Giveaway: Raspberry Creek Fabrics

New project post coming this afternoon! For now, go win something!


Meet Diana from Raspberry Creek Fabrics. She’s got a fun little Etsy shop where she sells fabric and trim.

Did you know there was Amy Butler LINEN???


Pretty sure I need some.

And I think I need some of this, too.


I have no idea what I’d do with it, but that’s never stopped me from buying fabric before. Sometimes I even make up a “project” before I go in the store so that when the lady at the cutting table asks, I won’t look like a fabric hoarding fool.

Speaking of my fabric hoarding tendencies, I’ve been hanging onto some of this for a couple of years now.


I could have just bought more from Diana! Who knew?

Diana also carries blanket bundles, aka 2 yards of fabrics already coordinated for you and perfectly sized for blanket making. She can hemstitch the edges, too, if you want.


Gearing up for some holiday projects? Diana’s got you covered.


(I feel like I NEED to make someone some pajamas out of this flannel!)

So, what’s in it for you

Diana is giving one lucky Crap I’ve Made reader a FIVE YARD bundle (1 yard of each of 5 different fabrics). You can choose between the following:

I totally have most of those on the right set aside to make a bag for Macy. See? Hoarding issues!


Click on over to Raspberry Creek Fabrics and have a look around. Come back and leave a comment ON THIS POST (on the blog, not on Facebook or in response to your email subscription) with what your favorite fabric in the shop is.


Leave a separate comment telling me about your most recent craft fail.

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  1. My favorite fabric is Rainy Days by Riley Blake – think of all the possibilies I could pair that fabric with. Solids, stripes, plaids, paisleys…the possibilities are endless. Lovely fabrics. Gotta close this post now. I need to go looking some more.

  2. My most recent craft fail – I'm trying to make a calendar quilt lap blanket for my daughter. It's all paper-piecing, and that is DEFINITELY not my favorite type of quilting. I've un-sewn more than I've sewn and I'm about ready to throw it in the trash and tell her she needs to pick something else for me to make her. I either sew the wrong color to the number on the paper-pieced picture, or I end up with the fabric being too short (and usually discover it after I've sewn on about 5 more pieces of fabric), and I'm tired of working on the logistics of the quilt. I hate to toss the entire project because I have 8 of the 12 blocks completed. But it's been a struggle to get those 8 completed.

  3. Colorful Christmas is cute. There is something about red and light blue that draws me in.

  4. My latest craft fail is a full length skirt – I discovered shirring and decided to do most of it. Talk about both looking a bit wierd and taking forever.

    Oh well

  5. How, precisely, does one pick a favorite?
    Of the Christmas fabric, the 12 days of Christmas skaters is fabulous. As for regular fabric, I'm with Deborah: Rainy Days. But for my son, I'm head over heels for wheels. I'm itching to make him a quilt with it, but I'm afraid, if I buy the fabric it will be so long before the quilt gets made that he'll have out grown the fabric!

  6. OOOh! I love the umbrellas, but I think that my favorite might be the bloom pattern. It is just so sweet!!!!

  7. My favorite is Rainy Days by riley blake-I love the umbrellas. Of course, I really like all the polka dots in all the colors the best.

  8. My latest craft fail was a tag blanket that I made and somehow the tags kept ending up on the inside of the blanket! It ended up being smaller than I planned because I had really reinforced the tags with lots of sewing and I ended up just cutting them off and starting over. It worked out in the end, I guess.

  9. niinamaria says:

    Kate Spain's 12 Days of Christmas Fa La La Print. Looooves it.

  10. Seriously? One favorite? Ok, the yellow paisley Pop Garden by Heather etsy # 58427474. Followed closely by all the 12 Days of Christmas.

  11. Failure? I'd have to say a cap I was trying to crochet for my granddaughter. I made it three times before it came out right, and the right size. Even though she wears the hat now, I still see only the mistakes.

