Giveaway: Crocheted Hat & Flowers


I’d like to introduce you to a cute new Etsy shop…DS Head Rush.

They make THE CUTEST crocheted flap hats for babies. Don’t believe me? See for yourself:



The flowers are interchangeable and come in a TON of colors:


The hats are available sized newborn to toddler. Do you think I could cram Macy’s 10 year old head into one? Because I might try it.

What’s in it for you?

DS Head Rush is offering one lucky Crap I’ve Made reader a hat of their choice and 2 flowers. There will also be a discount for all you crappy readers coming in the next day or two, so watch for it!


Click on over to the DS Head Rush shop and have a look around. Come back and leave a comment ON THIS POST saying what color of hat you’d choose.


Leave 2 additional comments, one for each color, saying what color of flowers you’d choose.

Leave another comment saying what (besides the obvious “family”) you’re thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Giveaway closes Friday, November 26th at 10 pm MST.

Please follow and like us:


  1. I'd pick the navy blue hat!

  2. with a white flower

  3. and with a red flower

  4. Warne Family says:

    I would choose the Orange hat!

  5. Warne Family says:

    With the darkter tone orange flower

  6. I'm thankful for my cozy home

  7. Warne Family says:

    and a brown flower

  8. Warne Family says:

    I'm thankful for an uneventful year of no injuries or sickness in our family. And also for my job and my husband's job :)

  9. Oh man this is a hard one, but I think I'd choose either a chocolate brown hat or a gray hat.

  10. I'd need a pink flower for sure for my little miss

  11. A cream flower would be great and go with everything my daughter has.

  12. I'd love a darkcream colored hat for my daughter!

  13. A purple flower…

  14. I love the dark red hat for the fall.
    [email protected]

  15. and a red flower!

  16. I'm thankful that my husband has a job!

  17. I'm so thankful for my family…without them I would have nothing!

  18. I like the dark blue flower and black flower.
    [email protected]

  19. I'm thankful for BLOGS!!

  20. Natalie and Nathan says:

    I think I'd pick the red hat!

  21. Definitely the brown hat

  22. I'd pick a pink and an orange flower

  23. Oh – and I'm thankful for fun new ideas that don't cost a ton to make!

  24. holisticherbivore says:

    The brown and the pink hat is adorable! My niece would look so sweet in it!

  25. holisticherbivore says:

    The black flower…

  26. holisticherbivore says:

    ….and the green flower

  27. holisticherbivore says:

    and I am thankful for the opportunity to quit my job and travel around for a while! And that I live in a place where I can walk down the street without worrying about my safety.

  28. I'd pick the white hat. I think it would match pretty much everything our little one has.

  29. I'd get a black flower…

  30. … and a pink flower.

  31. Besides my family, I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a stay at home mom.

  32. Definitely the orange hat. So cute!

  33. I think I would pick the brown and pink two tone ties hat. Cute!

  34. I would pick a light pink flower.

  35. I would also pick a dark pink flower.

  36. I'm thankful that I get to stay home and enjoy the snow with my girls.

  37. OK, love the two tone straps one, with the pink & brown!
    [email protected]

  38. flower #1-PINK!
    [email protected]

  39. Flower #2 – orange

  40. Thankful for not being on a diet (though I should be) and FOOD for the holidays!! :)

  41. I would choose the white hat, simple and classic and goes with anything…

  42. With a black flower…

  43. and a navy blue flower…

  44. I am thankful that I finally get to be a stay at home mom and spend so much time with my kids, although on occasion I do long for those days of adult interaction and conversation!

  45. Nancy's Couture says:

    I would choose the cream colored hat so my little girl could wear it with all of her coats and jackets!

  46. Nancy's Couture says:

    I would choose a pink flower

  47. Nancy's Couture says:

    I would also choose a red flower

  48. Nancy's Couture says:

    I am thankful for my salvation and a church that we LOVE and look forward to going to every week.

  49. blueskygirl says:

    I like the coral colored hat!

  50. blueskygirl says:

    …with a black or creme colored flower

  51. stephjacobson says:

    I'd pick a pink hat. My friend is having a baby girl in December and this would be an awesome gift!

