
Happy birthday to my sweet (also insane) Campbell! Those dimples have saved your life more times than you know.


Stay tuned for a new tutorial and a giveaway tomorrow.

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  1. ShellyStout says:

    Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

  2. Happy Birthday! :)
    My little sweetie will be 4 in about 2 weeks! What a side moment – they grow up way too fast!!!

  3. What a cutie :) Happy birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday, Big Guy!

    can't. believe. he's. four!

  5. porter family says:

    i LOVE the pic in the snow hat with his fingers in his mouth. TOO cute!!

    happy birthday campbell!!

  6. I think Campbell has the best personality. He's always sweet to me, and jokingly rude to Ammon – freaking awesome!

    Give him a Birthday hug for me, I know he would blush if I did it myself.

  7. Cole's Corner says:

    I gave you a blog award today.

    Just started reading your blog and I just love it.

  8. Happy birthday, Campbell! Four rules!

  9. Happy birthday, Campbell! You crazy chicken, you.

  10. Adorable! Happy birthday cutie pie! (You will be thankful for those dimples your entire life, trust me.) :)

  11. Good Buy Consignment says:

    Happy Birthday Campbell!

  12. Tam @ Sew Dang Cute says:

    Love that collage! Happy Birthday Campbell! (You are totally one of my favorite little kids…besides being one of the cutest, and I really hope Kennedy still wants to marry you when you are both older)!!!!

  13. Kristine Robinson says:

    Happy birthday Mr. Campbell. I love you. Have a great birthday!

  14. Christian @ Modobject at Home says:

    I, too, have a Campbell who just turned four at the end of January. His blue eyes and dimples are my weakness. Four year old little boys are FUN!

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