  12. My favorite fabric is Be Merry Christmas Snowman Flannel in Red!

  13. My most recent craft fail was when I sewed the binding to the middle of the quilt I was quilting. That was fun to pick out…

  14. CosmoGirl Carla says:

    What deliciously yummy fabric you're sharing. I have to say I LOVE the C'mas prints, oh and the flannel, and some of the fabric she's offering in her giveaway. I think I'm going to have to pop over to her place and enter that giveaway. Thanks for sharing!

  15. My favorite is Girly Blue and Green Designer Prints, 1 Yard Bundle, 5 Prints, 5 Yards Total

  16. I'm lovin me some midwest honeycomb in grey. If it was after Thanksgiving I would love the Christmas prints the most, but I am strictly forbidding myself from everything Christmas as I tend to over do it and ban Christmas from my life a week before December 25th.

  17. CosmoGirl Carla says:

    Guess in all my excitement about the gorgeous fabric you were showing I didn't read your post closely. I see that the giveaway is HERE! Silly me. :o) I'm still heading over to check out her store for a look around.

  18. My recent craft fail would be a diaper bag I was working on. I didn't follow the directions of an online tutorial so well. It's been sitting in my closet now for months because it racks my brain liking about how to fix it.

  19. Craft fail? I thought I could make a strechy vintage skirt last second for my little baby doll. Turned out to be a weird pencil skirt that didn't strech and had a weird 3am pattern of lace. My 7 month old baby girl looked like a 90 year old woman going to a funeral..I still totally took a million pictures, cause well, she always knows how to rock it.

  20. I LOVE all of the fabrics with cars/vehicles. I have 3 young boys and they would die for a blanket made from any of them

  21. Megan "the" Bug Creator says:

    Craft fail happened yesterday. I am making my son stacker rings for christmas and I sew the smallest ring up except for a 2 inch opening for turning and stuffing go to turn it and realize it turns into a half ring because it is a doughnut and won't turn all the way… so I try to figure out how to turn it without having to do a lovely crap ton of stitching by hand …. which leads to me throwing the thing and my seam ripper across the room … I will revisit the doughnut of Satan later today.

  22. Megan "the" Bug Creator says:

    In true I can never find boy fabric fashion I am going to have to say I am really excited and loving the all star 2 and all star fabrics. I also have been having a quiet discreet love affair with riley blakes cars fabric.

  23. Sarah Faith says:

    david textiles wild animals! what a cute and unusual flannel print.

  24. Wowza! She's got some beautiful fabrics. I really like the Flower Medallion Retro Dots and Circles Stripe fabric in Red. But I had to favorite her shop to go back to it because there are SO MANY fabrics in there that I would love to have!

  25. I love, LOVe that yellow and black fabric the best that you liked too!!! I probably will need to get me some of that…

  26. Megan Haan says:

    I need to make curtains for my newly painted country kitchen, and the Verna bundle from Kate Spade would be perfect! Especially the budding pink flowers! Love this shop!

  27. I love ALL of it! If I have to pick something, I'll go with the Rainy Days. I have no idea what I'd make with it, but all the little umbrellas are cute!

  28. saraiwithani says:

    I feel like I NEED a Christmas tree skirt made from the fa la la la fabrics!

  29. Megan Haan says:

    My most recent craft fail was me trying to make paper ornaments out of old Christmas cards. I cut the cards into strips and curved the pieces to try to make a ball. They turned out to be lumpy, misshaped, and not very pretty. So, I moved on.

  30. I love the yellow and black collection! It is beautiful!

  31. Lots of pretty ones, but I guess if I had to pick one Moon Dance By Jenean Morrison Europa in Blue, I liked the tileness of it.

  32. I think my favorite is "All Star 2 By My Minds Eye for Riley Blake, Bullseye Star Print", although I'm a total sucker for all thoe Xmas prints!

  33. Love everything by Riley Blake!!

  34. I attempted my first dress from a pattern for my babies…and needless to say the sleeves were too tight and the dress was to short. Oops!!

  35. My latest craft fail was a long tiered skirt that finally drove me nuts. Way too many layers, with increasing lengths of fabric, too many pins, and poking myself, finally went in the trash when the waist was bunching up. Yikes. Lost some patience maybe?? And I thought I was a good sewer, for the last 45 years. Ahh, not so much!

