Giveaway #1: Tidy Trays – CLOSED

Hello Amazing Crap Makers!

I found and fell in love with The Crap I’ve Made very recently when my sister in law sent me the link. I have linked from blog to blog taking on different craft ideas that seem fun to me. I have recently started blogging at my attempts at the crafts I have found and other ideas I come up with on my own or around the internet. I work for our family owned business New Phase Inc. the makers of Tidy Craft, craft, sewing and fly fishing organization products. We have an ebay store where you can see our products

I am happy to offer a set of Tidy Trays to celebrate the success of The Crap I’ve Made.

Here is what you will get:


Our Combo Trays-No more glitter or powders ending up all over the table or floor. This no spill funnel tray is designed to control craft media…glitter, powders, beads, colored sand, and more.

Controls the media during use, then just hold the funnel end of the tray back over its original container (or one of our shuttle cups) and watch the material glide easily back into it – safety and neatly-no waste-no mess.

Durable, high impact styrene 10”x16”x1” purple tray and 6″ x 10.1″ pink tray. Both trays come with a convenient plug for the funnel.

Brush and glitter not included (Hint for ease of use: wipe down with a dryer sheet before using for glitter and powders, it helps to reduce the static and allows them to funnel out easier)

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  1. Awesome idea!

  2. Michelle says:

    Love the funnel idea–perfect!

  3. Heather L. says:

    Wow, I so need these! What a great idea!

  4. Great idea! could definitely put these to good use!

  5. Christine says:

    These would be very helpful.

  6. Oh those are wonderful! I could use them a lot. I love the tip about wiping them down with a dryer sheet. Glitter and powders seem to stick to everything!

  7. Great idea! Thanks for the dryer sheet tip!

  8. Very cool!!

  9. Wolthuis says:

    My son loves to do crafts, but always makes a mess. These would definitely help contain some of the chaos!

  10. what a great idea! i love it!

    sarah8914 at gmail dot com

  11. I LOVE stuff that helps me keep everything neat and tidy.

  12. betseysumners says:

    What a fabulous idea. I would be passing this along to my daughter who is a first grade teacher, wouldn't this be a life saver for any elementary teacher??

  13. These are such a good idea!Doing crafty stuff is so much less stressful when cleanup is easy!

  14. Krystal Kinlaw says:

    These are a wonderful idea! No more picking beads out of the carpet!

  15. Those are so neat!

    shelly at flottfamily dot com

  16. Kara @ Craftastical! says:

    I had one of these at one point, but it got lost. I would love to win another, as it was really useful.

  17. Brilliant.

  18. cakegirl says:

    I am always looking for ways to make my life easier and this is one great timesaver!
    Thanks for your generous giveaway.

  19. The Bish Fam says:

    Looks useful for all of my projects!

  20. erin, maker of chimes says:

    love it!

  21. tammiemarie says:

    love this idea! great for seed beads too i imagine. Thanks!

  22. now that's a good idea

  23. Mary Dawn says:

    i'm sure i need this thing

  24. This is great. My kids LOVE glitter. Thanks

  25. looneymom says:

    THe MAIN reason I dont like working with glitter…CLEAN UP!!! Wonderful idea!

  26. Ooooh, the bead sorting I could do!

  27. Fantastic!

  28. Oh I love those!!

  29. The Dummers says:

    Very cute idea for kids!

  30. LeighAnn says:

    Ooh! The kids would definitely use those!

  31. wonderful! i want!!!

  32. I hate cleaning up glitter! Great product!

  33. Handmade Mama says:

    Love. Want. NEED!

  34. These are awesome!

  35. kyle * krystin says:

    genius idea…. i won't have to use a towel anymore :)
    [email protected]

  36. Those are amazing! Got to get some.

  37. The Palmers says:

    that is so perfect, why didn't anyone come up with this before now?

  38. these look great!

  39. Lindsey's Photographs says:

    Well that would be handy!

  40. These look great. I'm sure they'd save a ton of mess and waste.


  41. Lexi's Mommy says:

    cool! I always lose a ton of beads places cuz id get lazy to pick them all up. this would be much easier

  42. Pamela and Austin Matthews (and Family) says:

    Oh goodness! What a fantastic idea! That would so save my house from messes!

  43. Michelle says:

    These might eliminate my GIANT fear of glitter!

  44. Joel and Ingrid says:

    Such a great idea that would make glitter with my art loving daughter so much easier!
    lifewithjding at gmail dot com

  45. what a great idea!
    [email protected]

  46. Molly @ Me and Madeline says:

    Genius!! I would love to win these!

