Giveaway #16: Morsbags (Fabric Shopping Bags) – CLOSED

Steph writes:
To help Char celebrate her 1,000,000 hit at Crap I’ve Made, I’m giving away a set of two morsbags (fabric shopping bags) to one lucky winner.

There is a pattern on the morsbags website if you want to make your own. The bags I’m giving away are the last two made from one of my favorite thrifted sheets. I think it’s pretty economical and environmentally friendly when you can make 8 reusable grocery bags out of a sheet purchased for 99 cents. (And I’m pretty proud of myself for only keeping one and giving the rest away!)
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  1. What a great idea!!!

  2. i love reusable bags, i love the fabric on this one. thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  3. The Dummers says:

    Great idea!! I love it!

  4. kisatrtle says:

    I'm enjoying your blog. Love the bag!

    New follower

  5. Fun. I've always wanted a reusable bag.

  6. I love these bags!

  7. I love reusable bags, especially fun ones!

  8. Jeff, Catina & the Kids says:

    Great bags :)

  9. Jeff, Catina & the Kids says:

    Great bags :)

  10. Love the bags, and I should make some with my huge pile of fabrics I have.

  11. I really like my reusable bags, but this one is way more fun than my plain ones!
    ilovepaulduersch at gmail dot com

  12. Wolthuis says:

    You can't have too many reusable bags!

  13. QueenMeadow says:

    Add me and thanks for the pattern, it looks great.

  14. That one in the pic is so cute!!!

  15. Christina says:

    Super idea!

  16. That is FANTASTIC fabric, and I LOVE thrifted, upcycled, repurposed things!!

  17. I love the star material!

  18. Holly @ Domestic Dork says:

    love that fabric! so happy looking!

  19. --T.M.St.P says:

    LOVE that fabric!

  20. I'm a sucker for a shopping bag!

  21. Says Angelle... says:

    Love them! My ugly Walmart ones are in dire need of replacing!

  22. Sarah @ 365 Glimpses of John Parker says:

    I am a bag addict. I must, MUST, have these!

  23. So beautiful and such a great idea for thrifted sheets! Thanks for sharing the love with a great giveaway :)

    peanut2princess at gmail dot com

  24. :) I would love to win!

  25. Karen Tapahe says:

    Great idea!

  26. I can always use another reusable grocery bag, and this fabric is so darn cute. This is the item I most want to win . . . so far!

  27. Danielle says:

    Awesome! These would be great!

  28. Michelle says:

    I would love a shopping bag like this!

  29. I love reusable shopping bags! This is a great idea. If I don't win this, I am certainly going to make some of my own!

  30. The Potvins says:

    I love these!

  31. LeighAnn says:

    Those are wonderful! [email protected]

  32. Love this. Great pattern. Reminds me of fireworks. Heading over to look for the pattern so I can make myself some in case I don't win.

  33. krmccord says:
  34. Savannah O'Gwynn says:

    LOVE it! Thanks for being so sweet and giving some away:) I find it hard to give something away that I love –but when I do…it is the best feeling:) Thanks for the links and the chance to win!

  35. Cute! I'm gonna have to check out the pattern sometime too!

  36. Handmade Mama says:

    Oh, I love the fabric! Wonder if I could ever find the same designed sheet? But no really, I want that!

  37. Love the fabric and the bags. I will have to look into making some of these myself.

  38. Another Amy saying I would love it!

  39. Dereck & Shelly says:

    I love shopping and I love your bags. I think I could put the bags to great use!

  40. Dereck & Shelly says:

    I love shopping and I love your bags. I think I could put the bags to great use!

  41. I would love these bags!
    kimprine1 @

  42. Brooks and Heather Lively says:

    Cute! I could put that to good use :)

  43. Christina says:

    What a great idea!

  44. Great bag, and thank you for the link for the instructions.

  45. Great idea!

  46. Twins Squared says:

    Love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  47. GG With A Twist of Lime says:

    Loving reusable bags!

  48. jstkat0711 says:

    I love using reusable bags! And this one is beautiful!

  49. kimberlykikki says:

    I love your thriftiness, and love reusable bags!!

    kimberlydklatt (at) yahoo (dot) com

  50. Brittany says:

    Too cute! I love using the re-usable bags for grocery shopping

  51. thecannon5 says:

    SWEET, Reduce, Reuse, Recyle. I Love it!!!!

  52. Our Happy Family says:

    What a great and cute idea. Thanks for the giveaway!

  53. Thank you for the link and the great idea!

  54. Cute! Great for farmers market!

  55. these are very cute!

  56. LOVE!

  57. mamma of 2 says:

    Great for everyday use!!

  58. You can't have too many bags!

  59. That fabric is very cute!

  60. This pattern is fabulous! Kinda looks like the Jetsons could own it!

  61. Congrats on a million!

  62. Amy Woodruff says:

    I love thrifted sheets!!!! Their patterns are so adorable!

  63. I could spend hours on your blog! Thanks for all the ideas!

  64. *Comment* Thanks!

    [email protected]

  65. love the bag! totally going to be making some of those…

  66. Awesome way to make the bags..thanks for the tutorial and th give a way….

  67. I love these bags. I can never have to many reuasable bags. These are better then the store bags.

  68. I'm a sucker for tote bags! Love the fabric!

  69. Christine M says:

    I love the fabric of the bag.

