From precious to dead
Pattern Review: Simplicity 3997

View A, Army outfits. Uniforms?
Way easy and not at all confusing, as patterns can sometimes tend to be.
There are no yardages listed for 60″ wide fabric (aka all the camo we could find). I had enough left over from the size 8 and the size 5 to make the size 3.
About that size 3…the pocket placement for the bottom pockets is too low for you to hem the bottom edge as directed. You’ll need to either move them up or make a smaller/different hem.
We decided against the hat/beret thing because my kids have VERY large heads. I wrapped the band piece around Keller’s head before sewing and it barely touched. There’s no way that puppy was going to work. Army Navy Surplus hooked us up with the ball cap and bandana (Bennett CANNOT handle things on his head) and the dog tags and face paint.
However, if you’re ever in the market for camo face paint, DO NOT buy it there. That stuff is authentic. It took much scrubbing with soap (like half an hour) to get it all off. All 3 boys were screaming and red faced. I’m still trying to come up with an alternative for Saturday night.
Pattern Review: McCall’s 4948
It comes in both kids’ and women’s sizes. It was quite simple and a quick and easy sew. The only thing I did not enjoy (and I’m guessing it’s the same on the Dorothy version) is that the “bib” portion of the apron is hooked to the dress and is not actually part of the apron. If I were to make it again, I’d leave the dress plain and find an apron pattern somewhere else or make something up. I also thought it was weird (and expensive) to use ribbon folded in half for the apron tie instead of fabric.
Why it takes twice as long as it should
Readers Rule!
How cute is that necklace??? Good thing I have a cute new (though still nameless as far as I know) niece to make one for!
My apologies to Krylon
Like ice cream?
Have I got an idea for you!
Check out this tutorial from my friend over at brown paper packages.
The day we became known as the neighborhood pervs
For some reason (possibly related to being dropped on his head as a child), BC decided to purchase it and bring it home.
She said “It looks like a couple of maracas hooked together!”

Want to see me sound like an idiot?