Giveaway #31: Singed Flowers – CLOSED

Jane is one of my very favorite people on Earth.
No, really…she is.
Unfortunately, she lives in Arizona now and I miss her madly. When she was in town last, I showed her how to make singed flowers. She decided to make up a bunch for girls camp (hint: 80), and now she can’t stop.
So, she’s giving away 6 flowers of her choice to one lucky winner.

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  1. Would love to win these great flowers.

  2. Really pretty. I'd make pins for me and headbands for my daughter.

  3. I need to find out how to make these flowers. :)

  4. stephjacobson says:

    These are so pretty–I'd find something fun to do with them!

  5. kimberlykikki says:

    LOVE these!!!

    kimberlydklatt (at) yahoo (dot) com

  6. sjf_1979 says:

    My little girl would go nuts over these!!!!

  7. Oh these are so cute…..would defiently add these to a fiber art piece or my granddaughters clothing, hair etc

  8. They are just too cute!

  9. beautiful!

  10. those are beautiful!

  11. SouthfieldFam says:

    I LOVE these! If I lose, can we get a tute plz? Thanks! :)

  12. I saw a tute for these that was great, but with 5 little ones and one on the way I haven't had time to make any. These look great!

  13. tammiemarie says:

    pretties! I'd have fun deciding how to use them!

  14. Very pretty, I would love to win these.

  15. Danielle says:

    These are great.

  16. The Fifth Street Mama says:

    Oh how pretty! I have been meaning to make some of my own but winning them would be great too! Love that chocolate brown one. Adorable!

  17. GG With A Twist of Lime says:

    pretty, pretty flowers

  18. 2Ksmommy says:

    awesome flowers! they are beautiful!

  19. Love the flowers!!

  20. I love these flowers! :)

  21. Pretty, pretty, pretty. I see endless possibilities.

  22. Blake & Anya Young says:

    I need these flowers!

  23. Blake & Anya Young says:

    I need these flowers!

  24. Leigh Anne says:

    Adorable! Would love to have these!

  25. Those are beautiful!

  26. Holly @ Domestic Dork says:

    That orange and pink one is really fabulous!

  27. If I can't know how to make them, winning them would be the next best thing.

  28. LOVE these flowers!!

  29. I love Jane. I'm still bummed I missed her last time.

  30. really pretty. i see little girl headbands in their future:)
    [email protected]

  31. The Dummers says:

    So pretty! I love those!


  33. booharts says:

    I would love to have those beautiful flowers.
    Thank you, Boo
    [email protected]

  34. Wow! Love these pretty flowers. I can think of so many fun ways to use them. :)

  35. The Sewing Dork says:

    I can think of a hundred uses for these beauties. Everytime I try to make flowers, mine look wilted.

  36. These are so cute – my daughters would love them – if I don't win (or even if I do) I think I need to learn to make these.

  37. Tyler and Becky Rider says:

    Cute Flowers! They would look so nice in my daughters hair. I wish I could make these

  38. Very cute, I've always wanted to try these but am a little afraid of fire! LOL.

  39. Cute! Where's a tutorial?

  40. Gorgeous….. so many ways I can think of to use them!

  41. Lovely Lizzy says:

    They are beautiful! I'm glad she can't stop.
    [email protected]

  42. Awesome! I would love these!

  43. These would make great clips and headbands for my daughter.

  44. Michelle says:

    These are so cute! Perfect for a headband!
    [email protected]

  45. Pick me! Pick me!

  46. These are gorgeous!!!

  47. So adorable! I hope I win.

  48. pick me!! Love these!

  49. Those are some cute flowers!
    ilovepaulduersch at gmail dot com

  50. love these! esp the brown one!!!

  51. JillybeansMommy says:

    I love all of the flowers! My daughter always has something on her head and these would be perfect to continue that tradition!

  52. sign me up. I tried making some flowers like that…. somehow, mine still look like crap! hehe Yours are cute!

  53. Love the flowers. I could use some flower bling!

  54. Very cute! There are so many things you could put these on.

  55. very pretty!

