My television debut

10:00 am
Channel 4, for you Utahans
Pray that I don’t curse on live TV.


Back with a recap later.

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  1. Whoo-hoo! I'll be sure to tune in and watch ya! :o)

  2. Lacie @ Creative Attempts says:

    Good things Utah is one of the things I miss since I moved away. Maybe I can find it on the web? Gooooood luck

  3. Char, you looked so cute with your bangs!!

  4. porter family says:

    you did a good job! my favorite part was when she hugged you. because i know how much you love that!

  5. Joni Walton says:

    Loved seeing you in your television debut! You are as cute and witty as ever. And, cute shirts!

  6. Ambrosia says:

    Woo Hoo! You did great. It's time for me to invest in some freezer paper and a exacto knife. I hope to make a shirt for dh for Father's Dsy. I hope it looks like genuine crap! *giggle*

  7. Jennifer says:

    I caught the video on facebook. That was great! I have used bleach pens, but never tried bleach with a stencil. I'll definitely be trying that =)

  8. you looked fabulous!!! and also, i want an all char, all the time channel. other people annoy me.

  9. Kelli Cox says:

    I loved the T shirt!! Could you please post how to make it. Really cute stuff!!

  10. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    Kelli, I posted about them back in March. There's also a fairly lengthy how to on the ABC4 site.

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