
Happy birthday, buddy!

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  2. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    Happy Birthday, Keller!

  3. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    Happy Birthday, cute boy!

  4. porter family says:

    happy birthday keller! youre so stinkin' cute!!

    • #53 30 yearNate Si#vlr&e8217;s final forecast: Obama, 314.6 EV; Romney, 223.4. Senate: Dem: 52.5, GOP, 47.5. I have had it 309/229 for a long time. In the end it all comes down to Opposition. O was it in 2008 and got the nod. Mitt was not in 2012. GOP X will get blown away by Cuomo in 2016 on the back of a recovering economy and it will be 2020 before the GOP has a chance of competing. If they are not back from the Chateu Wingnut, the D bus will keep running.The biggest regret in the GOP will not be O winning, it will be the fact that this is the second election cycle that the wingnuts have cost them the chance of winning control of the senate.

  5. The Girl Creative says:

    Aww, happy birthday to your boy!! :)

    Like the new blog background too. :)

  6. Happy Birthday, my young jedi.

  7. Kerry McKibbins says:

    I just found your blog, Love the name.
    Happy Bday to your little guy.

  8. Cutie Pie!

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CUTE KELLER!!! I love your hair! And your face!

  10. Happy Birthday Keller (and Benjamin)!!!

  11. Kristine Robinson says:

    I love you, Keller! Happy Birthday!

  12. Happy Birthday!!

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