Q: What happens when you forget to lock Bennett’s closet at nap time?



And he was wearing a different shirt than when I put him to bed.

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  1. Caroline @ Atelier Caroline says:

    Impressive efficiency in creating chaos

  2. hahahaha I LOVE IT! I guess I'm not the only one!

  3. looks familiar. :)

  4. Katherine says:

    LOL! My daughter used to, actually still does the same thing.

  5. Christine says:

    That is exactly what my daughter would do if the cupboard was unlocked too! Looks like he had fun! :)

  6. Weatherbee ;) says:

    OH my gosh…that's hilarious! :)

  7. Funny!!

  8. truckermomma says:

    That is exactly what happens everytime I put my little man down for a nap. Good luck with clean up, maybe he will help. lo.

  9. So funny. My kiddos got into the petroleum jelly! I laugh now.

  10. Is he hiding in there somewhere?? :-)

  11. For my daughter it is her dresser drawers. Urg!

  12. Ha ha ha … this looks soooo similar to my own experience about a month ago!


  13. Very impressive. A couple of years ago my son started throwing his clothes out the window during his 'nap'.

  14. Dawn Knapp says:

    I've been there, with twins! I had to lock their closet AND put locks on all the dresser drawers. Also, lock up crayons and markers. You may walk in to a beautiful (?!) mural on your walls. Motherhood is fun, ain't it?!

  15. Kristine Robinson says:

    LOVE it. Ashlie was the same – but hers was the dresser. Emptied it. Every single day. Awesome.

  16. Margo Tinnin says:

    glad to know its not just my boys!

  17. A preview of teen years ahead. Better get used to it.

  18. Oh how I remember (and don't miss!) those days.

  19. Please make your next post about how you installed a lock on the closet. I need one for Mya.

  20. He needs to have just the right shirt for nap time! Who knows who he could meet in his dreams?!

  21. ellzabelle says:

    LAUGHING!!!!! I've been there! I always make sure to shut the closet of my 3 year old daughter since this has happened to me, more than once.

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