  70. Great idea! I love bags!


  71. Helena (XOXO Parisky) says:

    Lovely and enviromental friendly! :)

  72. Love the bags – very swish! Thanks for the chance!

  73. I love reusable bags, I tried making my own but 2 of them have already started falling apart. :( I'd love to win yours!!

  74. How wonderfully green of you to make these bags out of thrifted sheets and share them with the world. Bravo!

  75. LOVE these! They would also be perfect daycare bags for toting clothes, shoes, baby and blankie back and forth in!

  76. sjf_1979 says:

    Love it! Fingers crossed! :)

  77. iheartfootloose says:

    awesome idea! i have some sheets that could use a new life… but i'd love to have these cute ones too :)

  78. Cool!

  79. Fantastic idea! So cute!

  80. Love the idea of recycling while not using up more plastic when I shop…great giveaway!

  81. The Palmers says:

    so cute I love them

  82. Go GREEN!

  83. Frugal and ingenius. I love bags, and I love this!

  84. That's a great idea – making the bags out of thrifted sheets. I'd love to win yours though!! tehehehehe

  85. looneymom says:

    Very Cool!

  86. I love bags. Cute

  87. I adore that fabric!!

  88. Very very cute :D

    [email protected]

  89. ShellyLynn says:

    Can't have too many reusable bags! Cute!

  90. Great bag! Going to check out the pattern.
    blessed.mama4 at yahoo dot com

  91. cute!

  92. BigSis LilSis says:

    I love reusuable bags for gift bags! They are like two gifts in one!

  93. Very cute idea!

  94. nanaandpapa1 says:

    Sweet! good idea!

  95. Kevin, Holly, Kari and Bryce says:

    My shopping bags are soooo boring!

  96. I love reusable grocery bags. The smaller ones are my favorite! I like to use those with a cute design for gift bags as well. Much better than a regular gift bag.

  97. jenmomtofour says:

    That is brilliant! I guess it should have occured to me that I could make them, but it never did and those are SOOOOO cute!!!

  98. movingmommy says:

    Cute bag! thanks, [email protected]

  99. christine says:

    Those would be perfect farmer's market bags.

  100. Jenalyn and Mike says:

    Great idea! I could really use some.

  101. Lady Cupcake says:

    Perfect and very cute!
    mychancetowin at gmail dot com

  102. Ed and Bel says:

    I love the material design and what a great way to help save the environment!

  103. Keeping it out of the landfill….great shopping bag!

  104. allisonsbj3 says:

    Thanks for this giveaway!


  105. Quilting_Chris says:

    Just love the bag, the fabric is great. I'm sure I would remember to take it in with me just because it's beautiful.

  106. Pretty bags. Great for being green.
    [email protected]

  107. Carol in E TN says:

    Love the sheet fabric!

  108. SunnySusan says:

    Great idea for using old sheets…awesome craft…thanks for the giveaway…

  109. I love these bags and always need more!

  110. smart mama says:

    oh i dig those

  111. Michelle says:

    I love reusable shopping bags and these are way cuter than mine.

  112. Emma @ emmanemhandmade says:

    Very cute! Would love to win.

  113. I love reusable bags, makes me feel so environmentally friendly.

    [email protected]

  114. Lexi's Mommy says:

    love that print! I dont have any bags yet so this would be nice to start with :)

  115. These are great bags. Thanks for the chance to win!

  116. Jacob and Cami says:

    I love thrifted fabric. I'm making a dress out of a $3 thrifted shower curtain!

    [email protected]

  117. awesome! I'm going to check out that pattern!

  118. I hope I win-I love reusable bags.

  119. i LOVE reusable shopping bags!

  120. I love the shopping bag! So awesome!

  121. Amanda Brantley says:

    I love this design, simple but fun!

  122. i would put those bags to good use ;)

  123. laura marie says:

    I would feel so green if I had those. They are super cute too.

  124. momto2munkeys says:

    sooo cute!!

  125. candicem says:

    I love that fabric!

  126. I've been wanting to replace my ugly store brand bags with cute bags. This would be perfect!
    [email protected]

  127. Amanda Joy says:

    Great idea and what a deal!

  128. Ooooh, I love reusuable bags, you can never have to many. And this fabric is way to cute!

  129. I love that fabric!

  130. The Fergy Bunch says:

    Cute bag, I use these things for everything!

  131. *MICHELLE CAUDLE* says:

    Very cute!!
    bingoblue at hotmail dot com

  132. I gotta win of these giveaways, right. The bags are so cute! [email protected]

  133. Such a great idea!

  134. APachuta says:

    so cute and what a great use of fabric!
    [email protected]

  135. Sangeetha says:

    Need probably holds quite a bit given that sheets are made of strong fiber

  136. Michele P. says:

    I can always use more shopping bags for the market, plus it is a great way to reduce use of paper and plastic too.

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  137. Great giveaway!

  138. So cute! Thanks for the giveaway!

  139. Love these bags!

  140. Love these bags and what a great idea!!

  141. I've made a few of these but none this cute. :)

  142. Misty Mac says:

    i just became a "green shopper" gotta have this!!!

  143. Tonya's Sewing Room says:

    love these bags………i've thought of making some, just haven't yet

  144. Great idea, and I love the fabric print.

  145. Nancy's Couture says:

    I love reusable shopping bags

  146. i love thrifted items made into beautiful things!


  148. love it. lets save the environment!
    annemolino at hotmail dot com

  149. I can think of so many ways I would use this bag. Love it!
    [email protected]

  150. Cute bag! If I don't win maybe I'll try it as one of my first sewing projects!

    [email protected]

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