  52. stephjacobson says:

    . . .with a black flower.

  53. I would pick a navy blue hat.

  54. stephjacobson says:

    . . .and an olive green flower.

  55. I would choose a dark pink flower.

  56. I would choose a brown flower.

  57. I am thankful for a warm house.

  58. Sami and Mark says:

    I like the orange hat!

  59. Sami and Mark says:

    and orange flowers to go with it

  60. Sami and Mark says:

    I am thankful for my husbands job that provides for our family!

  61. stephjacobson says:

    In addition to my family, I am thankful that I have a job and a roof over my head.

  62. Amy Anderson says:

    I'd choose the chocolate brown hat.

  63. Amy Anderson says:

    With a pink flower.

  64. Amy Anderson says:

    and a white flower

  65. Amy Anderson says:

    I am thankful for my husband now having a job since he had been laid off for 2 months. God is good!

  66. Our Happily Ever After says:

    Love the brown hat!

  67. Our Happily Ever After says:

    I'd have to choose the ivory flower.

  68. Our Happily Ever After says:

    Or the pink flower!

  69. Our Happily Ever After says:

    I am thankful to have a job that provides my family with flexibility, health insurance and retirement savings. When I have bad days at work, it's easy to forget all the things other than money that it provides…

  70. Ranae Broadhead says:

    i love the red had!

  71. Ranae Broadhead says:

    i would get a black flower!

    [email protected]

  72. Ranae Broadhead says:

    id also get a white flower!

    [email protected]

  73. Ranae Broadhead says:

    i am thankful for the food at thanksgiving time :)

    [email protected]

  74. Hands Full says:

    Her hats are so adorable! I would definitely pick a black one.

  75. Hands Full says:

    I would pick a red flower, to go with the black hat.

  76. Hands Full says:

    I would also pick a pink flower – the hotter the better!

  77. The Peterson Family says:

    I am thankful for my wonderful job!!

  78. The Peterson Family says:

    I would also pick a black hat!

  79. Hands Full says:

    Although it is obvious, this Christmas I am thankful for family. I've lived far away for many years, and this year I moved home with my parents where my husband and I and our two kids are sharing one room. We are so grateful for their generosity, and the joy it is for our kids to get to know them.

  80. The Peterson Family says:

    With a Red Flower!

  81. The Peterson Family says:

    And a Pink flower.

  82. busy little bee says:

    I would pick the pick hat!

  83. Meador family says:

    I'd pick a hot pink hat


  84. Meador family says:

    I'd pick a cream colored flower


  85. Meador family says:

    And I'd pick a brown flower


  86. Meador family says:

    I'm thankful for Skype so my girls can stay in touch with their grandparents, aunts and uncles who live on the other side of the country!!


  87. White hat!
    stephaniedix at

  88. brown flower!
    stephaniedix at

  89. Navy flower!
    stephaniedix at

  90. I'm grateful for talented people who willingly share their tricks and talents with us lame-os
    who can't do it themselves. Thanks, blogland!!
    stephaniedix at

  91. I'd get a brown hat, I think.

  92. And a white flower to go with it.

  93. And probably a blue one, too.

  94. I'm thankful that my kids have warm coats to wear this winter. It's already so cold where we live, and it makes me ache for people who don't have warm things to wear, especially little children.

  95. Toss up between black and brown for that hat, but I think I'd go for the brown one.

  96. I'd pick light pink for the hat to match my daughter's winter coat.

    Thanks for introducing us to this new shop and for the giveaway.

    [email protected]

  97. (2of4)
    I'd love a brown flower.
    [email protected]

  98. (3of4)
    I'd love a red flower.
    [email protected]

  99. (4of4)
    I am overwhelmingly thankful for healthy kids. I have had 2 sick kiddos for weeks, one thing after another. I think we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and, for that, I am so grateful.

    [email protected]

  100. I love the pink and brown hat with 2-tone ties!!!

  101. One pink flower…..

  102. …and one brown flower.

  103. I am thankful for my charming, intelligent, sensitive, (and the list goes on….) daughter – the one and only queen of CRAP I'VE MADE!!! From your favorite father. Tee! Hee!

