Another one where I ramble

So, I discovered something at the blogging conference this last weekend….we crafty bloggers are an insane bunch.  Don’t believe me?  Ask Hilary Weeks, who may have had a couple of them bow down to her right on the pavement in the parking lot (hint 1, hint 2).  It was fun to finally meet people that I feel like I’ve known for ages and to make some new friends, too.


And, I may now officially be known as the world’s biggest Gary Coleman fan.  I just want to say that getting texts from 5 different people about his passing DOES NOT mean I’m obsessed with him.  And neither does the fact that I may have recorded his Divorce Court appearance and then hosted a viewing party.  Stop judging!

Complete and total subject change #1:

(Can you believe it’s been an entire year since the ruffle butt?)

I got an email from Liz about her blog, Busy Lizzy’s.  She’s going to attempt and then review tutorials with details on what she changed, how much it cost, how difficult it was, etc.  The first tute she reviewed was my ruffle butt onesie that was originally posted over on UCreate.  You can find her ruffle butt review here.  She’s also taking suggestions for which tutorials to attempt in the future.  Go give her a suggestion that you’re too afraid to try yourself!

Complete and total subject change #2:


If you want to hear read me sounding like a dork (because you don’t already get enough of that here), pick up the June/July issue of Quilter’s Home.  They interviewed me for their article on modern quilters. 


I TRIED to tell them that I’m not a quilter (that part is even mentioned in the article), but they didn’t believe me.  This interview also included an embarrassing moment where I randomly blurted out the fact that I still can’t ask the ladies at the fabric store where the boning is without busting out into a fit of giggles.  Thankfully, they left that part out.

Complete and total subject change #3:

Super cool giveaway coming in the morning.  It’ll run all week, so go ahead and enjoy your Memorial Day if you must but be sure to come by and enter!

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  1. Michelle says:

    Kara and I decided that we need to have a crafty bloggers reunion someday. You know you are going to miss us!

  2. Boning…(insert Butthead laugh)

  3. Still giggling over our Gary Coleman text exchanges from that day. Although I can see that the conference was indeed NOT cancelled out of respect for the passing. I'm sorely disappointed.

  4. And I'm pretty sure your ruffle butt onesie has become quite famous. I see that EVERYWHERE in the crafty blog world these days.

  5. Christie says:

    Ha ha ha! I don't know which one makes me laugh more…the giggling over the boning, or the fact that they left that part out! So funny.

  6. michelle@somedaycrafts says:

    Hey, thanks for the link! I'm getting a ton of traffic to see who the crazy lady is! The word is out and I will have to put up a post about the crap I put up with at Bloggers Conference!!! It was so fun meeting you! Thanks for the great time. RIP Gary!

  7. Kara@ Creations by Kara says:

    Holey moley we had some fun times! I haven't had that much fun and laughed that much in a long time. We have all got to get together sometime for a crap making party! :)

  8. I thought I was the only one to giggle over "boning."

    Love the blog, and the ruffle butt onesie, so fun!

  9. Kari @ Ucreate says:

    Char! I had so much fun meeting you! You and Michelle had me laughing pretty much the whole entire time…what a fun and crazy bunch of crafty women that turned out at the conference!

  10. Oh my heck! It has been way too long since I have laughed like that. You guys are a fun group to hang out with. One things for sure, Hilary Weeks will never forget me and Michelle. Even if she refers to us as the crazy bowing ladies. :)
    Thanks for all the fun.

  11. amy smart says:

    Now I'm feeling even more privileged that I got to witness the bowing to HW in person.

    Also privileged to meet the famous ruffle-butt creator in person. Great to talk with you, Char! I hope to do it again.

    PS you didn't sound like a dork in Quilter's Home. Promise.

  12. Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life says:

    Hey! Congratulations on the article in the Quilter's Home. I wish they had left the part in about the boning. It's so funny. (What the heck is boning, anyway?)

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