Not much crafting going on

For some reason, most of my time lately has been spent following this little recalcitrant around and dealing with his path of destruction.

(Yes, his hand is indeed stuck in a Klean Kanteen. Only the smartest kids can do that, I hear.)

Even naps are a thing of the past.

Someone has learned how to climb out of his crib, despite the rails being at armpit level.

Yesterday, in a fit of insanity, I took the metal spring platform thing out and just put his mattress on the floor inside of the crib frame. Surely he couldn’t get out now that the rails were up to nose level, right?

Wrong. 20 seconds flat.

Last night I bought a crib tent. The man assured me NO ONE had ever returned one and it would DEFINITELY work on every crib they sell.

Wrong again.

So today I’ll be attempting to return a crib tent and removing everything from Bennett’s room except for a mattress on the floor.

Did I mention he also picks locks?


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  1. Sorry, but that's funny. I have a 4 and a 2 1/2 year old, both boys. They share a room, and must be watched until both fall asleep. Especially since "I will get out of my bed and do bad things" is what the 4 year old says :)

    Nice, right? Not much crafting here lately either…

  2. Oh mama. Poor mama. I'm trying hard not to laugh but you put it so cheekily. I wish you peace and quiet today.

  3. oo sorry to say, they just get bigger, stonger and messier….

  4. You think you have trouble now…..wait till he hits the terrible twos in a few weeks. Ha! Ha! xoxoxoxoxo

  5. Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. says:

    Good luck. I have two of my own little recalcitrants that have taken to escaping cribs and rooms instead of sleeping. I never thought of a crib tent, just a straight jacket.

  6. jenpetersen says:

    I am so feeling your pain. When Seth's naps end, a little piece of happiness will end for me. Good luck.

    I'm glad you came on Thursday night. It was fun.

  7. they sure do get crafty and creative in the escape attempts…revel in it and enjoy it, because soon it changes and they start to grow at the speed of light…

  8. Is he my boy 6 years ago? No fun!! Good luck!

  9. I feel your pain. I offer mine up for people who want to check to see if their house is baby-proofed well enough. He can get into or out of anything.

  10. The Sewing Dork says:

    A mom at Gymboree told me this wonderful way to keep your child in the crib – put on a sleep sack backwards so your little climber can't unzip it, and they can't lift their leg high enough to climb out of the crib either. It saved our nights!

  11. Kristine Robinson says:

    I think you are making these things up – I love your children. They are all perfect little angels! I don't believe you.

  12. I'm so glad I read this, cause we've been having issues, too. My daughter recently learned to climb out, and we did the "mattress on the floor inside the crib" thing, too. So far, so good. Your guy must be quite a bit taller, so hopefully we've bought ourselves at least a little bit of time…

  13. Hi I'm Amy, says:

    Ahhhh the crib tent. Our oldest child, now almost 17. Was the on that climbed out of the crib starting at 10 months. I tried everything as well…. Last resort was the CRIB TENT! I laughed while reading your post… only b/c I too have been there. RIght there where you were. Crib tent did not work. SHe in fact broke the zipper. Ahhh the strong willed child. It all works out in the end. She is the one that has decided to become a USMC. Well, perhaps her being able to escape from anything will come in handy. : ) Keep your chin up.

  14. for door locks the only one that works for me is the child proof deluxe door top lock at kidsafeinc dot com. we have them on every door in the house!

  15. the 30 girl says:

    i feel like we must be living in parallel universises (is that a word?). my son too has recently learned how to climb out of the crib. the crib tent did not work for us either because he just tried to escape from it. i look at him and think "you are not ready for free reign…i'm definitely not ready". so far, we are just working on deterring him from climbing out and i've been watching him fall asleep from the crack in his door (which is NOT a solution…just a temporary fix). good luck!

  16. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    It is good you tried everything before you left! I have heard that tip too, (above. Sleep sack backwards) it is a little "straight-jacketish" for my taste, BUT, it could save the little guy his life :)

  17. Brandy @ The Moody Fashionista says:

    Good luck!

    I'm also sharing some blog love! I've nominated you for the Sunshine Blog Award! You can pick it up here – http:/

  18. I don't think you should be able to call yourself a mother unless you have a "climber". Sweet P. got out of the crib, knocked out the screen on his window, climbed out, (single story thank God)and was standing in a pile of red ants, while I thought he was "napping". You can wear the true badge of "mother". Yikes!!

  19. I believe it was Dallas that Jim had to make a crib topper for. He built it out of wood…I bet you are crafty enough to just sew something up. ;)
    Sorry he loves turning your world upside down. Good luck to BC!

  20. (un)Deniably Domestic says:

    I laugh and laugh at these adventures of yours and remember. I think maybe if I laughed a little at our tween and teen adventures it might help us through. Thank you for making us laugh and making us realize we should laugh a little more. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  21. But, aaah, he's so cute!! I would like to have kids one day.

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