  36. Craft fail? I took 3 of my 4 kids with me to Joann's over the weekend. CRAFT. FAIL. I was so flustered trying to keep up with them and remember what I wanted, I ended up with half of the supplies needed to start on about 20 projects.

  37. james and bess says:

    i love verna and meadowsweet!

    bess :)

  38. james and bess says:

    my latest craft fail was a pdf pattern that i bought for a bag that turned out totally frumpy – i picked apart the bag to "fix" it, and then haven't picked it up again. blargh.

    bess :)

  39. My favorite is Rainy Days by Riley Blake but Bloom and Grow is a close second. I'm a sucker for any reference to The Sound of Music.

  40. My latest craft fail was sewing a pillow cover made of heirloom fabrics to itself instead of the backing fabric. Picking tiny stitches out of antique fabric takes a looong time.

  41. Callin and Kristen says:

    I love the Pretty Bird by Pillow and Maxfield, Aqua Bloomies! So many fun projects come to mind!

  42. Callin and Kristen says:

    Craft fail- I tried to make my daughter a hat using the bottom hem of a t-shirt. It had lace on it, it should have been cute. Turned out looking like a swim cap, and my husband wore the stupid looking thing the most!

  43. Love the Christmas fabric especially the Fa la la print in ivory!

  44. I love bloom and grow from Riley Blake and can't just pick one print! I want them all…Thanks for a chance to win!

  45. Stacy @ She's {kinda} Crafty says:

    I the Colorful christmas flannel bundle. I've never used flannel before but I think it would be perfect for some xmas morning pj pants!

  46. Stacy @ She's {kinda} Crafty says:

    most recent craft fail would was trying to make a pair of fancy dish gloves…miserable fail, so bad I don't even want to try it again.

  47. OMGosh..this rain drop stripe fabric is too cute!

  48. stephjacobson says:

    My favorite is "All Star By My Minds Eye for Riley Blake Main Star Print in Green Flannel." Love the stars!

  49. Recent craft fail? I'd have to say taking on an old sewing desk and trying to sand it down/restain it. It's taking FOREVER.

  50. The Sewing Dork says:

    Loving the Love Birds by Riley Blake! I love when someone else bundles the fabrics for me – it's a whole lot less stress at the store!
    [email protected]

  51. Kim @ craftyNHmom says:

    Great shop! Thanks for the introduction. I made them a favorite on Etsy. I really like the selection and the prices! My favorite was the Riley Blake flannel with cars. Thanks for the chance to win!

  52. stephjacobson says:

    My most recent craft fail was a spray paint stencil jack-o-lantern shirt for my son. I made the mistake of using really cheap black spray paint which ran and faded like you wouldn't believe. My husband finally convinced me that it turned out okay because it had a vintage look to it. It was too late, though. My son wouldn't wear it because "it didn't turn out very good."

  53. The Sewing Dork says:

    Latest craft fail (and there are many): fishing-line-and-sticks bird mobile that won't balance correctly. It looks like a flock of birds falling from the sky chased by a tornado of tree branches.
    [email protected]

  54. I love the Colorful Christmas fabric and, well, ALL of the Christmas fabric! :)
    [email protected]

  55. i adore riley blake's rainy days print. it is rainy here today, but i don't think that swayed me… it is lovely even on the sunniest days!

  56. Kim @ craftyNHmom says:

    My recent craft fail was some little slippers for my 2 year old. I used some red pinwale corduroy and some fairy tale flannel I was hoarding, they were going to be so cute!!! Then I realized how difficult it is to "ease" the slipper around the sole. I ended up with ugly puckers all over and misshaped slippers. I was so frustrated I tossed them behind the sewing table, where they'll stay for awhile!

  57. My favorite is the Fa La La fabric. I love it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  58. my latest craft fail was (supposed to be) a simple little reversible tote bag, but i never could get the straps right. first they were criss-crossed, then they faced the wrong way, then i just got tired of ripping out seams & moved on. lessons learned!