  47. Great idea! Perfect for kids crafts!
    [email protected]

  48. I have one but can always use more of these. They are great for sorting beads as well.

  49. Awesome idea!

    scottandtoni at hotmail dot com

  50. How awesome! They would be a perfect thing to go along with my blog this month. I am dedicating the whole month to gettting organized.

  51. Brilliant idea … great for playdough. I HATE finding playdough all over the kitchen floor.

  52. Holly @ Domestic Dork says:

    Oooh those would have saved me a lot of sprinkles last winter when I made cupcakes and cake balls for my daughter's birthday party!

  53. Where was that a few years ago in my glitter hay day? I am making some shirts soon, and I need to go find those. Genious.

  54. Blake & Anya Young says:

    I seriously need this!

  55. Blake & Anya Young says:

    I seriously need this!

  56. I totally need one of these! These are amazing!

    [email protected]

  57. Becky Bean says:

    Any crafter can recognize how perfect these are. What a great giveaway!

  58. Great giveaway…I've only seen one size of these before. Nice to know they vary.

  59. Love this! Wonderful give away! Thanks for the link!

  60. What a great giveaway. Sure would keep all my glitter and fine beads from getting all over everything.

  61. Those are so cool! Wish I had known about them sooner!

  62. Karen Tapahe says:

    What a great idea! This would really help with keeping our seed beads where they're supposed to be.

  63. Okay, these are pretty awesome. I love glitter, but I hate the cleanup!

  64. totally awesome!

  65. Awesome!

  66. Clever idea!!

  67. What a great idea!

  68. Elliott Mom says:

    What a cool product – great idea! And I love the fabric sheet idea, never would have thought of that…

  69. Fun! Thanks! And what an ingenious idea!!!

  70. Lori Beth says:

    Such a cool idea. I always end up throwing the extra glitter, etc away in frustration

  71. These would so come in handy! :)

  72. I have a couple of kids who would love using those!

  73. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    It's amazing what people come up with to help keep crafts neat.

  74. Very Cool! I am a messy crap/craft maker!

  75. What a great idea!!

  76. My daughter would love these for her glitter and bead art projects . . . . and so would I since it would be a snap to clean up!

  77. Sarah @ 365 Glimpses of John Parker says:

    Love it! I've got a small one, but I'm pretty sure I need that big one ;)

  78. Wow..what a great idea! Good way to control the mess :)

  79. NO more glitter or seed beads all over the floor? Gotta love it.

  80. allisonsbj3 says:

    What an awesome idea!

  81. Those would be great! Thanks for the dryer sheet tip, too.

  82. These are great and would come in extremely handy. :)

  83. Twins Squared says:

    We love glitter around here and these would be awesome! I always use a cardboard box but these would help to save the extra!

  84. Aimee & Josh Jensen says:

    OH love the idea!

  85. Aimee & Josh Jensen says:

    OH love the idea!

  86. this will make my craft area so much cleaner.

  87. Jane Jeffress Thomas says:

    These would be great to have for working with beads, sequins, glitter, or that powder stuff you heat with a heat gun, can't think of the name right now. Great giveaway!

  88. jacque4u2c says:

    I so could use this!

  89. I so need these for when my niecey-poos come over to play!

  90. What a great idea!!
    mychancetowin at gmail dot com

  91. I used to work with special education preschoolers, who love to make big messes during art time. These would have been a dream to have in the classroom for easy clean-up! [email protected]

  92. ShellyLynn says:

    My daughter loves playing with rice, beans, etc in her highchair. I imagine this would help eliminate a lot of the clean up!

  93. Erika Jean says:

    OMG, I have GOT to win this one! Lol. I watch a 2.5 year old and I have been wanting to start messy crafts with her, and this would be PERFECT. I'd let her decorate cookies on it with sprinkles and SAVE the sprinkles ;-)

  94. saltycatco says:

    Would love to win these!

  95. That would save me some clean-up time!

  96. These would be a life saver! I hate working with Glitter because it is so messy!!

  97. Love it!

  98. I want one of these for the next time I do glitter toes!!!

  99. Lovely Lizzy says:

    What a fabulous invention! I love it!
    [email protected]

  100. krmccord says:

    Very nice!! I could use those with my Martha Stewart glitter:)
    [email protected]

  101. Jeff, Catina & the Kids says:

    Great idea! Especially for a house with 3 crafty kids :)

  102. Jeff, Catina & the Kids says:

    Great idea! Especially for a house with 3 crafty kids :)

  103. so fun. I hope I win :)

  104. Sangeetha says:

    Nice – I like these

  105. These are so cool. They would really come in handy for all of my craft projects

  106. What a great idea!

  107. Summer Lee says:

    These are amazing! It make craft time with my kiddos much less cringe-worthy! :)

  108. Love it. And it would be so nice for kids and keeping their "art" together!
    blessed.mama4 at yahoo dot com

  109. Skinny Minnie says:

    Love these!! How useful!!

