Happy 4th!

Someone (hint: not Campbell for once) wanted no part in picture taking.

Click on it to get the full effect.

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  1. porter family says:

    looks like lots of fun! were you yelling and cursing by the end? cause i would have been.

  2. lol! I bet everyone was frustrated by the end of that photo shoot! The great thing is that in a few years everyone will look back and love this montage of "real" life :) Happy Fourth!!

  3. My bet is that char was yelling and cursing from the BEGINNING, lol! And I'm pretty sure I'll be clicking on that collage many, many times over the next few days just for the giggles. Happy 4th!

  4. Poor Bennett! I'm glad I wasn't the only one having a difficult photo shoot with my kids yesterday. 20+ photos and I still don't have one I like. On the plus side, Macy has a really pretty smile in quite a few of those photos!

  5. I was seriously peeing my pants the whole time. For some reason the "real-ness" of it all KILLS me. My personal faves? Last picture on the right on the 2nd line and the one in the bottom left hand corner. ROFL.

  6. sweetpea says:

    lol. That is classic!!

  7. i totally love it. also, i didn't take a single picture yesterday.

  8. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    Hilarious! It cracks me up that almost every comment remarks that you must have been swearing! The kids (all except one) look to happy in the pics to have a screaming Mom nearby!

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