Properly Spooky

***To enter to win the fabulous earrings from ThirtySixTen, go here***

First there was the light fixture makeover.


Then there was the bat explosion.


And now I’ll give you a glimpse of the rest of my holiday decor.

Throw pillows:


(Macy…a free stitchery pattern that I found online last year)



Sparkly black candelabras:

(Savers. Orange candles from IKEA.)

Vine pumpkins:

(Target dollar section)

Skeleton in a hurricane:

(Big Lots)

Creepy spider specimen:

(It’s the kind that grows 4 times it’s size in water. I got mine locally at Orson Gygi for about $3. The jar is IKEA. The sparkly skulls behind it are from Dollar Tree.)

And a little something for the kitchen:

(Cake stand from Home Goods, dome from Tai Pan Trading, skull and hands from Dollar Tree)

And tomorrow? A Halloween-y one day giveaway for all of you!

Check back bright and early for your chance to win!

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  1. thanks for the tour! I love the deets!

  2. I love the skeleton in the hurricane! but then, you know how I love me some Halloween decor.

  3. Is the spider just in water or some other kind of goop?

  4. I love every single piece in this picture! I might be stealing some ideas :)

    I can't wait to see what you do for winter and/or Christmas!

  5. PeaceLoveApplesauce says:

    I'm loving all of your Halloween decor!!

  6. Rachel Willow'z Design says:

    This is amazing!! You have gave me some wonderful Halloween Decor Ideas. Got any ideas for Thanksgiving?

  7. Very cool decorations and it looks like you got some bargains.

  8. so fun! would you be willing to share that cute stitchery pattern? Would love to have that one, it's so cute!

  9. Rachel @ Mr.Onesock says:

    I LOVE the witch pillow and the skeleton hurricane! Everything is pretty awesome though!

  10. Ha, love your blog title and pics – made me smile :-) thanks x

  11. Jamie Lane says:

    Such fun decor! I love the vase of bones!

  12. Oh My Gosh! Halloween looks so much fun! Boo Australia doesn't embrace this event… what a fabulous reason to decor it up. Thanks so much for being a sharer :)

  13. So much fabulousness Char!

  14. Stacy @ She's {kinda} Crafty says:

    Love all your decorations!! I did a bat chandelier, too! how funny! I put mine on the inside but I like yours on the outside better, less dealing with the dust inside the globes!

  15. Fun Halloween decor…disgustingly cute!

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