What would you do with a magazine rack?

Apparently I’d hang it next my piano to hold music.
That’ll teach BC to insist I come up with a use for something BEFORE I buy it, right?
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  2. The Rauths says:

    what a great idea! i've been looking for an old one to hang in my entry for my hubby to toss the mail and magazines in, instead of the kitchen table. if only i could find one i like! btw … i spy the new flooring … beautiful!

  3. Us Simple Girls says:

    You're so creative! From your decorating style to your crafting abilities…we love it all!

    We're linking you on our new craft blog (www.threesimplegirls.blogspot.com) because your style is a lot like ours.

    -Sarai (of 3SG)

  4. Rosie and Derek says:

    Great idea!! And I love the style of this one! Where did you find it?

  5. Small fry & Co. says:

    Great idea. Gonna have to get one too.

  6. Small fry & Co. says:

    Great idea. Gonna have to get one too.

  7. Rosie,

    It came from Down to Earth in Gardner Village.

    I'm thinking I need another one to hold library books.

  8. I LOVE this idea! I was just sorting through my piano music today and wondering what to do with it. Definitely copying this idea! I was directed here by Today's Creative Blog, and I'm so glad I came!

  9. mary beth says:

    I dont know but I know I love someone who would paint that old piano blue@!

  10. Missy in Texas says:

    Hey, I "spy" a primary songbook in that basket of yours… Go Mormon Girl, you rock!
    I just popped over from "Todays Creative Blog". I love your blog. So funny!

  11. Kara@ Creations by Kara says:

    Just wanted to let you know that I love this idea and have featured it on my blog. Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. crystal b. says:

    where did you get the wire magazine rack? I love it!


  1. [...] time remembering to put their stuff away when they are done practicing. I wish I had one of these magazine racks like Char over at Crap I’ve Made. Maybe if it was easier to put the books away, they would [...]

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