Ever tried to take a picture of your own neck?

Because it’s harder than you  might think.  I persevered, though, because I needed to show you all this:


Cheryl @ a pretty cool life pointed it out to me and my BFF Sheri surprised me with it.

If you need your own crappy necklace, check out Piano Bench Designs on Etsy.  It might take you a while to get used to people staring at your neck, but it’s totally worth it.



***Don’t forget to enter to win free fabric from Raspberry Creek Fabrics by going here.***

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  1. Caroline @ Atelier Caroline says:

    Awesome necklace !!

  2. Mandi @ Vintage Revivals says:

    I am so jealous. My custom necklace that I won from CWTS is going to say craptastic! I love crap.

    love your guts

  3. Ha! That is awesome!

  4. hilarious!!

  5. Crap is king! Great necklace!

  6. Birdie3008 says:

    It's so you ;) Love it!

  7. PinkGranny says:

    You crack me up and I appreciate the smile so thanks!

  8. I love the look of those necklaces! When I figure out the perfect word for me, I am going to order one. We can't all get away with wearing crap you know!

  9. Such pretty crap!

  10. Paper Gods says:

    I love that crappy necklace! Makes me want to quilt a crap quilt. Hhmmm.

  11. Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. says:

    Ha! Love it!

  12. snippetsandyarns says:

    That is the awesomest crappy necklace I have ever seen!! I used to have one with my name, but I don't know what happened to it… They have one that says "geek"!!! Too Perfect!

    ~ Meagan

  13. Happy Birthday AND Merry Christmas!

  14. More than anything, I think I keep coming back here because I love the name of your blog, and the quote on your banner. Always cracks me up. Good to have a realistic view of life. The necklace is funny; not sure I'd be brave enough to wear it, but it's a good ad for your blog. Ok, I really keep coming back to read your blog because I like the stuff you do. But I remember it by the funny name.

  15. Aurora Sisneros says:

    I am laughing my head off. LOVE this post. :)

  16. Sheri is the coolest.

  17. The Korg Sv1 is a vintage stage piano equipped with a selection of vintage sound effects in addition to the usual piano effects (harpsichord,
    organs, grand piano). Yamaha is making efforts to create
    new demand in the piano market. As the piano evolved over time,
    the number of keys on the piano increased as composers began to demand more
    complex repertoire.

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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