  104. Two Tone Ties- Crocheted Hat With Flaps
    The Brown & Pink Hat is too cute!

  105. Pink Flower

  106. Yellow Flower

  107. I'm thankful for friends who have awesome blogs with the most amazing giveaways (even if I haven't won one yet). ;) hint hint

  108. Oh, how cute!!! I would pick the pink hat because my granddaughter loves pink.

  109. I would pick a brown flower for the pink hat.

  110. Nate and Lori says:

    I would definitely pick a yellow hat

  111. Nate and Lori says:

    with a red flower

  112. Nate and Lori says:

    and a green flower

  113. I wonder how the hot pink flower would look on the pink hat. Maybe I'd have to rethink…

  114. Nate and Lori says:

    And this year, I am thankful for the fact that I have a wonderful job that allows me to work parttime and be home with my baby.

  115. I am thankful for our generations of fathers and mothers, for the hardships they endured, for the wars they fought, for the sacrifices they made so I can live here in this country and enjoy the upcoming holiday in relative peace, safety, and freedom.

  116. Lauren and Steve says:

    I would pick the cute solid white hat! White goes with everything!!!

  117. Lauren and Steve says:

    With a yellow and pink flower!

  118. Lauren and Steve says:

    I am grateful We get to go home this year for thanksgiving!!! Yay!!!

  119. i'd pick the chocolate brown hat.

  120. pink flower

  121. light blue flower

  122. i'm thankful for beano, which makes chili night with my husband much more enjoyable.

  123. The Ladybug Red Hat

  124. With an orange flower

  125. Or a pink flower

  126. Im thankful for the sewing machine my late grandmother gave me, a 1950's brother. Im on my 9th quilt and love my new hobby!

  127. Preston and Rachel says:

    pink hat please

  128. Preston and Rachel says:

    with a brown flower

  129. Preston and Rachel says:

    and a white flower

  130. I would choose the Decorative Stitch Trim-Crocheted Hat With Flaps in red
    moodykelly at gmail dot com

  131. with a red flower
    moodykelly at gmail dot com

  132. and a white flower
    moodykelly at gmail dot com

  133. I am thankful for disposable diapers. Wow, I am so glad that all I have to do is throw those stinky things away…hmm, Yes, I am also thankful for my garbage man. He gets rid of those stinky diapers for me!
    moodykelly at gmail dot com

  134. kellye and matt says:

    i would get navy blue hat

  135. kellye and matt says:

    i would pick the light pink flower

  136. kellye and matt says:

    and a white flower

  137. kellye and matt says:

    i am so thankful to have a new, wonderful job!

  138. I would choose a pink hat, and brown and white flowers

  139. Brown flower :)

  140. White Flower

  141. I am grateful for my sweet loving husband who is the best!!

  142. "PINK!" (So says my daughter any morning we discuss what I should wear to work. Luckily we don't have that conversation very often). She would go nuts for one of these hats. With a mint green or "pur-pe" flower, of course.
    Right now, I'm so thankful for jobs. This summer 10 members of my family (including hubby and I) needed new and/or better job situations. 9 of us have them, and we are all very grateful.

  143. I like the red decorative stitch hat

  144. with the black flower…

  145. and the olive green flower

  146. I am so thankful for my beautiful little girl!!

  147. I love the dark red cranberry color for the hat, but i'd probably end up choosing the brown since then I could use more flowers with it!

  148. And then I could get the dark red cranberry flower!

  149. And a pink one too

  150. And this year, I am thankful for blogs who share the nitty gritty of life, who make me look beyond my own circumstances and realize how truly blessed I am. And that make me want to do more to better the lives of others.

  151. Brown hat

  152. white flower

  153. pink flower

  154. My baby definitely needs a pink hat…

  155. I'm thankful for my husband and 3 beautiful kids!

  156. With a black flower… And a white one…

  157. I am SO thankful for my new dishwasher!!!! Fabulous invention…

  158. I would pick the white hat

  159. with the black flower

  160. or the red flower

  161. I am most thankful for a healthy family and wonderful husband!

  162. lily_bug_boutique says:

    I love the light pink hat with brown trim

  163. lily_bug_boutique says:

    Then I'd get a brown flower to put on it…

  164. lily_bug_boutique says:

    then a peachish/melon flower as well…

  165. lily_bug_boutique says:

    I am most thankful for the abounding grace of God.

