
Huge thanks to all (thousands…freaked me out a little) of you who visited me here and over at Ucreate!

I got my sewing machine back last night. I didn’t realize what a giant piece of junk my old machine was until I had to sew those onesies on it. And 12 aprons….more on that in a week or so.

I also received a bloggy award from both Emily at Not So Idle Hands and Stacie at The Creative Crate.

Thanks you guys!

What else have I been doing? Mostly breaking up fights. My kids are off track for a couple of weeks and then they go back for 13 days to finish up the year. Lame, ey?

Tomorrow night is my neighborhood sewing group. We’re making aprons at my house at 7. Bring your own fabric. Call me if you have any questions.

We’re also gearing up for Macy’s birthday party. Here’s a sneak peak at the invitations. I got the idea here, from Small Fry & Co (one of the Family Fun giveaway winners). We bagged them and added tags.

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  1. Just remember…we were best cousins even before you made it big! I’m considering having another baby just so I can put that ruffle butt onesie on her. Wanna move in and be my personal sewing coach? I’ve used my sewing machine a total of one time. Not that I don’t want to use it, it just intimidates me a little. You’d hate it though, cause I’m sure your old crappy machine is nicer than mine!

  2. unlovething says:

    My first grade students are nuts right now. It’s the end of the year crazies. It happens every year.

    (This is my first time posting, I found your blog through your ETSY write up)

  3. I don’t see one in there for a Sheri.

  4. Small fry & Co. says:

    Love the cupcake card invites. They turned out so cute. I am so glad you used my idea. Made my day. Glad your sewing machine is back. I love the stuff you do.

  5. Small fry & Co. says:

    Love the cupcake card invites. They turned out so cute. I am so glad you used my idea. Made my day. Glad your sewing machine is back. I love the stuff you do.

  6. Etsy write up? I’m curious….

  7. The Harding Hive says:

    I am with the girl who left the first comment. I would almost consider having another baby just for the ruffle butt. (I said almost). You are amazing!

  8. Joni Walton says:

    Way cute invites! Please blog about what you end up doing for the party, I love b-day party ideas!

  9. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    Love that ruffle butt!!! And those invites are awesome! You are deserving of all the praise heaped upon you my friend (:

  10. Crafty Christina says:

    I just found your blog today and wanted to say how much I enjoy your creativeness. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  11. kirsten says:

    so are our girls just exactly the same age? mine will be 9 on sunday!

  12. Vanessa says:

    Such a great idea!!

  13. Hi Char. Jami Jones here from the 14th ward. I was just talking with Jen Petersen and she was showing me that cute apron she made at your house. I was wondering if you have any openings for your sewing club… I would love to sew more. You are so talented, thanks for sharing!

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