August already? Really?

I uploaded some pictures I took this morning…into my July ’09 folder.
It’s not July.

Weird, ey?
My grandpa died last Monday. The funeral was yesterday. I had to lead the singing. BC was a pallbearer. My 3 oldest kids had to sing. Fortunately, my mom and step dad were nice enough to drive 3 hours to come to her ex-FIL’s funeral and wrestle Bennett in the back. He’s in this phase where he shrieks like a pterodactyl every time he gets annoyed. Which is A LOT.

They slept over and today the men installed ceiling fans (that we bought like 2 years ago) in our upstairs bedrooms. It feels infinitely cooler already.

My mom and I kept kids out of the way. And we went thrifting. Man I love thrifting.
I found this filing cabinet on wheels for $15. There were at least $15 worth of hanging file folders inside. I’m going to use it in my sewing room to store patterns, as soon as I give it a new coat of paint.

Any suggestions on the color? Lime green? Orange? Glossy yellow?

Edited post to add a picture of my sewing room:

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  1. I'm sorry to hear you lost your grandfather.

    As for the cabinet: what colours are your sewing room? I think I would base my colourchoice on that. Or I would make it turqoise. Whatever colour the sewing room is. Somehow, these days, I love turqoise :-)

  2. I've just recently started following your blog (and I love it!) and I think you should paint it orange. Orange is wonderful and it's overlooked far too often.
    I should probably paint my DI-find filing cabinet soon too…

  3. I was thinking of you yesterday. I'm glad your mom could be there to help out.

    I probably wouldn't do orange. you know I love me some orange, but I think it will look weird with the red cabinet you already have in there. lime green or yellow would be my picks.

  4. Kari @ Ucreate says:

    So sorry to hear about your grandpa. I lost mine recently, too.

    What a great cabinet you found. I can't wait to see what you do with it!

  5. Chips and Salsa with Beans says:

    I'm so sorry about your grandpa.
    If I knew you in real life I totally could have helped with your little guy. See, I have three boys and speak fluent dinosaur.

    As for the file cabinet…lime green, all the way.

  6. The Gray Gang says:

    I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your grandfather.

    And now I'm going to ask a craft question, man those to things just don't go in a row. But, you are the queen crafter right?

    So, we are moving, and ever since I saw you were painting your piano, I so so so want to. The only problem is that my paino is (ancient) covered in lamanent.(that can't be removed) do you know what I can prime it with so that I can paint it? It is black and tan, and I want it chocolate brown to match my new living room!

  7. Totally go with the lime green. It kind of depends on what color your sewing room is. Don't make the color blend in too much

  8. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your grandfather. Hugs to you and your family.

    Now as to the painting of the cabinet, I was going to say a lovely aquamarine, but then realized that you piano is in the same color family. I don't think I would do yellow, because sounds like you have a red cabinet in there already and you don't want your room to look like a McDonalds. I think a lovely lime-y green or orange would be nice.

  9. I am sorry for your loss.

    The file cabinet would look great yellow or lime!

    how hard was installing a ceiling fan? we've wanted one in our living room for years, but we have weird vaulted ceilings and aren't sure how to do it.

    (word verification: thrones – i don't konw why i get such a kick out of it when it makes real words…)

  10. I am so glad your Mom was able to come and help you.
    Love the cabinet. I would do yellow or lime green. I think the orange and red would clash a bit.
    What are you going to paint it with? Didn't you swear off spray paint, or was it just swearing, or painting? :P
    Miss you!

    my word verification is booker, just incase you cared.

  11. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    I'm black hearted, I think. I find it funny to read everyone's sympathy for your Grandpa and then the added paragraphs about paint. Everyone loves being asked for their opinion. (I'm sure their sympathy IS genuine, though!? I am such a cynic.)
    I am sorry your Grandpa died last week. I am happy it was quick, in his slumber. That is the way to go.

  12. sweetpea says:

    I'm so sorry about your grandfather.

    I can't really tell from the picture of your sewing room the colors that are in the hanging on your wall. I would probably implement one of those colors. From what I can tell there are shades of yellow and green? LOVE the filing cabinet–what a great find!

  13. green

  14. it will be 4 years ago that my Papa died at the end of the month. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    what a great find while out thrifting! i say paint it something that is gonna add a color pop in your room…go with your gut

  15. I like yellow for your sewing room!

    Sorry about your grandfather. (((hugs)))

    And I need to pick your brain on a project sometime… it's an idea for a calendar. I'll be in touch.

  16. Fancy Frosting Team says:

    After seeing your room my vote is definitely for YELLOW, good luck!

  17. I would go for a green from the board you have hanging on your wall. That way you can pull it all together. I covet your sewing room btw.

  18. Sew beautiful sew awesome I am sew jealous! Thanks for making a dress for Lynn's daughter for to wear to Amy's wedding! You rock!!!

  19. just comin over from TCB… although I feel like I've been here before… but if I had I'm sure you'd already be on my google reader, so I'm not sure. Anyways- I' love all that you share with us! And that picture of your sewing room makes me want to move in! :)

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