    [email protected]

  56. I would LOVE them!! joannawade1 (at) gmail (dot) com

  57. Oh, I would love these, and I would love to learn how to make them!
    blessed.mama4 at yahoo dot com

  58. Wow, these are so pretty! Love them!

    shelly at flottfamily dot com

  59. I love love love these flowers! :)

  60. So Cute!!!

  61. those are so cute!

  62. Very pretty, I could make good use of these!

  63. Ryan & Kim Pease says:

    theses are sooo cute! I want one!

  64. Ryan & Kim Pease says:

    theses are sooo cute! I want one!

  65. laura marie says:

    So gorgeous! I would love to win them.

  66. Sangeetha says:

    me please

  67. My girls would LOVE wearing these beautiful flowers in their hair!

  68. PB∧Janelle-e says:

    SO cute! Love them! :)

  69. I love these… would love a chance to win them!

  70. Josh and Leslie says:

    Awesome! Would love these…

  71. Oh how beautiful!

  72. These are beautiful!

  73. So fun! Would love to wear these!

  74. So pretty! I especially like the orange and white one.

  75. I would love to win them!

  76. Ed and Bel says:

    I love these flowers.

  77. So cute!

  78. Love those! They would be perfect for my scrapbooking!

  79. Very cute Janers!

  80. Mallorey says:

    Love those flowers!! Would love to win!!

  81. Cute! I want some!!!

    sarah8914 at gmail dot com

  82. Karen Tapahe says:

    Very beautiful flowers!

  83. A Different Drum says:

    Love the flowers they'd be perfect on my new baby girl!

  84. Queen Elizabeth says:

    Those are beautiful!

  85. Helena (XOXO Parisky) says:


  86. These are gorgeous!!!!!!!!

  87. Renee•Candy Stick Lane says:

    OH MY! They are unimaginably GORGEOUS!

  88. Beautiful work, Jane! I'd love to have one!

  89. Michele P. says:

    these are awesome, I would love to win them and share them with family!

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  90. Oh, these are so gorgeous! I LOVE the bright colors:)

  91. tarabrose says:

    I would love to win these flowers. They are beautiful!

  92. Colleen Jeanne says:

    those are so cute!

  93. The Fear Fam says:

    They are beautiful! I've been making headbands lately but am too lame to figure out how to make flowers to add to them … these would be perfect!

  94. Jane is even more lovely than these flowers.
    Good luck everyone!

  95. I would love to get some that I don't have to make!

  96. CuteCupcakesAllTheTime says:

    cutie patootie
    mychancetowin at gmail dot com

  97. I LOVE these! Such a great twist on the standard petals!

  98. Reagan and Patty Boone says:

    I love these and want them!

  99. Curt & Alexandra says:

    Fabulous! I love these!

  100. Curt & Alexandra says:

    Fabulous! I love these!

  101. I love love love these flowers!!!

  102. Kimberlee says:

    I love those flowers, so so cute!!!

    kimberlee.stevens at

  103. ummm, YES PLEASE, INDEED!

  104. goatesgirl says:

    these are adorable

  105. Jenalyn and Mike says:

    I love them!

  106. I love them! If I don't win, I just might have to make some myself. :)

  107. The Phillips Family says:

    so pretty, will you teach me to make them? =)

  108. Our Happy Family says:

    Love them! Been meaning to make some, but haven't got to it!

  109. Elliott Mom says:

    Gorgeous! Learning to make these is on my ever-growing to do list. :)

  110. So cute! I need to make some of my own if i don't win!

  111. Telamarie says:

    These are really cute! I'll have to make some, too!

  112. LeighAnn says:

    Please give us a tutorial!

  113. movingmommy says:

    [email protected]

  114. The Brownings says:

    Love these so much!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  115. The Bronson Bunch says:

    Love the flowers!!!!

  116. Wow!! Beautiful flowers!!

  117. TeenaBugg38 says:

    How sweet are those!! Since I don't know how to make em I'd love to win them :) Thank you for a chance for some super cute goodies!