  166. Ed and Bel says:

    I woould love the white hat!

  167. Ed and Bel says:

    I like the pink flower.

  168. Ed and Bel says:

    I also like the dark blue flower.

  169. Ed and Bel says:

    I am thankful for adoption so that we can expand our family!

  170. I love the solid color hats with the flaps, I would probably do brown with a pink flower!!

  171. I really like the red hat. Super cute!


  172. I would like the black flower!


  173. I would also like the off white flower!


  174. I am thankful for a husband that lets me get out of the house and go shopping even when he's worked hard all day :)

  175. Thank you so much for the chance to win. I love the orange hat!

  176. I also love the off white flower!

  177. And the dark blue flower! I have a 4 month old granddaughter that would love a new hat!! Thanks again.

  178. I am MOST thankful that my NEW granddaughter (and her parents) will be at my house for Thanksgiving.

  179. I'd pick the dark brown hat, so cute!

  180. with a light pink flower

  181. or the cream flower would also be cute!

  182. I am so thankful for wonderful friends who have helped make this year's Thanksgiving dinner possible for our family.

  183. Cute hats! I would pick the pink hat.

  184. I would pick the brown flower to go with my pink hat.

  185. I would also pick the white flower to go with my hat.

  186. I'm thankful my husband still has his job!

  187. These hats are so darn adorable! I would definitely get a pink hat for my girly girl!

  188. I would choose a cream or white colored flower to go with a pink hat!

  189. The Cleverleys says:

    Absolutely the brown hat! Too Cute!

  190. The Cleverleys says:

    pink flower all the way! It would be adorable with the brown hat…

  191. The Cleverleys says:

    Purple flower–my daughters favorite color. :o)

  192. With the blizzard going on outside, I am grateful for warm homemade quilts and sweet little babies to curl up next to.

  193. The Cleverleys says:

    I am so thankful for my mother. She is truly an inspiration to so many people! I love you mom!

  194. thankful for Gods Grace :)

    [email protected]

  195. i would choose the brown and pink hat! cute!

    [email protected]

  196. i would pick a white flower…

    [email protected]

  197. and a pink flower…

    [email protected]

  198. I love the red hat

  199. Black flower

  200. I'm thankful for the return of my good health!

  201. Love the orange flower

  202. I would get the two tone brown & pink. Absolutely adorable!

  203. Love the pink flower

  204. Love the white flower

  205. I am grateful for tender mercies.

  206. For the hat, I think I'd go with the brown with pink edging.

  207. For flower #1, a pink one to match the edging

  208. For flower #1, I think maybe a white one?

  209. I am thankful that I have a job. I may not like it every day, but it's flexible, I have great coworkers, and it provides me with health insurance for my family. Which I'm also thankful for :)

  210. Let's be honest, it's all cute, but I fell for the wipes cover.

  211. I'm thankful that there are other's in Casper, even though they don't know all that well (or at all) that are willing to come to my home on Thanksgiving!

  212. Color #1–I'm into orange right now, so one of those.

  213. Color #2 the olive green? Tough choice.

  214. I would love a little white hat

  215. With a red flower

  216. and a pink flower

  217. I am grateful that my little boy is sleeping soundly right now in his bed; he's been sick this week and we've had a lot of long nights. I'm glad he'll be healthy and, hopefully, happy for Thanksgiving on Thursday!

  218. Clint, Brielle, Molly and Maggie says:

    I would pick the white hat

  219. Clint, Brielle, Molly and Maggie says:

    with the pink flower

  220. Clint, Brielle, Molly and Maggie says:

    and a purple flower

  221. Clint, Brielle, Molly and Maggie says:

    thankful for my camera….I love pictures

  222. Chocolate Brown hat

  223. I like the lavender flower and…

  224. I like the pink flower

  225. Thankful to have my health.

  226. Corie @ Red Letter Rising says:

    Love the white!

