
***Last call to enter the RHB Designs giveaway here!***

Have you looked through your Pottery Barn holiday catalog yet?  I did.  And I remembered how well my ornament knock offs turned out last year.


(Click on the pictures to go to the tutorials)

Which made me feel all crafty and inspired.

And I decided to attempt to replicate these:


I’m not sure exactly where I went wrong.  But “wrong” is definitely where I went.


Go ahead and laugh…I am.

Check back tomorrow for a weekend giveaway and the winner of  the RHB Designs gift certificate!


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  1. A+ for effort right? What did you use on it?

  2. Kari @ Ucreate says:

    Char, oh I'm laughing!!
    You are so close! Is that dimensional magic you are using? I had a tremendous craft fail making bottle cap necklaces with it once! Love the sheet music!

  3. They are super close, and I like your cardinal better than their birds anyway!

  4. PinkGranny says:

    I couldn't open the tutorial for the wonderful bird ornaments….they look great.

  5. Oohooh. I know what you did wrong! But only because I did the same thing. lol.

    You have to mod podge the design onto your backing before you use the dimensional adhesive.

    Don't worry, I've had waaaaay worse fails than that. I once turned a bird house into a tiny bird bordello.

  6. lol – I just had my first fail of the holiday season too

    gotta say tho, yours is WAY more passable than mine!
    LOVE that idea, though!

  7. the thrifty ba says:

    but i like to see other people fail. makes me feel better

  8. Birdie3008 says:

    He he, yes I am laughing :) I give you credit for at least trying!

  9. I'm impressed you knew what to use in the first place. Dimensional wha??

  10. I absolutely love how honest you are about your projects. It really helps me get through my OOPS project days! Is that the new Modge Podge Dimensional you used? I've been wanting to try it, but can't find it yet.

  11. Hahaha! This is why I love to read your blog Char. You're so real!

  12. Glad to know that even the best of us fail too. :) Can't wait to see the "win" version!
    Amie @

  13. That happens to me ALL the time! The paper curling AND the stuff just being crap. And not in a cut Crap I've Made way! ;D

  14. Did you use mod podge or dimensional magic?

  15. Bwahahaha. Char that IS funny. Of course, it's really only funny because I have had several craft fails of this sort…

    I love that your posts are so relate-able!

  16. Full Throttle Ad Specialties says:

    HMMMM Michaels used to carry a plastic ornament that you could pop apart and insert decor inside and pop it back together. I bet you could use one side of them if they still carry them. I think you are on the right road here for sure.

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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