Did you know Crap I’ve Made has a Flickr group? You can find the link at any time up on my menu bar under Crap You’ve Made. Go add your stuff! Please?
Projects from the Flickr group will be featured on Fridays
And, there’s now a Flickr stream widget over in my left sidebar. Click on over and check that out.
Today’s feature is from Kirsten over at kirsten*can. I came across her blog by Googling something about robots and then discovered we’re *practically* neighbors. I keep thinking I’m going to run into her somewhere.
She made this skirt for her daughter using the split twirl tutorial. This tute is great for older girls!
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hey, thanks, Char! (we really should meet at the park sometime!)
You have the coolest blog. I found you by accident but really enjoy coming by. Come on by blueberryplains sometime!!