  227. Corie @ Red Letter Rising says:

    with the white flower

  228. Corie @ Red Letter Rising says:

    or the purple!

  229. Corie @ Red Letter Rising says:

    I'm thankful for the new apartment we're moving to tomorrow.

  230. Carol in E TN says:

    I like the pink hat with a brown flower!

  231. Carol in E TN says:

    I would also choose a white flower!

  232. The Sunshine Crew says:

    I'm a follower! Fun giveaway! My sons would enjoy working on this activity book for the holidays. We homeschool and this would be such a neat activity book to do as part of our homeschooling for the month of December.
    [email protected]

  233. I would pick the pink and brown hat. My granddaughter looks goood in those colors.

  234. A brown flower and a seperate pink flower.

  235. brown and pink hat

  236. Thankful for my husband who has a job , so I don't have to work and that gives me time to play with the grandkids and craft.

  237. movingmommy says:

    I love the white hat and brown hat. THanks, [email protected]

  238. movingmommy says:

    With the pink flower for the white hat

  239. movingmommy says:

    And the pink flower for the brown hat.

  240. The brown and pink hat is adorable!!

    [email protected]

  241. I would pick a pink flower

    [email protected]

  242. and a cream flower

    [email protected]

  243. I am so thankful for everything that God has blessed me with!!!
    [email protected]

  244. I would pick the brown hat with pink trim

    [email protected]

  245. with a pink flower.

    [email protected]

  246. I am grateful that we do not have snow yet!

    [email protected]

  247. I'd pick the red hat.

  248. with a black flower.

  249. and a brown flower

  250. I am thankful to be having more pain-free days lately. I suffer from chronic headaches and back pain, and it was starting to run my life.

  251. melissaballard says:

    Oh my goodness how cute! I would choose a brown hat.
    [email protected]

  252. melissaballard says:

    And I would pick a light pink flower with leaves…
    [email protected]

  253. melissaballard says:

    and also a light blue flower!
    [email protected]

  254. melissaballard says:

    I'm thankful for so many things this year, but probably most of all for the healthy baby girl growing in my belly!

  255. I can't decide….either white or black to match my little one's snow suit.

  256. hot pink flower

  257. and a red flower! :)

  258. Besides my family this year I am thankful to have a healthy child.

  259. I'd pick the featured orange & coral Contrasting Edging- Crocheted Hat With Flaps!

  260. Definitely love the matching orange & coral flower!

  261. A brown flower with cream edging would be nice too!

  262. I'm THANKFUL for my freedom!

  263. I like the pink hat!

  264. I'd get a brown flower.

  265. I'd get a black flower.

  266. I'm thankful for good books to read!

  267. I like the chocolate and pink hat.

  268. I'd pick the periwinkle flower.

  269. I'm thankful for my loving husband.

  270. i love the orange one with the contrast edging! so super cute!

  271. A Different Drum says:

    Love the red hat!

  272. A Different Drum says:

    Love the cream/white flower.

  273. A Different Drum says:

    Love the yellow flower.

  274. A Different Drum says:

    Thankful for crafty crappy blogs that inspire me to make stuff!

  275. Natalie and Nathan says:

    I think I would get the navy blue flower!

  276. Natalie and Nathan says:

    Or the white one!

  277. Natalie and Nathan says:

    I'm thankful for quilt stores. I love going and touching fabric!

  278. Sharesa Larsen says:

    I love the red hat! I love everything red, I also like the navy blue hat!

  279. Sharesa Larsen says:

    I would love a white flower

  280. Sharesa Larsen says:

    or maybe a brown flower!

  281. Sharesa Larsen says:

    I am thankful for craft blogs and all the fun ideas I have found to make for my family and home!

  282. Becky and Mike says:

    I would totally choose the red hat

  283. Becky and Mike says:

    I would get a white flower…

  284. Becky and Mike says:

    And I'd get a black flower.

  285. Becky and Mike says:

    I'm thankful for technology! Living away from my family is hard, especially during the holidays, but at least we can Skype each other and sort of pretend that we're all together!

