Giveaway #15: Stari Designs – CLOSED

Hi everyone! We’re Stacey and Kari from – and we are SO excited to participate in Char’s celebration! We’re two long time friends, full time working Moms (4 kids between us) who just weren’t busy enough so we started our own business making handmade kids clothing and room décor and we are loving every minute of it!

Today we are offering a darling handmade halter dress size 4/5 for one of you lucky readers – good luck and THANKS to Char for letting us be a part of her celebration!


Click on over to Stari Designs and then come back and leave a comment ON THIS POST saying which of their items is your favorite!

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  1. We NEED a twirl skirt at our house. Super Cute!

  2. Michelle says:

    I love the pink and purple knotted tutu! My only fear is that my daughter would refuse to take it off!!!

  3. I love the stari shirred dresses!! joannawade1 (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. The Dummers says:

    I love the stari frames!! So cute!

  5. So much to love but my fave is the Original…Stari Dress! :)

  6. Jessica and Matt says:

    I love the canvases and the Theo pants.
    [email protected]

  7. It's a toss up between twirl shirt and stari summer fun dress for me!!
    [email protected]

  8. I like the Theo pants

  9. The tutu's are really cute with the extra embellishments of knots, ribbons, and bells.

  10. kimberlykikki says:

    I love the stari dress!!

    kimberlydklatt (at) yahoo (dot) com

  11. I like the Theo pants and the canvases.
    blessed.mama4 at yahoo dot com

  12. i like the theo pants, they look comfy. thanks for hosting the giveaway, the halter dress is so cute.

  13. Says Angelle... says:

    Love that twirl skirt! And the canvas paintings!

  14. sntbosch says:

    I like the The Stari Shirred Dress
    [email protected]

  15. I really like the frames.
    ilovepaulduersch at gmail dot com

  16. LeighAnn says:

    I liked the canvas over the crib.

  17. Twins Squared says:

    I love the Stari Shirred Dress. Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. I love the twirled skirt
    mychancetowin at gmail dot com

  19. I have a little friend who would look so cute in the The Stari Shirred Dress! [email protected]

  20. Elliott Mom says:

    Cute tutus! The knots add such a cute element.

  21. sjf_1979 says:

    I'm loving the Stari Shirred Dress! So cute! :)

  22. LOVE LOVE LOVE the black tutu!!!

  23. Caroline says:

    The Stari shirred dresses are too pretty . I'm in love with the bold colors

  24. I love the name letters. Too cute.

  25. Ranae Broadhead says:

    i love the twirl skirt

  26. For me, it's the twirl skirt!

  27. I love the tutu's and the twirl skirts!!!

  28. Jan and Jillanne Ulep says:

    I love the stari dress. My daughter would look so cute in it!!

  29. Danielle says:

    The tutu's and the canvas is super cute.

  30. This 'N' That Designs says:

    I really like the canvasas!

  31. Everything is so cute! I love, love, love the Good Morning/Good Night frame and the Stari shirred dresses. And, did I mention the giveaway dress is my favorite of all? Precious! Thanks so much for your generosity :)

    peanut2princess at gmail dot com

  32. krmccord says:

    I love the stari shirred dresses. So cute!
    [email protected]

  33. Twirl skirt!

  34. Handmade Mama says:

    I love the twirl shirt! So cute and great fabrics!

  35. I really like all the different stari frames. so cute and unique.

  36. Love it! This is so cute!

  37. Christina says:

    The shirred dress is too cute.

  38. Our Happy Family says:

    The dresses are super cute, but I think my favorite would be the canvas. How unique.

  39. The tutus are beautiful. I also love the theo pants. cute cute.
    [email protected]

  40. I'm loving the shirred dresses.
    brianneandfam at yahoo dot com

  41. The twirl skirt is my favorite!
    [email protected]

  42. I like the Stari dress and the Theo pants– very nice.

  43. the Theo pants are way too cute!

