Char’s Pie

There’s probably an actual name for this, but I don’t know what it is. And I didn’t make it up. My mom’s been making this pie as long as I can remember. However, everyone I’ve given the recipe to in the last 15 years or so has just started calling it “Char’s Pie”.


1 1/2 c oats
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c chopped pecans
1/3 c melted butter

Press (lightly) into the bottom of a 10” springform pan. Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes. Cool completely.


8 oz cream cheese
1 c powdered sugar
9 oz Cool Whip

Beat together. Spread over cooled crust. Be sure to get it all the way to the edges to seal things up.


Danish Dessert, preferably raspberry flavored (strawberry has a weird after taste, but it’s fine if it’s all you can find)

Wash and hull strawberries. Dry thoroughly. Place points up on the filling. Prepare Danish Dessert according to “glaze” directions on package. Stir and let cool to lukewarm. Sometimes I sit the saucepan in a sink of ice and stir to speed this part up. Spoon it over the strawberries — be sure to cover each one. Fill in any gaps on the filling, too. Again, be sure to seal the edges.

Refrigerate until set. Take off the springform part of the pan.

Here’s what you’ve got:


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  1. Can you correct the amount of oats we use in the pie crust? And this looks amazing. I am a sucker for anything with strawberries and cream!

  2. omgoodness…….yummy!!!!

  3. I love this stuff! I am going to make it again the next time I see good strawberries. Sometimes I throw some blueberries on too.

    for the record, I think all danish dessert has a weird taste and just use the strawberry pie glaze you find in the produce department. Plus, danish dessert doesn't exist in some other places. like say, South Dakota.

    oh, and I skip the nuts in the crust. maybe I should start calling it "Val's version of Char's Pie"

  4. Very pretty! Growing up my mom made the same thing (only without nuts in the crust) and on top was just a can of pie filling. Her version of cheesecake. Blackberry pie filling is the best!

  5. Whoa, this amazing. You're making me hungry.

  6. My mouth is watering as I type this. Yuuuuuummmmmmy.

  7. You're killing me with this picture. It sounds so good. I'll be bookmarking this one. I LOVED your cashew cookies. I think about them all the time. Thanks for killing my many diets.

  8. That is the most beautiful pie I have ever seen.

  9. I like the plate it's on. may I see more of it, please?

    my mom did it sans nuts, on account of them being likely to kill my sister and all. with pecans would be even better (since they won't kill me)(likely).

  10. This has been one of my favorite desserts since I was a little girl. I've never done it in a springform, but I'm going to try it. It looks so pretty that way!

  11. Kari @ Ucreate says:

    I'm so gonna try this!!

  12. Quilting in My Pyjamas says:

    bugger…I can't get cool whip here.

  13. Looks delicious!!!

  14. Joni Walton says:

    I LOVE your recipes! Can't wait to make this one. I am sure I have had it at one of our many get togethers…which seem like way too long ago. So, when strawberries are no longer $3.50 a pound, this is first on my list. :)

  15. WOW!! That looks amazing! Can't wait to try this!

  16. Kristine Robinson says:

    I love Char pie! Thanks so much for the recipe – will probably make it tonight!

  17. brown paper packages says:

    YUM! That looks amazing!

  18. Holy Cow! That looks amazing! I have to go to the store later and I'm going to pick up the stuff for that. I wish you could send samples through the computer. I'm seriously drooling right now. By the way, I love your site. The title gives me the giggles every time.

  19. Oh, why oh why did I scroll down?! I started a diet this week. Is it wrong that I just licked my computer screen?!

  20. I make something like this, but just make it in a 9×13 pan. Your version is much prettier. My mom brings me danish dessert everytime she comes, we can't get it in AZ either.
    I might have to make it for my sunday splurge…(so far so good on my no sweets, but come sunday I am going to be ready to binge) ;)

  21. I'm one of those who calls it "Char's Pie". I've had the same recipe written on a yellow notebook paper in my recipe book for atleast 12 years….. How long ago did we work at AT&T?

    That same yellow paper has your mom's macaroni salad recipe on it which is also a favorite, and a bacon and mushroom focaccia recipe that I still haven't tried. Sounds delish and I'm sure it is since I got the recipe from you. Guess I should put it on the menu!

  22. Emily Hyte says:

    It was very yummy-and the presentation is awesome!

  23. Char,
    Can you please, please share where you got the cake plate?? Love it. Thanks

  24. Whoa – I'm the 25th comment – you are one popular woman! Thanks for the great recipe – it looks beautiful and I can't wait to try it!

  25. your favorite cousin says:

    I would like your mom’s macaroni salad recipe that Jennie mentioned. Thank you.

  26. I’m still waiting on your mom’s macaroni salad recipe. It’s been 2 yrs now.

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