  286. Full Throttle Ad Specialties says:

    I love the little crocheted flowers. I just ordered 15 of them with hairclips. I think they will make great stocking stuffers for all the little girls.
    I also love that you have incorporated such great colors as deep crimson red and black. Love those colors over the holidays.

  287. I'm torn, I have a boy, but my aunt is having a girl… so I'd have to pick the brown hat with pink trim for her… so cute!!
    sis_celiadawn at yahoo dot com

  288. Full Throttle Ad Specialties says:

    The little hats are cute in red or black as well.

  289. pink flower to match the pink trim
    sis_celiadawn at a yahoo dot com

  290. Full Throttle Ad Specialties says:

    I like the pink, purple and white flowers. that gives girls some some options wink wink

  291. and a white flower with pink trim
    sis_celiadawn at yahoo dot com

  292. Full Throttle Ad Specialties says:

    I am thankful for CHAR!!!!! Thank you for sharing these creative people with us each and every week.

  293. LOVE IT! I'd pick a cream colored hat

  294. With a red flower

  295. and a blue flower

  296. I'm super thankful that my husband finally found a job that he loves after years of frustration!

  297. I'm thankful for dishwashers… I never knew how much I loved and used them until I didn't have one for about six months… they're wonderful things!!
    sis_celiadawn at yahoo dot com

  298. Being the girlie girl that I am, I'd have to pick a pink hat for my little princess!

  299. Purple flower

  300. Brown flower

  301. I am thankful for my heater. It is so cold here right now!!

  302. I would have to say a green hat.

  303. Brown Flower.

  304. The blue would be amazing for the hat.

  305. Rusty orange flower.

  306. My first pick for a flower would be brown.

  307. I am thankful for my husband. He takes good care of our little family!

  308. Second pick would be red.

  309. I would choose the rust colored hat. (top pic on this post)

    [email protected]

  310. with the olive green flower.

    [email protected]

  311. I'm thankful for the new job my husband got after being fired.

  312. Or the cream flower.

    [email protected]

  313. I'm so thankful that God knows everything about me and still loves me more than I can ever comprehend.

    [email protected]

  314. Orange Hat.

  315. Orange flower with contrast color.

  316. green flower

  317. I am thankful for a wonderful place to raise my kids.

  318. Landon and Kylie says:

    I'd choose a navy blue hat…
    [email protected]

  319. Landon and Kylie says:

    With a white flower
    [email protected]

  320. Landon and Kylie says:

    And a red flower
    [email protected]

  321. Landon and Kylie says:

    This year, I am thankful for calling cards and cell phones. My husband is in Antarctica, and modern communication has made our 6-week-over-the-holidays separation a LOT more bearable.
    [email protected]

  322. Julie Winder says:

    I love 4 girls would love pink. I am thanksful for a HOT WARM BATH when it is cold outside.

  323. Ohh…baby would look so cute in one of these, black or brown, it would be hard to pick.

  324. Pink flower for sure.

  325. And maybe a green one or the purplish one.

  326. Thankful for all three of my healthy kids!

  327. I would pick a brown or gray hat.

  328. I would pick a purple flower.

  329. I would pick a pink flower.

  330. Am I boring if I say white? A white hat with… (stay tuned for my exciting flower picks!)

  331. A pink flower! (and maybe some green edging… hm…)

  332. But lavender would also be lovely. But then again, her coat is pink and brown… if I win, can I have like… a lot of time to ponder and pray about it?

  333. And if you want to know one thing besides family that I'm thankful for (which is nice because it frees me up to be a little more frivolous with my gratitude), it's Kohls. Man I love Kohls.

  334. Lesley (& Brady) Clark Stallings says:

    The dark red hat.

    [email protected]

  335. Lesley (& Brady) Clark Stallings says:

    The dark red hat.