  59. tablerbunch says:

    I'm in love with the Timeless Treasures Taxi Trio Yellow and Black Damask!

  60. My most recent craft fail was some pj bottoms for my daughter. I don't know what happened but the crotch area was all wrong. I had to make it work though since I didn't have enough fabric to start over. So they don't fit very well… they'll have to do for a Christmas morning picture :)

  61. It is so hard to chose a favourite one. These fabrics are just great. I love the
    Rainy Days Bundle

  62. My last craft fail was a simple appliqued onesie for my niece. I decided to "save time" by not washing the fabric or stitch around the edges after attaching it to the onesie. After one wash it looked awful! Ugh! So much for saving time!
    [email protected]

  63. I love the Christmas fabrics, but my favorite is the bloom and grow! So cute!

  64. Wonderful place to visit – I fell for the Green, Blue and Yellow Jungle Animals flannel. That would make some great little guy pj's. Thanks!

  65. My last craft fail was making fabric flowers….I SO want to make them because I heart them. The last time I attempted, I cut out two and sewed them, but turning them back right side out proved to be too much for my lack of patience. I still have the zig-zag piece of material on my sewing table just mocking me.

  66. Latest craft fail – working on a stuffed toy turkey for my 18 month old and the tail feathers are messing with me!

  67. I love the Robert Kaufman Vera's Garden Daisy Floral in Yellow and Licorice. [email protected]

  68. My most recent fall craft was Turkey t-shirts. Take a look.

  69. Mrs Chronic-Shock says:

    Wheels by Minds Eye is my favorite for now. I'd love to make something for my son with that.

  70. I <3 the Riley Blake All Star bundle!!! boy stuff rocks! :)

  71. Mrs Chronic-Shock says:

    My recent craft fail was a knit dress. The fabric was a cool print and I cut the pieces out all wonky and it looks horrendous. Maybe I'll make it a cover-up for the pool. lol

  72. I really love that blue with green details, I believe it's called Jingle in Icicle.

  73. My most recent crafting fail was this weekend….when I tried to paint my chandelier. I left it outside to dry, took a nap, then woke to find it was raining!

  74. I love the Verna by Kate Spain.
    mamadepue at hotmail dot com

  75. Love the Love birds but Minds Eye! – prices good too.

  76. my latest craft failure was a top I made for myself — just didn't work. The good thing was that I only paid .99 for the pattern on sale – and I had the fabric for awhile – so I didn't sink any money into my failure. I need to stick to making crafty things — and stay away from clothes.
    mamadepue at hotmail dot com

  77. Recent craft fail…..I tried to make an adult split twirl skirt – looked ridiculous in a size 14.

  78. Michele {The Scrap Shoppe} says:

    All Star 2 by My Mind's Eye (I didn't even KNOW they designed fabric!!!) is super cute and would make some great things for my son!

  79. Michele {The Scrap Shoppe} says:

    Can we just say that Mod Podge + loose glitter + me = not friends. Such a disaster!!

  80. I would love to have some of the Fa La La fabric to make some shirts for my new puppy for Christmas!

    lindseymiller20 at gmail dot com

  81. I need the Riley Blake Colorful Christmas!

  82. My latest craft fail was when I broke a mirror trying to repurpose the frame last night. I really hope that whole "you'll have seven years of bad luck if you break a mirror" thing isn't really true. *crossing fingers*

    lindseymiller20 at gmail dot com

  83. I love the brown and green jungle animals!

    shelly at flottfamily dot com

  84. lovin' the rainy day fabric… too cute!

    anna.b.hale at gmail dot com

  85. I a loving the Love birds fabric by my minds eye! Darling!

  86. loves2spin says:

    Pretty pretty stuff! :)

  87. I have been busy making all sorts of different headbands. Just when I think I am done I get another idea and out comes the sewing machine. I love creating new stuff.

