Last Day of Spring Break


as celebrated in the Fish Haven, ID metropolitan area.



Look at that stuff.

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  1. That's not cool. Not cool AT ALL. You can come here…we're just beginning our Spring Break. And with the exception of rain this morning, it's suppose to be 75-80 the rest of the week :o)

  2. Cool, Wow look at the icecicles.

  3. the thrifty ba says:

    im in utah and we are getting hit again tonight with snow! 3rd snow storm since april1st! wtfreak!?

  4. My family has a cabin in the same area! In AZ it was 82 yesterday and I almost turned on the air with all the baking heat in the kitchen. At least Bear Lake is wonderful and blue all summer long!

  5. Suzanne says: got alot more than we did in Northern Utah…poor Easter bunny wasn't hopping down the trail….

  6. Resweater says:

    Wow! I'd expect that here in Chicagoland, but we had great weather.

  7. PeaceLoveApplesauce says:

    I am so sick of seeing snow for one year.. What about you? LOL

  8. Kristine Robinson says:

    Missed your kids a ton – seriously, A TON! Your number 2 informed me he did not love his haircut from Montpelier, ID. I adore that kid!!

  9. Nishant says:

    Wow look at the icecicles.
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