    [email protected]

  336. Lesley (& Brady) Clark Stallings says:

    1st flower color choice: black

    [email protected]

  337. Lesley (& Brady) Clark Stallings says:

    1st flower color choice: black

    [email protected]

  338. Lesley (& Brady) Clark Stallings says:

    2nd flower color choice: white/ivory

    [email protected]

  339. Lesley (& Brady) Clark Stallings says:

    2nd flower color choice: white/ivory

    [email protected]

  340. Lesley (& Brady) Clark Stallings says:

    I am thankful for my niece's health, she's recovering & if I win this I would give it to her! : )

    [email protected]

  341. Lesley (& Brady) Clark Stallings says:

    I am thankful for my niece's health, she's recovering & if I win this I would give it to her! : )

    [email protected]

  342. blissclaire says:

    I'd have to choose the red hat!

  343. blissclaire says:

    First flower=black

  344. blissclaire says:

    Second Flower- Ivory

  345. blissclaire says:

    I'm thankful that other than a few small things, our family and friends have their health. I'm also thankful that I can cook!

  346. a cream colored hat would be adorable, then you could put about any color flower on it :)


  347. a dark red flower for fall/winter


  348. and a peachy orange one for spring


  349. I am VERY MUCH thankful that I will be graduating college in less than a month. Being a "non-traditional" (I'm 27) student and a newly wed is quite the combination!


  350. I would choose a brown or white hat. These are so adorable!

  351. I would choose raspberry for the Brown hat and pale yellow for the white.

  352. I am thankful for my health!

  353. I am having my first little girl in April and would love one of these darling hats for her. I love the pink hat!

    [email protected]

  354. With a brown flower!

    [email protected]

  355. and a cream flower!

    [email protected]

  356. I am thankful that my completely deaf son can hear because of the amazing technology of Cochlear Implants!

    [email protected]

  357. ed and kelli says:

    i'm thankful for my husbands job

  358. ed and kelli says:

    love the red hat

  359. ed and kelli says:

    i'd pick a black flower

  360. ed and kelli says:

    and i'd pick a brown flower

  361. I love the brown and pink hat.

  362. with the pink flower

  363. or a cream flower

  364. I am thankful for my awesome daughter who is typing this for me as I nurse the baby.

  365. Emma and Annie says:

    I like the pink hat

  366. Emma and Annie says:

    with the brown flower

  367. Emma and Annie says:

    or the black flower

  368. Emma and Annie says:

    I am thankful for indoor plumbing.

  369. I would get a pink hat

  370. With a maroon flower

  371. and a purple flower

  372. I am thankful that both of my brothers just found out they are having babies in July!

  373. Oh, the red hat, definitely!

  374. …with a black flower and a white flower.

  375. And right now I'm thankful for all the exposure that you and other bloggers are giving to crafters and their stores with these giveaways. I have more bookmarks and ideas than I know what to do with right now, and couldn't be more delighted!

  376. I would choose the brown hat. Love this hat!!

  377. I'd choose an orange flower!

  378. And. . . a pink flower!

  379. I'm thankful that I have the ability to have a part-time job that I love. Allowing me to stay connected to adults when I work, and my snuggly baby on my 4-day weekends every week!!! Such a blessing!

  380. CracklinRosie says:

    I love the brown hat!

  381. CracklinRosie says:

    With the periwinkle flower & trim!

  382. CracklinRosie says:

    Or the lavender flower & trim!

  383. CracklinRosie says:

    I am so thankful for my wonderful husband who works hard to allow me to stay home with my 3 fabulous kids! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  384. I would pick read – my little girl looks awesome in dark colors, this would look great one her

  385. I would choose a black hat.

  386. and a red flower.

  387. and a white flower!

  388. I am thankful that I was given the opportunity to go back to school this past summer to finally finish my degree.

  389. LeslieFreeman says:

    I would pick either the white or pink hat!

  390. LeslieFreeman says:

    If I got the white hat my first color flower would be pink!

  391. LeslieFreeman says:

    The second color flower I would chose would either be black or white depending on the color hat I got!

  392. LeslieFreeman says:

    I am so thankful that I am graduating college in 2 weeks! Most of all I am thankful for my Husband because he gave me the love and support to get through this last year. But because you want something obvious besides family, I am thankful that school being over is just around the corner.

  393. HappyHodges says:

    Love so many, either a pink.. oh maybe the red…. or a black if possible?!?!? So many choices I hope I get to choose one!

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