  88. loves2spin says:

    Ok, my craft fail. Blush…. I sew professionally (an in-home business) so you'd think I'd know what I am doing, right? I tried to sew a simple blouse for myself, and I thought I was being careful… but it was a disaster. Stitches were showing where they shouldn't. Was it me? Or was it the Pattern? I vote pattern. ;)

  89. I especially love the Riley Blake Christmas flannels! I see some cute p.j.s for grandkids.

  90. I would love either! I have both a niece and a nephew on the way.. both would make beautiful blankets! I love this time of year, all the festive colors and designs! Too bad for THanksgiving, it gets completely glossed over between our favorite holiday… Halloween and Christmas!!

    gogogirl_10 at yahoo dot com

  91. My most recent craft boo-boo involves cutting triangles for a quilt square for an online bee the wrong direction. I was able to get the last couple of triangles out of the small piece of fabric, but not without much stressing.

  92. april's craft nest says:

    i think my fave is the taxi fabric. but it's hard to decide on a favorite!

  93. oh my goodness
    with fabric like that, I can totally understand the hoarding!

  94. There are not too many opportunities to be crafty here in NYC.. maybe that is why I like your blog so much- I get to live vicariously!! :) I did recently make a toddler duvet cover for my son's bed. We recently moved and I'm doing what I can to spruce up his bedroom a little. My struggle is not having space to keep too many crafting supplies/fabric supplies around. I have to use what I have.. and then figure out where to find supplies (within the city- we have no car) for the next go round! :) The fabric in a bundle would save me a giant headache! :) Besides, it's SO cute!

  95. april's craft nest says:

    latest craft fail..there have been a few. i guess the one that sticks out is i was trying to nake a felted cow and it looked like a pig/goat/sheep/cow. i didn't even bother putting legs on it. now my son just played with the legless multi-animal.

  96. Steve and Nikki says:

    12 Days of Christmas is the best. I could do so many things with it. I love the whole set!

  97. Steve and Nikki says:

    Latest craft fail was a set of baby shoes. I was trying to make them seamless, and didn't make the opening big enough to turn them inside out, and i was trying to stuff several layers of fabric and sole material through this tiny hole…the seam ripper was involved

  98. The Fa La La fabric is adorable, especially when paired with the other holiday fabrics!

  99. Cole's Corner says:

    My favorite fabric is the Riley Blake Snowman flannel! Hooooowwww cute.

  100. Cole's Corner says:

    My most recent craft show failure is how much the booth costs! Dang.
    I've never done one before, so I called and checked into getting a booth and it was $500- not including tables or chairs or anything. Is that typical?

  101. I love me some Kate Spain 12 days of Christmas!

  102. Most recent fail was when I was making a quilt for my sister to give her for christmas. The pattern I had envisioned in my head did not work well with the material – had to rip apart the seams and start over.

  103. I am in love with Taxi Trio by Timeless Treasures, although I also have no idea what I would use I for… It's so pretty, I could just leave it on my sewing table as crafter eye candy..

  104. I love the Colorful Christmas by Riley Blake fabric. Soo many possibilities!

  105. Love the Rainy Day!

  106. Craft Fail- I made a upcycled tshirt necklace with fabric flowers on it. I thought it was pretty cute. My husband's reply, "um, it looks like you have a ripped tshirt around your neck!"

  107. ColoradoBelle says:

    I think I could figure something out with any of those awesome fabrics. But the snow flower by dean designs really caught my eye.

  108. How cute is the rainy days fabric with the umbrellas!! I have a little bit of a different fabric with girls holding umbrellas that I can't use because it is too cute!

  109. I'm pretty sure I need all of them. But at this time of year The 12 days of Christmas looks so sweet.

  110. Heather (wife to Dave, mom to Jenna and Adam) says:

    Bloom and Grow, the brown one by Riley Blake is beautiful and I love the Love Birds Bundle. I can see all sorts of lovely projects… :)

  111. Latest craft fail…
    I bent my needle, didn't break it, just bent it and made my machine make an aweful noise and engage the saftey precautions???
    I was trying to make a taggie blanket with faux chenille on one side and had some really thick spots. Well as it was about 2am and I was trying to hurry up and get this dang thing done alrady, I helped the thick spot through a little by pushing the front of it with the tip of my scissors.. All of a sudden it got through the thick spot but not before I pulled the scissors out of the way…. Ooops!

