Travel wipes case

You’ve seen these cute boutique wipes cases, right? My friend and neighbor Tam has a great tutorial for them. I haven’t tried it yet, but she swears it’s easy. And there’s no sewing involved!

Which is exactly why we’re making them for our next neighborhood sewing group project! July 1st…details to be announced.

Tutorial here.

I swear my apron tutorial is coming. I need to make a quick trip to the fabric store first, which is super fun with 4 kids in tow. Try it some time. I dare you. I’ll even let you borrow my kids.

I’ve got another tute half done, too.

Soon. Very soon.

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  1. I love how your next sewing class won't actually involve any sewing, ROFL! My suggestion for August is to go out for ice cream and a movie.

  2. Parker Family says:

    I am glad to hear I am not the only daring one! Done that too, with all of my five (ages 5, 2 1/2, 18 month twins, and a 7 monther! It is fun! At least they are pretty good, so it isn't as bad as I thought it would be! Love the tutorials! Thank you!

  3. Those are pretty cute!

  4. Super cute. I want to come to one of your sewing classes. Why can't I live in your neighborhood instead of OP?

  5. Jami Blake-Weight says:

    Yay, I was hoping you guys were still going to do this project….I want to come.

  6. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    I would watch ALL your kids while you go to the fabric store. You would just have to watch Lilly in trade (the work of 4 or 5). Seriously, though, they could come over and swing in the basement. (Although, right now Max is sick)

  7. Hey I made the flyers to pass around in church. I'll drop them off with Kristy or Janet before Sunday. (Still using the birth of my kid 10 days ago as an excuse to miss).

  8. If you haven't already made these, I found that using felt rather than batting worked better. Have fun!

  9. Ңі there, I logg oon tߋ your bog daily. Υour writing style iis witty, keeep doihg ѡhat үou’гe doing!

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