
How’d you get here already?

September’s my favorite month of the entire year…it’s my anniversary and my birthday, but I don’t think that’s why.

I love that it’s cool enough to sleep with the windows open and lots of covers on.

I love the produce stands.

I love that yard work season is almost over.

I love the sense of normalcy and routine that returns.

These guys went back to school last week:

(Yes…she really wore a shirt that said “proud 2B nerdy” to her first day of school.  She is SO her mother’s child.)

My house was cleaner 2 days in than it had been all summer.

Last weekend, whilst I was napping, this happened:

(Oh the irony of one kid wearing a helmet and the other 2 running barefoot in the middle of the road !)


He TOLD us he could ride a bike without training wheels.  Silly mom for doubting a 4 year old!

And in one week, we get to see 3 of our very favorite people.


September’s shaping up quite nicely.


What are you looking forward to this month?


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  1. Mom2TwoWonderfulKids says:

    You and Your daughter look alike too… For me in September? My daughter's second birthday! That's the event of the month! Plus my son is going to 1st grade.

  2. Well it's my birthday and anniversary month too!!! My birthday is the 16th (the big 5-0 this year) and my anniversary (number 30 & counting) is on the 27th.
    Happy birthday & happy anniversary to you too!

  3. stephjacobson says:

    I love September because it's the beginning of fall and a break from the heat and humidity. My favorite part. . .the start of college football! Go Huskers!

  4. Amy @ Chicy-Creations says:

    I thought the same thing when I woke up this morning, where did the rest of the year go??…and it is also my birthday and anniversary this month! Anniversary tomorrow, b-day on the 29th. Love that your daughter has the confidence to wear that shirt. Too cute!

  5. I love September becuase you can feel Fall in the air. Plus, it is my birthday on the 6th, my husband's birthday on the 14th, and our 4th anniversary on the 22nd.

  6. I think that picture of Campbell on the bike is my favorite of him!
    And my favorite thing about September is that by the end, I'll be that much closer to going to Vegas for a few days with J in October. WOOT!

  7. Bobbie Mackey says:

    my beauty girl turns one in two weeks. does this make a happy month, or sad. i quess it depends on what day you ask!

  8. Kristine Robinson says:

    Love, love, love your post! I was so excited to see Campbell riding without training wheels. Sad, too, because he is growing up. I will never forget him at 18 months coming into nursery. Love that kid! I am with you – loving that the house stays clean! I am so looking forward to the leaves changing colors and heading up to our cabin, one last time . . . I miss summer already!

  9. September is a favorite of mine as well. I look forward to being moved into my new home and feeling a sense of normalcy. Is life ever…normal?

  10. This is absolutely a fabulous month. It's my anniversary (today!!!) and my birthday as well. I love that we haven't had the swamp cooler on in 3 days. I kind of heart fall!

  11. Lets see… Where to start. I wish I could say cooler weather, but that doesn't happen until Halloween. Coleman is turning 12 in 4 days. Hard to believe. Dallas is turning 19 on the 11th. But, you know what that brings…and I am not sure I would put that in the category of something I am looking forward to. My parents are coming for Colemans advancement and Dallas missionary talk.
    The last thing I am excited about is the weekend get away trip my friends and I are taking to Montana. My friend said she didn't even know when my birthday was but she was buying me a plane ticket. woo hoo!

  12. Hi,
    I just found your blog and love it! LMK if you ever want to post one of your holiday tutorials as a guest blogger over at my blog:

    I like September because it's time to start thinking fall. Fall is my favorite time of the year. :)

  13. Mrs Happy Homemaker says:

    I love September because the temps are finally starting to get out of the triple digits! I also love it because our homeschool group starts having playdates again!

  14. Cute kids! When do I get to finish editing their fun pictures? Snap, snap Char! :P

  15. Joni Walton says:

    Okay, I can't believe how much Macy looks like you. She is gorgeous. And, I agree, nerdy is cool. At least that is what I keep telling myself.

  16. Amelia and Justin says:

    I love reading your blog and you don't even know me, but I am looking forward to September because my first baby is going to be born this month!

  17. Ah, September. This month I have my first concert in the East Valley Mormon Choral Organization. I am actually very, very excited for it. They said we need to wear "Stage make-up" for it. What is that? I don't even own eyeliner!!

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