  112. My most recent craft fail…I thought it would be easy (ha ha) to reupholster a nasty chair with good bones. Way over my head. Ended up in the trash :(

  113. Heather (wife to Dave, mom to Jenna and Adam) says:

    I recently tried to make a dress that was way above my skill level (which is pretty much a beginner) and I got frustrated quickly. I want to rip it apart and use the cute fabric for something that I CAN make :)

  114. Most recent craft fail—My daughter's mermaid costume for Halloween. The shirt was too small so I added panels down the sides and little tabs at the shoulders–which made the arm holes almost down to her waist. Fixed that by adding elastic to the straps. Then the skirt was a giant bunchy mess that I fixed by covering it with a million fish scales…which I hot glued on the night before her Halloween party at school. But hey—now I know how to do it for next time.

  115. russ and annie says:

    Love the 12 Days of Christmas By Kate Spain for Moda, Fa La La print in Ivory!!!!

  116. LOVE the 12 days of christmas! I'd love to win some of this fabulous fabric!!!

  117. I'm loving the "Verna by Kate Spain for Moda, half yard bundle." I know I was supposed to pick one favorite…but they go so well together! I'm seeing skirts for my little girlies!

  118. Is it wrong to love all of the fabrics???

  119. My most recent craft fail was a fabric flower. I had intended to make some hairbows for my girls, but the flower ended up having a huge hole in the middle and was waaaay too floppy to glue on my alligator clips. It ended up in a wad of string and fabric shreds which is still sitting on top of my craft dresser because I can't bear to throw it away on account of the hour and a half it took me to make it. :)

  120. The Bare Minimum says:

    I love the Riley Blake line but also the Christmas fabric!

  121. Sims Family says:

    I love the Love birds by my minds eye. I can just picture making something springy and fun!

    sims.whitney at

  122. The Blakes says:

    I love the 12 days of Christmas. i would make a lovely cozy Christmas blanket with it

  123. Momma Rawl says:

    I love all the Christmas fabrics! The Love Birds by Minds Eye are cute too!

  124. The Bare Minimum says:

    My most recent craft fail was trying to make a plush bunny for my daughter. It looked like something from the Nightmare Before Christmas!

  125. Sims Family says:

    Recent craft failure? Too many to name. :) The elementary school asked me to make some picture frames to raffle off. I tried to mod podge them and they turned out all bumpy and ugly. REALLY bad. Not sure what I will do. :)

  126. The Blakes says:

    My recent fail was spray painting a mirror frame. I tried a technique that did NOT work out and had to start over. thanks! [email protected]

  127. Momma Rawl says:

    My recent craft fail…well, it started with me unpacking my sewing maching….we recently moved….and ending with my mom rescuing me by bring hers over for me to use!
    Mine's not so great and has outlasted it's usefullness. Thankfully mom just got a new embroidery machine that she can sew with so she's letting me borrow her sewing machine until I can get a new one.

  128. JenniferKaryn says:

    My favorite is Yellow and Black Scroll and Damask Collection, 1 Yard Bundle, 3 Prints, 3 Yards total

  129. JenniferKaryn says:

    My most resent fail was yesterday….while knitting some slippers for christmas presents.

  130. I love them all and would LOVE 10 yards of every fabric they have. However, I do love the Love Birds bundle!


  131. I'm going to have to say of all of them the Amy Butler in Fresh Poppys is my fave!

  132. The Be Merry Christmas Snowman in blue is my favorite – how cute!

  133. I love the All Star By My Minds Eye for Riley Blake, Half Yard Bundle.

  134. jennkburton says:

    I love the Flower medallion retro dots fabric. I would love to pair that with some other fabric to make a bag or something. love it!!!