  110. How awesome are these?!

  111. Our Happy Family says:

    That is such an awsome idea! How smart!

  112. TheWrightStuff says:

    Such a must in our crafty quest! Thanks for the giveaways!

  113. How useful!

  114. Ed and Bel says:

    That is such a handy tool, wish I would of thought of it. =)

  115. This sounds like a great product. :)

  116. Love the fact that there is a funnel. No mess.

  117. Genius! What a great solution for all of us "crap" makers… :)

  118. EBeauty03 says:

    LOVE IT, sign me up for this giveaway

  119. Catherine says:

    These look way better than the magazines I've been using. ;) Great product!

  120. Bobbie Mackey says:

    great idea!

    bobbie @

  121. movingmommy says:

    Love it! Great givaway. [email protected]

  122. Great idea!
    deserae (at) gmail (dot) com

  123. Amanda Joy says:

    Awesome. These are so convenient!

    [email protected]

  124. I love this! My daughter and I both could seriously benefit from these :)
    mcaulays at hotmail dot com

  125. AWESOME!!!! [email protected]

  126. These could come in very handy!

  127. I would love to win these. What a great idea!

    [email protected]

  128. Jessica and Matt says:

    Why didn't I think of this! [email protected]

  129. These look great, I've never seen one like this before.

  130. Kelly, Carrie, Kylie and Zachary says:

    I would love this!
    [email protected]

  131. Michelle says:

    Cool idea!

  132. This is such a great idea for crafting and sewing.

  133. What a fantastic idea! Love it!

  134. Brilliant!

  135. Adrienne says:

    We need these. My kids are crap at keeping things neat. :P

  136. These would make a great gift for my mom!

    [email protected]

  137. What a fantastic idea! Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

    peanut2princess at gmail dot com

  138. great! :)

  139. Corie @ Red Letter Rising says:

    GREAT idea!

  140. I do contract beading for a fashion designer, I work sitting on my bed, beads everywhere. I could really use these. Thank you!

  141. What a great idea! I love it!

  142. Great idea and invention. Pick me, pick me!!

  143. These trays are an incredible idea. I wish I had thought of it.

  144. What a brilliant idea!

  145. These are just wonderful!!!! I work with senior residents and it would help during our activity time..thanks for the great give-a-way..

  146. Says Angelle... says:

    Me and my girls would use these daily!

  147. Angie Shelton says:

    I am a kindergarten teacher and these are PERFECT for little 5 year old messes!!

  148. WOW these would be perfect for all of the crap myself and my kids make!

  149. Wow, that would save me alot of time after working with beads!

  150. This is genius! It would come in super handy around here!

  151. Michelle says:

    Great idea…. my table would love a break from all the glitter stuck to it!

  152. Kevin, Holly, Kari and Bryce says:

    These are wonderful! Love them!

  153. I could totally use these!

  154. Julie Swenson says:

    What a great idea! love it

  155. awesome!

  156. These trays would definately be very handy to have!

  157. SOOO want to win this one! These are SO cool! I hope I win! LOVE their site!!

  158. I'm messy.

  159. *MICHELLE CAUDLE* says:

    Awesome! I have a daughter who LOVES to do crafts, especially with glitter…but she can't seem to contain the mess it makes!!
    bingoblue at hotmail dot com

  160. These would be so handy!

  161. HOLY CRAP YOU HAVE A LOT OF GIVEAWAYS!!! I gotta win at least one, right? :)

  162. OHHHH!!!! I need these like yesterday! Awesome!

  163. APachuta says:

    This is awesome! What a time and mind saver!!!
    [email protected]

  164. Thanks for the opportunity to win. These would be so handy.

  165. I could so get a lot of use out of one of those!!

    [email protected]

  166. These look awesome! We could really use these!
    [email protected]

  167. They would be great for my daughter who "beads"

  168. BUSY BEE says:

    I would love these for my son's "projects". Perfect for helping me keep all those small pieces off the floor and easy to put away!

    bsyb100at gmail dot com

  169. Love the trays! So handy!

    opfiend at live dot com

  170. Neat idea!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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