Giveaway! What a Woman Wants tickets!

I have TWO sets of tickets to the Utah What a Woman Wants Show going on this weekend at the South Towne Expo Center!

How do you enter?

1) Leave a comment on this post (that’s one entry)
2) Become a follower and leave another comment telling me you are a follower (that’s another entry).

Contest closes tomorrow night (Thursday) at 10:00 MST! I’ll pick 2 winners.

Tickets courtesy of Seasons Boutique.

If you don’t win, and you still want to go for free….you can!
Wear your pajamas and show up Saturday morning between 8:00 and 10:00.
The vendors will be in pajamas, too.

Look for my sister and step mom in these:

Good luck!

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  1. I'm a follower!!!

    Mama Brown (Stacee)

  2. I just found your blog yesterday and I think I've already spent 3 hours looking at all your projects. I'm so inspired and your work is AMAZING!!!

  3. Connie Babe says:

    I'm actually driving to Utah for this weekend!!!

  4. Connie Babe says:

    And I am a follower…thanks!!!

  5. redheadtina says:

    Hey Char!

  6. redheadtina says:

    And you'll not be surprised to hear I'm a follower.

  7. oooh. I would love to go!

  8. Hmmm….I guess you could either call me a follower or a stalker. I'm just wondering when my PJ pants will be ready. Those are damn cute!

  9. Is stalker the same as follower? =)

  10. You did say leave two right?

  11. I do not know how to follow. But just had to say, that I'll bet those pj pants would look awesome in a 3X. (or was it 5X?) :p

  12. Erin Crandall – I love that show!

  13. Infertility Goddess says:

    I am a follower. I love this blog. I love the name. I love the CRAP YOU MAKE. ;D
    Jen W.

  14. Infertility Goddess says:

    If I won these tickets I would take my mama who I am nursing back to health. She was just dx with blood clots and could use something fun to cheer her up.

  15. i love your blog! and i would love to go this weekend!!

  16. i am a follower of your blog!

  17. I love your blog!! You're so creative! Jenny Clayton (you know my sister in law courtney seal)

  18. Now I'm a FOLLOWER!!

  19. Bit far for me to come (I'm in the UK) but hope LOTS of people turn up in their jammies!!!!

  20. Wes and Dani says:

    Yay this is so perfect because I will be in SLC shopping with my sister this weekend!!!!!!!

    Dani Frisby

  21. Wes and Dani says:

    I am a follower!

    Dani Frisby

  22. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    Did you make those pj's charlotte?

  23. steph-a-ronie says:

    Where did you get that wonderful pattern?

    [email protected]

  24. Are you going pro? Look at all those features. Wowee. Maybe I should feature you too. That would totally rock, but not as much as you.

  25. Brooke and Mike says:

    If you want to give everyone tickets, I have a emailable one you can give out. If you want you can contact me at myfavoritepal (at) Love your blog! I have you in my reader, but I am going to be working there, so I guess I cant win :)

  26. Pick me!
    lauraastill and that's at

  27. I follow too!

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