Like handmade ornaments?

You might be a redneck if….
So sparkly I could be a vampire
We’re headed over the river and through the woods for Thanksgiving….be back Saturday. Hope your holiday is great!
You know that fabulous Eddie Ross wreath?
Everybody’s making them, and I’m a follower….a cheap follower.
Peace Sign Ornament Tutorial
Have you seen these ornaments in the Pottery Barn catalog?
Here’s a whole tree full:
Cute, right? BUT, they’re $6 a piece. And I’m cheap. Here’s how I made mine.
Print out a template of a peace sign. Here’s mine. It measures about 5.5”. The PB ones are 7”.
Cut out the template and then trace it on some craft foam. I got a pack of 40 sheets for $4.99 at Michael’s.
Cut it out with scissors and punch a hole for hanging. I used a small hole punch but you might want to use a regular size, depending on what you’ll be hanging them from.
Spray paint both sides with a color that matches your glitter.
Here’s what you should have now:
Next you’ll need one of two things: Mod Podge or glittering glue. You can get the glittering glue at Michael’s in the Martha Stewart section.
On the left is Martha Stewart Glittering Glue with a brush applicator. On the right is some Martha glitter. It’s a fine glitter. You want fine glitter.
Brush the Mod Podge or glittering glue all over one side of the peace sign. Don’t be alarmed that the glittering glue looks like this:
It doesn’t dry super fast, so you’ve got some time to make sure you get a nice even coat. If there are any drips around the edges, wipe them off before you glitter. The glittering glue is more like a paste and doesn’t drip as much. It also dries slower.
I made one using each product and liked certain things better about each one. I’ll post both pictures at the end and let you decide if you can tell a difference.
Move the peace sign onto a clean piece of paper and sprinkle glitter all over it.
Tap off the excess glitter and set it aside to let it dry. You may need to use a skewer or something to make sure the hanging hole stays open.
Once it’s dry, flip it over and do the same thing to the other side.
After both sides were dry, I took a small brush and touched up the edges with glue and glitter.
String a ribbon or some fishing line through the hole and hang!
Finished product?
They’re baaaaaaaaack!
Winner! Winner! Winner!
Kristin, who said “These are so cute. I think I’d pick white or shocking pink!”
The winner of the Piggy’s & Petals pettiskirt giveaway is:

Lydia, who said “Hmm. I might need two – chocolate and pink, and pink and white. Sooo cute!”
And the winner of the Piggy’s & Petals $25 gift certificate is:
Alicia, The Constant Gardener, who said “Definitely a couple beanies and some flowers to go with!”
Email Randi at [email protected] to claim your prize!
All of you non-winners remember you can still get 20% off your entire Piggy’s & Petals order. Email Randi at [email protected] and tell her you’re a reader!
Thanks to everyone who entered!
Whole lotta random
Triple Thick
Why did I not know this product existed?
Holy crap, I’m in love! It’s like Mod Podge on glossy diamond hard finish steroids!
More on my Triple Thick project in the next few days!
Epic Fail
I had one yesterday.
No reason, really.
I tried to be good mom and make RMCF style Apple Pie Apples for a treat.
I even made my own carmel!
Only we didn’t have sticks. Skewers are OK in a pinch, right?
And then I have no idea what went wrong…seriously I made these things pretty much weekly last year, but this is what we ended up with:
Go ahead and laugh. I am.
Today’s a new day, right?