The one where I ramble

Wait. I do that every day.

Are you ready for the holidays? I’m getting there. I got family trees for both of my grandmas finished. Templates from Erin at Sutton Grace here. I ended up using IKEA frames slightly larger than the ones she suggested, but I think they still look good.

I think my love of spray paint has officially become an addiction. Admitting it is the first step, right? I spray painted in my garage at 9 pm the other night. And it was in the 20′s. And then because it was too cold for paint to dry at that temperature, I brought it inside to dry in the comfort of my kitchen. What was it I HAD to paint at that very moment? The metal bucket my poinsettia came in.

But look how cute!

I’ve also been working like mad on neighbor gifts. (Is this a Utah thing, or do you all do it too?) Yesterday the kids and I dipped 300+ fortune cookies.

Looks delish, right? We put them in Chinese take out containers with a note that said “We’re fortunate to have great friends and neighbors like you!”.

So, what are you still working on? What’d you do for neighbors?

Thanks to everyone who entered the YCMT giveaway.

And HUGE thanks to the two people that bought the camera straps I put up for auction for the Emily Jones Memorial Fund auction over at A Daily Scoop.

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  1. Queen Elizabeth says:

    FYI – it's not just a Utah thing. Love the blog.

  2. Nope, not just a Utah thing. We don Santa hats and deliver cookies on Christmas eve. It is such fun. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  3. Vintage Creations says:

    It's not just a Utah thing.. even though i am in Utah :)we did a little bit Martha this year and did her cute peppermint marble marshmallows…and took them over with a box of hot chocolate… they were so cute! :) i have a few still left to give out but i got most of them this week.. and oh.. you aren't the only on spray painting out here.. i was too! at 10:00 at night! :) doing Christmas stuff! :) so i guess i'm an addict too! :) Love the blog! so cute!

  4. I wish I was in Utah! I'm in Florida and that doesn't happen here…at least not in my hood!!

    Did you make the fortune cookies?? If so mind sharing how…I might steal that and start my own tradition!

  5. The family trees turned out AWESOME! I should really do that one of these days.
    I've made a plethora of those Pies in a Jar for teachers/friends. I'm addicted, I think. They're crazy easy if you're ghetto like me and use pre-made pie crust and canned pie filling. But everyone seems to love them so far. Unless their just being nice and lying. In which case, they truly are my good friends. Heh. Who's rambling now?

  6. Kent and Katie says:

    Definitely not just a Utah thing. We look forward to this every year. Can I just say that I totally and completely love your blog and all of the sass therein?? Merry Christmas!

  7. wow Char! the family trees look so great. i love the colors you chose. May I post about this on my blog?

    I make treats for my neighbors but only the ones I really like :)

    your poinsettia pot looks great. i love the instant gratification of spray paint!

  8. RecoveryBabe says:

    Oh wow, those trees are really cute and such a lovely gift. And those cookies *drool* I just brought in some butter toffee for the folks at work; that's about as neighborly as I get ;)

  9. Your family trees look great! I love how you used different colors. I finished mine too. Thanks for all of your help!

  10. I love the fortune cookie idea for neighbor gifts. So cute!


  11. Alicia, The Constant Gardener says:

    Love the trees! I was going to make those this year and got lazy or busy (you pick). Going to a store that sold paper big enough was an obstacle I just couldn't surpass.

  12. LOVE the fortune cookie idea. Where did you get them in bulk?

  13. Grace @ One Craft Girl's Corner says:

    those fortune cookies look great! What a great idea and looks fun!

  14. Those cookies made me HAPPY!

  15. I hope that some of those r for me!! Luv U Char!!

  16. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    I really want to do the tree Char. I may call on you for help. BUT, I wanted to say thanks again for the treat! They are delicious! HOW fortunate I am to know YOU!

  17. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    BTW—are you holding my valances hostage?

  18. Laurel @ Ducks in a Row says:

    We just finished passing ours out (I'm in CO)! Looks delicious!

  19. PiperandRowen says:

    LOVE the fortune cookie idea! where did you find them, and what were the different chocolates you dipped them into? i'd love to do this for my neighbors (we live in new mexico)!

  20. First off, love the family trees. They turned out absolutely gorgeous!!! Second, I think that I just purchased a the same poinsettia and pot. I thought it looked lovely as is by the fireplace, but now I think I may have to spray paint the pot. Great… :)
    ooh. P.S. I love the fortune cookies. Great idea!

  21. where would one go to purchase fortune cookies in bulk? Love the idea.

  22. Love the color of the poinsetta pot. You're in with the latest Christmas colors now. Go girl!

  23. I made gifts for the kids on our block that my kids play with constantly. But I'm in Utah so my vote doesn't mean quite as much. You can see what I made at
    They turned out cute and will be well received.

  24. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    I bought the fortune cookies at Orson Gygi (for you locals). I'd assume you could get them at any restaurant supply place and a Chinese restaurant might even be willing to sell you some. I paid about $11 for a bag of 125-150.

    We used Wilton melts for the dipping.

    And Wendy…yes. Yes I am holding them hostage. We need to talk. Remind me tomorrow. I can't let those things get the best of me!!!

  25. Your cool friend Cheryl says:

    It's a Chicago thing, too.

    I dip all kinds of things in chocolate…why have I not tried fortune cookies??

  26. Just found your blog – love it! It's definitely not just a Utah thang, we are doing it here in Southern California. I did mini tiles with people's monograms on them. Best part, my husband put them together so I only had the delivering to do. I love the fortune cookie idea. Very cool. Hope I remember. I'm going to use yours and Sutton Grace's family tree. I just need to find out what names go where. How many generations and who goes on leaves and who goes on the tree? Thanks. Look forward to checking back often. [email protected]

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