  118. Brit O'Connor says:

    I love love love these! Please let me win! :)

  119. they're just darling

  120. Barry and Jessie says:

    Those are so stinkin' cute!

  121. CodynStacey says:

    SO so pretty! Love it!

  122. Oh, the joys of girls camp. :)

    Pick me, please!

  123. They're so cute!!

  124. Oh too cute. Hope I win!

  125. James and Talai Macfarlane says:

    so freaking cute!! love them!

  126. I would really love to win these! Or at least learn how to make them. I tried and wasn't so sucessful… maybe it was my choice of fabric?

  127. AuniLeigh says:

    Those are adorable I think I want to win that crap! lol

    Just came across this blog, I love it! Have a good day!

  128. Breanne & Shannon says:

    These are fantastic!!! would love to wear these on my cardigan or headband!

  129. Breanne & Shannon says:

    These are fantastic!!! would love to wear these on my cardigan or headband!

  130. Such great flowers! Love the blog!

  131. love these and would love to win!!!

  132. christine says:

    These are adorable and I would love to put some on a headband. I would also like to know how to make them.

  133. I LOVE those flowers! I would love to win some!

  134. sweet luci's says:

    Beautiful flowers, would love to win.

  135. Love these! I need to find a tutorial and learn to make these.

  136. Ooh, pretty!!

  137. LOVE these! They would look beautiful (and oh-so-fancy) in my Fancy Nancy loving 3-year-old's hair.

  138. The Potvins says:

    So Cute!

  139. These flowers are great and can be used for so many different things! I have them on my "to do" list that is a mile long!
    Love theM!
    [email protected]

  140. Cute, cute, cute! I know two little girls who would love these. [email protected]

  141. Very pretty — I have lots of projects on the go for my little girl that these would look perfect with! Thanks for the chance to win.

  142. So pretty! Very fun giveaway! Thanks!!

    peanut2princess at gmail dot com

  143. Vivian Frei says:

    I would love flowers for my little girl.

  144. GORGEOUS! I'd love these!

  145. jenpetersen says:

    I like em!

  146. These are gorgeous!! I would love to win.

  147. I love these!

  148. singed flowers are so cool!

  149. am i too late to enter, i hope not coz i love those flowers

  150. Bobbie Mackey says:

    i love this look! it is killing me that our small town has no fabric stores! would love to try this out (or win someone else's beauties!)

    bobbie @

  151. Amanda Joy says:

    I love singed hair flowers, and when someone else is making them… even better!

  152. Misty Mac says:

    get out of town with the cuteness!!!

  153. Those are super cute.

  154. Jane is the coolest person on earth!

  155. Jeff and Kari says:

    Way cute! I need to learn how to make these.

  156. Landon and Kylie says:

    Love them!
    [email protected]

  157. I would like to win!!

  158. Nancy's Couture says:

    My little girl would love these!!!

  159. very pretty flowers!

  160. beautiful! 80? She's a saint!

  161. Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

  162. Kathleen C. says:

    I'd enjoy winning the clever flowers and would give them to a local Holiday Fair to benefit the library. First, I'd make them into pins or put them on headbands. It's time for me to start making things to donate to the Fair!

  163. Twins Squared says:

    These are so pretty. Thanks for the chance to win!

  164. I need one!

  165. VERY CUTE

  166. I would love to win these. So cute!

  167. I LOVE these flowers!

  168. I'd love to win. These are really awesome!

  169. Oh these are so cute…I see them on gradbabies, crazyquilts and just about anything that u can accessorize…would love to win

  170. So cute! I have tons that I could do with these.

  171. Katie and Howard says:

    Love love love singed flowers! So cute!

  172. So cute!! Love them!

  173. I love the singed flowers!

  174. Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful!!

  175. So cute. I tried this and mine need help.

  176. my sis-in-law and I tried to make some, but I think we had the wrong type of material :/ I'd LOVE to have some! Thanks!

  177. Oh these flowers are adorable… not only for hair but for home decor as well. thanks
    lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

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