So sparkly I could be a vampire

My sister and I decided to make ornaments for the Christmas tree at her store. We used the same method I used for the peace sign ornaments, but we cut out high heel and fleur de lis shapes instead. And used hot pink glitter. And made like 50 of ‘em.
What a mess!
No, really. Look:
The Christmas gift crafting has begun. I’m making these fabulous family trees using the templates by Erin from Sutton Grace. My grandma loves a good homemade gift and appreciates the work that goes into them. And she doesn’t read my blog.

In other news, nerdy pants Macy got an award at school today for getting 100% on a district math test. I heart math.

We’re headed over the river and through the woods for Thanksgiving….be back Saturday. Hope your holiday is great!

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  1. Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins. And a glittery vampire is always a good thing. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. I'm already missing you!
    And those red ornaments look awesome!
    Macy rocks. As usual.

  3. Cute ornaments, except you hate vampires!

  4. loving the glittery christmas tree ornaments!
    and your family tree looks AWESOME. i am so glad that it worked for you.

  5. Those high heels are cute! Happy Thanksgiving!


  6. best.title.ever

    smart Macy. She may be giving you a run for the title "Smartest Blond You'll Ever Meet"

  7. Suck up.

  8. Amy, not the grandma we have in common. She doesn't appreciate anything, does she? :o)

  9. Joni Walton says:

    I am sure that math score has something to do with the fact that you taught her "rhombus" at 18 months. :) Congrats, Macy!

  10. I use to be crafty, now I just look at your blog at daydream.
    WTG Smarty Pants Macy…she is going to join Mensa with you soon.

    Happy Thanksgiving Girlfriend! Hope your trip is fun, safe and full of yummy desserts!!

  11. I love the glittery shoe idea! That would be perfect ornament gift for all the girls in my Bunco group. And the hot pink color is perfect!

    Thanks so much for sharing this idea.

  12. Kristine Robinson says:

    I heart math, too (when I understand it)!!!! Can Macy tutor Ashlie? Way to go Macy!! Love that girl!!

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