
1047 entries for the GO! Cutter so far.

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I spent the morning at the school watching end of year plays, so the project using my GO! Tumbler die is going to have to wait a little bit longer.

Exhibit A:


Exhibit B:

(She’s wearing a Split Twirl Skirt that she made herself)

In the mean time, here’s what I did with this thing (what in the heck is it anyway?) that I bought on my Smelly Barn Adventure™.



And you can see that I actually potted the plants in something else, so I can lift them out and use it for drinks.  You know, for the hypothetical awesome summer BBQ we’re having.

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  1. More like....etc. says:

    oooh!!! that is awesome! I love hypothetical BBQ's ;) wow, she made that skirt? SahWEET! I need to get sewing!

  2. Real Life Reslers says:

    She made that skirt? Awesome! I love what you did with the Smelly Barn Adventure thingy. The flowers look beautiful and healthy. I have kept the flowers on my porch alive since mother's day weekend, which is a new record for me! I haven't quite earned a green thumb yet, but I'm getting there!

  3. Life in Rehab says:

    I think you have yourself a washtub there, and it makes a great planter. And your little crafterlette did a great job on the skirt.

  4. mitziscollectibles says:

    Tell your daughter she can come to my house and use my sewing machine any time she wants. It doesn't get nearly enough use, and is dying for a workout!

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