  44. So many fun things on that site. I love the tu tus though! Thanks!


  45. It's all cute, but you have to love the the Stari dress — it's their signature piece!

  46. Beautiful canvases!

  47. I love the twirl skirt, so cute!

  48. OOOoooohhhh.. the TWIRL SKIRT!!

    [email protected]

  49. The Phillips Family says:

    I like the Canvas paintings…

  50. I'd have to go with the signature dress! So cute and love the fabric combos!

  51. I love the shirred dresses!

  52. Julie at Perfect Paper Shop says:

    Everything is so cute! I have to pick the tutus as my favorite. A girl can never have too many tutus!

  53. Oh my! Too much cuteness in one spot… but I love the The Stari Shirred Dress or Twirly Skirt. Thanks for the chance!

  54. I love their signature Stari dress, it is adorable!

  55. Christie says:

    Love the shirred dresses. So cute!

  56. Bobbie Mackey says:

    love the swirl skirt, and everything tutu! thanks!

    bobbie @

  57. The twirl skirt was prob. my fav. But I liked seeing your different takes on the ubiquitous pillowcase dresses that are an internet staple. Very cute!

  58. What to choose…? I really like the stari shirred dresses, darling!

  59. Wow, i really love some of those frames! And this halter dress is just the right size for my daughter!!!

  60. Love the twirl skirt!

  61. ShellyLynn says:

    I love the Stari Canvases!

  62. i like the frames and canvases!

  63. Kevin, Holly, Kari and Bryce says:

    Love the Stari Shirred dress!

  64. I love the twirl skirt!

  65. The Stari Shirred Dress would be really cute on my little one! :)

  66. movingmommy says:

    My daughter would love this. I love the twirl skirt and the goodnight goodmorning sign. thanks, [email protected]

  67. jenmomtofour says:

    How stinking cute! There isn't a thing I don't like! The canvas is gorgeous, the tutus are so full and adorable, the dresses and pants are just beautiful! I love it all!

  68. Ed and Bel says:

    We could use tutu or a Stari shirred dress in our house for our girl.

  69. Perfect for my prissy 4 yearold granddaughter :):):):):)

  70. The stari shirred dresses are adorable. I like the others too :)
    ssfulmer1 at

  71. I love the stari shirred dresses

  72. Emma @ emmanemhandmade says:

    i love the stari shirred dress – so cute!

  73. They are all so cute, but I'm always a fan of a little girl in a shirred dress! Love the Stari Shirred dress.

  74. I like the wood picture frames.

  75. I love the fabric in this dress! Pick me! :) I love her twirl skirts on her site.

  76. the stari dress has to be my fave!

  77. cmaughan says:

    The twirl skirt would be a definite hit with my 2 yr old!! Love them all though!

  78. Amanda Joy says:

    I love the Theo Pants. they would work out perfect for both of my kids.

  79. In addition to the dresses, I love the "Charlotte" canvas. So beautiful!!

  80. The Fergy Bunch says:

    I love the The Stari Tutus, way cute!

  81. *MICHELLE CAUDLE* says:

    I think the "Boy" sign that also says "whipper snapper" etc is very cute! This halter dress is very cute also!
    bingoblue at hotmail dot com

  82. I gotta win of these giveaways, right. They are all SO cute (esp the halter dress)! [email protected]

  83. Awww! I need this dress for my 4yr old! I love the tu-tu's on your site! they are so cute!

  84. Love the black tutu. I would love that dress for my little girl.

  85. APachuta says:

    I love the baby wall decor
    [email protected]

  86. Michele P. says:

    I like the Stari Summer Fun dress, very cute, and I like the way the waist is gathered in… my hubby's granddaughter would love it.

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  87. My favorite is the Stari SHirred dress. So cute! Thanks for the giveaway!

  88. Love the Stari dress and the canvases!
    [email protected]

  89. The shirred dress is so adorable!

  90. Love the Stari Shirred Dress. Too cute!

  91. Nancy's Couture says:

    My favorite is the Twirl Skirt. Every little girl loves to twirl!

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