Apparently Macy reads craft blogs, too

Look what we woke up to this morning:
Keller’s already informed me we’re putting it away for next year.
And happy anniversary to me!

I think I’m more giddy about it than last year’s present. Weird, ey?

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  1. totally cute banner, macy!

    and how is BC gonna keep this up year after year!? doesn't he know he needs to keep your expectations low?!

  2. nice, but does it glow in the dark?

    Really, though, where'd you get the bench? I LOVE it!

    Love the banner. She's so much like you, it's scary.

  3. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    I totally love the bench! You know how I love retro stuff. Tell Macy she is a banner pro!

  4. Wow…love that bench:)

  5. Joan@anythinggoeshere says:

    What a great gift. Wonderful surprise and such a pretty color!

  6. How sweet of Macy!
    And the bench is awesome.

  7. Rosie and Derek says:

    Happy anniversary! Love the banner, and LOVE that bench!!!

  8. porter family says:

    LOVE the banner! she is so cute and creative. i wonder where she gets it?!

    and i am IN LOVE with the bench. i need one for my front porch. where did he find it?

  9. The glider came from Down to Earth at Gardner Village, for all you locals. :o)

  10. Love the banner (great job Macy!), and the bench! Man, I miss Gardner Village!

  11. Joni Walton says:

    Aw, shucks! A great husband, a thoughtful daughter AND an adorable glider?

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