Big ideas

I had to run to Target early yesterday morning for a birthday present. In an attempt to avoid the re-stocking madness, I cut through the bedding aisle
I picked up these:

I’ve got a plan.

If it turns out the way it looks in my head, it’s going to be awesome.

If not?

At least I’m only out $12.

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  1. target has great clearance prices. a couple of days ago i picked up a cute pair of pants for my daughter for $1.75!

    i can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve… it's bound to be fantastic!

  2. Your cool friend, Cheryl says:

    I'm constantly on the hunt for those little orange clearance tags at Target!

  3. aw, how i love those little red stickers!

  4. Lynn from For Love or Funny says:

    Are you going to build a fort?

  5. I can't wait!

  6. i can't wait to see what you come up with. you're a creative genius.

  7. You are such a tease!

  8. The Noalls says:

    Been looking around your place, just wanted to tell you that I love a lady who is crafty (and you are awesomely that) yet down-to-earth! If I move to Utah, can we be friends? ;)

  9. I was at Target last week too and picked up some white curtain panels for my laundry room.
    Now I just have to decide whether I am going to add stitching, yo-yo's or…

    All this fun for $11.88!

  10. Oh good luck! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  11. Can we have a HINT of what the project will be??? :-)

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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