Random Product Review: Clover "Quick" Yo-yo Maker

(They really do put quick in quotation marks)

I bought both the large and extra large sizes, because I couldn’t make up my mind there in the aisle at Hancock’s with someone wiping snot on my pants and rambling on and on and on about punching bad guys in the face whilst simultaneously using his brother and the cart as a battering ram and then demanding I make him pajama pants out of every single fabric we passed, even the pink ones because boys can like pink too, right Mom…RIGHT????

Where was I?

Oh yeah. The yo-yo makers.

I saw this pillow and might make one or two for my new sectional. I have some linen the same color I painted my piano to use as the background. I’ve made yo-yos before, using this method, but I only needed like 3.

You snap the fabric into the yo-yo maker and then trim the excess….probably faster than tracing and cutting every single time. They were very simple to use and they did make the yo-yo making quicker. I also liked that the picture on the package was the exact size the yo-yo ended up.

So, if you’re going to make 40 or 50 yo-yos, get one. If you’re only making a few, you probably don’t need one.

Available here.

And whilst I was over on the Clover site, I saw this. And I think I need one.

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  1. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    No no no no no…those are not yo-yos, they are fleurchons, and Angela used to stick them on EVERYTHING on Project Runway 3! Run away from the fleurchons!

  2. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    I love yo-yo pillows, rugs, etc…they are adorable!!!

  3. You can make me a few since you invested in the maker.

  4. You do need a bobbin tower! Annoying to re-thread it every time!

    BYW–never heard of yo-yo's before. Another good reason to read your blog!

  5. You totally crack me up everytime I read your blog!!!! Then, after I control myself, I always get the BEST info. from you!!!

    Pat B.

  6. Placing my order for a yo yo pillow. So cute, I can't wait to see the one you make.
    I want to see pics of the sectional too.

  7. Your cool friend Cheryl says:

    That design sponge pillow is awesome…feel free to make one for me! I even have a red ticking stripe chair to complete the look.

    Yo-yos remind me of the chick that used to be on Project Runway and stuck them on all her creations. lol

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