    [email protected]

  135. I love the yellow and black scroll!

  136. I tried to make a laptop sized magnet board for my little boy to take on his first flight. Total fail (and I wasted super cute material trying to make it!).

  137. Sarah - Roots and Wings says:

    I'm loving the Be Merry Snowman in Blue. Maybe that's just because I'm so stinkin' excited for Christmas!

  138. Four dogs and one quilter says:

    I really like Rainy Days bundle by Riley Blake.

  139. Sarah - Roots and Wings says:

    I tried to make a rice bag thing (you know, heat it up and put it on your back, neck, etc. when you're hurting). Not good. I was sewing it closed and went right over a piece of rice and bent my brand new needle. Crazy. I've made them before and since and haven't had problems, but that just wasn't my best crafting day! =)

  140. I love the all the Christmas fabric, all of it!

  141. I *love* the Rainy Days collection by Riley Blake!!

  142. My most recent fail was a pair of pants for my little boy. It was made from fall suiting fabric & I didn't overlock the edges. The crotch separated while we were out on the town…. At the FABRIC store no less. So everyone there got to see my shoddy excuse of a pair of pants. So sad…

  143. I like the brown and green jungle animals flannel, that's actually the color scheme I've picked for my nursery!

  144. snippetsandyarns says:

    You said go, so I went. But my favorite was already right here, because I LOVE that All Star 2 fabric line! I have two boys & that fabric is Perfect for them!

    ~ Meagan
    SnippetsAndYarns at gmail dot com

  145. I like the Rainy Days!

  146. My most recent fail was when I was making a pair of newborn pants. I sewed the wrong side of the fabric together lol.

  147. Love the All Star 2!

  148. I love the 12 days of Christmas fabric!

  149. … how difficult to pick a favorite… Bloom and Grow from Riley Blake

  150. Tam @ Sew Dang Cute says:

    I LOVE the All Star Riley Blake line.

  151. Tam @ Sew Dang Cute says:

    My latest craft fail involved heat transfer. Yeah….it didn't work on the type of material I was using for my project (felt).

  152. Our Happily Ever After says:

    I love the Rainy Days. So cute!
    arodriguez522 at gmail

  153. Oh that was veeeerrrrrry difficult! But I finally came to a decision (I think) – it has to be Love birds by My Minds Eye for Riely Blake. Just scrummy!

    You know it's not haording if you already have a plan for it! LOL (well it works in my mind anyway!)

  154. Our Happily Ever After says:

    Most recent craft fail: I tried to make a camera strap cover, and I it turned out way too small. At least it was a small project!
    arodriguez522 at gmail

  155. Mona @ la la by mona says:

    What a nice treat! I think my favorite is the Bloom and Grow from Riley Blake, Bloom Geometric in Blue. I wonder if they make that in red? Hmmmm.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  156. Ed and Bel says:

    I like the rainy days and christmas fabric!

  157. As for the bonus, most recent crafty fail, has to be my mug rug for the Scrappy Mug Rug Swap 2 that is going on right now, sized more like a place mat – Ooops, time to do another! LOL

  158. my fave is the retro dots!

  159. Most most recent craft fail was last week I tried to make a coffee table from a cabinet door and an old stool. After getting 3 legs attached, I couldnt get the last leg off the stool. So I ruined a stool and a cabinet door. BUT i did make a fabulous bench with old wood, for a coffee table days later.

  160. last failure: shapes cut with GO! then sewn to interfacing hoping to turn right side out and have edges ready to applique. didn't work!

  161. Kristine Robinson says:

    either fa la la la or 12 days of christmas. Love them both!

  162. Kristine Robinson says:

    for my bonus – my fall craft fail would be painting a lamp. Did not work. Guess you can't spray paint in the cold like everyone told me.

  163. Becca and Colby says:

    Rainy Days by Riley Blake! She's got so many different fabrics to choose from!

  164. I can't believe you're going to make us choose just one! I love Riley Blake- All of it! And All Star by My mind's eye, and …you get the picture. And she has terrific prices! I know what's on my list this year.

  165. Becca and Colby says:

    Most recent craft fail was a yarn wreath.

