ALMOST back to your regularly scheduled programming

I have a couple more things to move around and change.
SO close.
I think the whole look will be much cleaner and easier to navigate when I’m through.
I’ve added a menu bar up top, just below my header. Only about half of the links go anywhere right now. I’m working on it!
If your blog needs a menu bar, check out this tutorial.
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  1. hey Char – what font did you intend to be in your header?

  2. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    Um….I have no idea.

    Does it look weird to you? Because I'm using a back up computer right now and it looks weird to me on this one.

  3. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    I just switched it (to Verdana?).

    Is that better?

  4. My name is Erin. says:

    I love your button. It has been added to my blog. Love it.

  5. I have been looking all over for this sort of tutorial…thanks. Guess I just did not know what to look for

  6. better, i was sure that wasn't the font you wanted… lol. and remember that not all computers wil recognize all fonts, you pretty much have to stick with the boring ones unless you save your header as a jpg with a code.

  7. I love the new changes. I recently added a menu bar to my blog. Looks great!

  8. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    I guess it was Courier before? Just one of the 5 or 6 standard issue Blogger fonts

  9. Calamity Anne says:

    Thanks for sharing these great tips…you're answering questions I've been pondering lately. Now I just need to find the kahunas and make the changes on my blog!

  10. The Incredible Bulks says:

    Hey Char, I putting your awesome button on my blog since, well, since I read it all the time! Missed you at bunco.

  11. Your cool friend, Cheryl says:

    Looks good. Every time I start messing around with my layout I'm afraid I'm going to accidentally erase my entire blog.

  12. Thanks for the great tips on blog re-vamps! Greatly appreciated!

  13. Gay Vaughan says:

    Hi Char,
    I am loving all your tips and have shared them on my blog too. I just can't figure out how to make my header links go anywhere…maybe I am just tired but can you help? Thanks again.

  14. Brittany@twocrazycupcakes says:

    Awesome! I was just about to ask you how you did that! Thanks ;)

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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