Pattern Review: Simplicity 3997

View A, Army outfits. Uniforms?

Way easy and not at all confusing, as patterns can sometimes tend to be.

There are no yardages listed for 60″ wide fabric (aka all the camo we could find). I had enough left over from the size 8 and the size 5 to make the size 3.

About that size 3…the pocket placement for the bottom pockets is too low for you to hem the bottom edge as directed. You’ll need to either move them up or make a smaller/different hem.

We decided against the hat/beret thing because my kids have VERY large heads. I wrapped the band piece around Keller’s head before sewing and it barely touched. There’s no way that puppy was going to work. Army Navy Surplus hooked us up with the ball cap and bandana (Bennett CANNOT handle things on his head) and the dog tags and face paint.

However, if you’re ever in the market for camo face paint, DO NOT buy it there. That stuff is authentic. It took much scrubbing with soap (like half an hour) to get it all off. All 3 boys were screaming and red faced. I’m still trying to come up with an alternative for Saturday night.

And Macy’s already laid dibs on Keller’s coat. She wants to wear it to school on Monday.

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  1. Your cool friend Cheryl says:

    Great job…I'm not ambitious enough to make 2 costumes, let alone 4!

    Could you just use regular halloween face paint in green/brown/black for camo? It might rub off after awhile, but you won't have to sandpaper your kids' faces.

  2. Grace @ One Craft Girl's Corner says:

    These turned out so great! Wonderful job!

  3. just an FYI, saw an article about how some halloween face paints have lead in them because they come from china, the scrubbing might be worth it to get away from the lead.

  4. The Scow's says:

    Ok, i'm not going to get the "mother of the year award" for this one and please don't send DCFS to my house for telling you this, but WINDEX will get that stuff off! Obviously don't get it near their eyes, but it took the paint (that I was sure was permanent) off of my Macie's face. (and I don't feel TOO bad since a mother I admire and adore told me this trick)

    Nice job on the costumes! Another successful project I would have to say! :)

  5. Great job!! my son wanted to be an army guy until dad suggested B.O.B. from monsters vs aliens, well that one was fun to make, took a lot of figuring out!

  6. The Gray Gang says:

    S.O. C.U.T.E! I'd use eyeshadow, in the browns and greens. I've seen them in the dollar stores.

  7. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    I always look forward to seeing your costumes every year! You are inspirational friend!

  8. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    PS. Did you try eye makeup remover for the face camo?

  9. What an awesome job you did on those costumes!! Your boys look very authenic… how funny that your daughter wants to wear a part to school. Good luck on the camo face paint thing!
    Lol, my oldest son just announced a couple of days ago that he wanted to be "a sheriff policeman, Mom" and to look like the ones here. So his costume is getting thrown together from brown slacks & a brown shirt because any pattern & fabric money I might have had extra was tied up in gifts for his birthday yesterday.

    =) Gayle

  10. My husband is in the army and he uses baby wipes to take the camo off. It does take some rubbing, but at least it's not soap that will go in your eyes. Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!

  11. Bennet looks adorable. The other two, very soldiery. Funny about the facepaint.

  12. I know it's too late for this comment but for next time you want to do face paints but don't want the "wash off hassel" try watercolor paints. They go on easy, and come off easy.

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