you tomorrow!!!

  5. porter family says:

    if i have another baby will you make me half a dozen? or more?

  6. jenpetersen says:

    Okay, Char, I may have missed the tutorial on the onesies. I’m guessing I use wonder under or something like that, just choose what I want to go on front and transfer it to the onesie? I think I might make one for my sister in law. Where do you get your white onesies?

  7. jenpetersen says:

    Oh-and I think I need to borrow the template for the tie.

  8. freaking love the rocket!

  9. Kari @ Ucreate says:

    I LOVE these! Darling shapes!

  10. That right there is almost enough to make ME have another one!

  11. yeah, ditto what Sheri said! I still get complements all the time for the tie one (even though I have to STREEEEETCH it to get it on lol)
    I think my new fav is the rocket ship though

  12. The Short Mom says:

    So cute! Thank you for posting the tutorial for the tie onesie. I made one for my nephews birthday tonight and it turned out cute thanks to the great tutorial.

  13. sweetpea says:

    well, I for one would love a tutorial, because I need to make some!!
    They are all adorable–
    I think they would be cute just rolled up and tied with a big fat ribbon. Or maybe all rolled up in a clear take-out container tied shut with ribbon.

  14. You are freakin awesome! I love them all. Seriously so cute,

    Sorry to hear that the kids have been sick, are any of them feeling better?

  15. Love the rocket…very cute!!! How’s the household doing…pink eye, stomach flu, etc.?

  16. jenpetersen says:

    That looks super easy. I’ve done the same thing lots of times on crafts. What about the burpcloth… if you don’t mind

  17. Kristine Robinson says:

    You should sell them. And wrap them in cellophane. Anything in cellphane is cute!

  18. RN 4 Kids says:

    Char! You are SO Martha!!! I had no clue you were a crafty gal…I say go for another kid…and if it doesn’t happen, at least you had fun trying! I want to have a baby so I can kiss up to you and get one of these cute onesies etc…love them!

  19. RN 4 Kids says:

    my neighbor created the Oh Sweet Sadie botique…you really should put your stuff there to sell….or maybe you already do that….anyway, if you need her email just ask…her name is Heidi Loewen…she is a good friend.

  20. I totally have to make ‘Aisea a shirt with the rocket on it! He would LOVE IT!!!

  21. Rosie and Derek says:

    Oh my gosh, these are so stinkin’ cute!!!

  22. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    sooooo cute….but you already know that based on the boat load of comments on your blog, don’t you? Yeah, I’m a little bitter. Yeah, I’m slightly happy you have pink eye. It’s so confusing…how can I totally love you and hate you at the same time? (By the way, I’m in the fetal position while I’m typing this.)

  23. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    No…I am not happy Bennett has pink eye. Sorry that was an unfortunate mistake I made. I heard that a doctor recommends putting a drop of baby shampoo into pink eye. He said it clears it right up. Worth the try?

  24. bluestocking mama says:

    very cute!! please post the pdf patterns!

  25. Wow! so cute. Now I hope our next one is a boy (for the rocket)!!!! We have 2 girls and the girlie stuff is wearing on me……

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