Do your kids have a hard time keeping track of keys? Mine either.

The Children’s Place used to do this to all of their backpacks, but for some reason they’ve stopped. So, I took matters into my own hands.
Find some sort of clip to attach to you child’s key ring. I used one from an old back pack. You can buy clip sets like these at most fabric stores. You could also use a carabiner or something similar.
Open up the front pocket of the backpack and attach the other end of your buckle or some sort of loop to hook the key ring to. You might need some webbing or twill tape or ribbon or something.
Secure and concealed (except for the fact that the entire internet now knows where to find Macy’s key) and almost lose-proof!
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We used a similar method, but kept the key on the long springy plastic (idk what it's called! lol) stuff! Because- it never failed that my son would unclip his key and fail to reattatch it. The long coil could reach the door without being unclipped! Worked great… unless he forgot his back pack at school…
Great idea!
Now that is a great idea. I wonder if I could do this in my husband's brief case? Also, he can never find his glasses. Something to ponder a solution for. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
Shoot, I'll just come out and say it. This is something I need for me!!
love it! I think I will attach one to my husband!
It has never occurred to me to give Kyle a house key. Maybe because he doesn't WALK home? I'm just never not here when he gets home…I'm usually picking him up myself. But maybe he'd feel cool if I gave him one. And used your cool idea
This is a good idea … I'll try it.
No one in my family can keep up with keys, so we bought one of the number pads for the front door, like Fords have, but for the house. This way everyone can come and go as they please.
I sewed a tab with a O ring inside the last purse I made to attach my key ring to. It's long enough to reach the door knob without removing my keyring from my pocketbook. But after both kids forgetting their keys this week I am so going to make these for their backpacks.
I know this post is celebrating it's birthday now but I wanted to share that those long springy things are fab!! You can find them at casinos (or garage sales near casinos). "Casino-goers" use them for their points/ comp. cards to keep track of their winnings, monies, etc. We have keys, emergency telephone numbers, and other "can't live without" goodies clipped to them!
I love this idea. I knew I had been saving those old beat-up backpacks for something…parts! I must say I am quite a hardware girl. I have hardware for just about anything you'd want to do. I buy it anytime I see steep discounts like 80-90% off, or at yard sales. Mostly cabinet pulls, various types of hinges, & hasps. I am a woodworker as well & do use it. Thanks for this one. Kids often can't tell me where their keys are;)
Keys, keys, keys. this is a daily problem for me. I can’t never remember where I put them last. It seems simple enough but for some reason I just cannot get it . I personally think that keys should have a pager button on them, just like our cordless phones.
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