(Yes, his hand is indeed stuck in a Klean Kanteen. Only the smartest kids can do that, I hear.)
Even naps are a thing of the past.
Someone has learned how to climb out of his crib, despite the rails being at armpit level.
Yesterday, in a fit of insanity, I took the metal spring platform thing out and just put his mattress on the floor inside of the crib frame. Surely he couldn’t get out now that the rails were up to nose level, right?
Wrong. 20 seconds flat.
Last night I bought a crib tent. The man assured me NO ONE had ever returned one and it would DEFINITELY work on every crib they sell.
Wrong again.
So today I’ll be attempting to return a crib tent and removing everything from Bennett’s room except for a mattress on the floor.
Did I mention he also picks locks?