Guess who…

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  1. That was nice of them to not throw it away, though :D

  2. Lynn from For Love or Funny says:

    Adds texture to the still life, doesn't it?

  3. tell BC to knock that off!

  4. dunfordorama says:

    quiet hint that Snow White is now out on DVD???? :)

  5. looks like my house!

  6. Carole and Lee says:

    That is so funny! The last post on our blog is about the exact same thing. I love finding apples with little bites taken out!

  7. I LOVE that colander!! It's beautiful!! What were we talking about?

  8. Joni Walton says:

    I'm gonna go with Bryan.

  9. Jared and Delia says:

    Oh yes…my apple bowl looks like that all the time! I have two little apple snackers who like to do that. I say, Dude! If you are going to start at least finish! ;)

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