  166. My most recent craft fail? Well, first was the pillow that had beautiful pintucking on in, that I sewed into the pillow backwards! Then there was the flower I tried to make for a new tote bag…not so much. And now I simply have a severe case of crafter's block- two days before a project deadline. FAIL! ;P

  167. ahcastillo says:

    I love the Yellow and Black Scroll and Damask Collection. I actually liked a lot of them LOL.:)

  168. It's a tie for me:
    Yellow and Black Scroll and Damask Collection
    All Star 2 (this one would be great for my son!)


  169. Brockett's says:

    I love the bloom and grow bundle by Riley Blake. So cute!! [email protected]

  170. I LOVE Bloom and Grow from Riley Blake!

  171. Brockett's says:

    My most recent craft fail would be making some wooden crates out of reclaimed palettes. Let's just say it is time to get a good saw. [email protected]

  172. Bolo heads says:

    Oh I really hope I win. I never win and I reallly want this one. I really like the Colorful Christmas and my youngest's favorite color is orange so I think that the meadow sweet would be perfect for her. Oh once again I really hope I win.

  173. I really like the green blue and red flannel car fabric…

  174. My most recent craft fail is that I can not for the life of me get my stamp set to work in order to make washer necklaces. I am moving on to try a metal engraver.

  175. There's something about Cream Vine Bloom and Grow Cotton that really tickles me. cute cute cute. Many, many cute designs in this shop.

  176. craft fail. lol. Only the last one? I did a Halloween project for a well known company's online challenge. It failed. It was so silly looking I took it apart after I took the pix. It involved pumpkins and honeysuckle vines from the yard and glitter and paint. crap. I think I need to stick to doing what I like and not trying to meet a company's challenge to use their products.

  177. I really like the Brown Daisy Bloom and Grow 1 Yard Bundle, very cute!

  178. Bolo heads says:

    My latest fail would be Halloween I guess. I wanted to make a layered witch skirt for my daughter and I wanted three of those layers to be tulle. Since I wanted to see the tulle alot a made three skirts of three colors green, purple, and orange. when I layered them up it looked like bruise. I went through my scraps and found a lite weight white fabric and then layered the tulle with the white. I am not even kidding when I say that the one witch skirt ended up having 14 skirts. you can check it out here

  179. Bloom and Grow is darling. Love the combination of fabrics.

  180. I tried my hand at a rose clip for my daughter. I could not get the petals to curl right. Didn't even finish it!

  181. love the bloom and grow. but i need that falala print!

  182. I DIE for Rainy Days By Riley Blake! So fun and random. :)

  183. I really love that Fa-la-la-la fabric! So cute!

  184. My latest fail: I had these canvas boxes that were tan and grubby. Wanted to dye them red to match my craft room. After careful inspection, i determined they were fabric and plastic and would hold up fine, so into the washer they went. Turns out my determination was wrong, and they were canvas and cardboard and were now a mess of soggy shredded cardboard all over my washer. UGH. and EW.

  185. Love Rainy Days by Riley Blake.

  186. I love the Amy Butler (all of it :) but especially the Linen Fresh Poppies!

  187. The Tinsley Family says:

    I think my favorite is the yellow and black damask print. So bold and so cute!

    [email protected]

  188. It seems like every time I sit down to sew there is more seam ripping than sewing. It takes a more thought and calculating than I ever thought possible :)

  189. Deck the halls in icicle – it would make such a great tree skirt.

  190. I really love the My Minds Eye fabric!

  191. Latest fail? Making the waistband on a non-stretchy material too small for even a small foot to get in. What the heck?

  192. I really like the Green Blue and Yellow Jungle Animal Flannel. I can see myself making some cute stuff for my son with this!

  193. And craft fail?? what are you talking about?? I never make mistakes when I craft! HA. My ugliest was the first time I tried to do binding on a simple fleece blanket. yikes.

  194. Since we are moving from Alabama to our dream spot on the beach in Florida in the spring, we are totally changing our color scheme for decorating and "Pretty Bird By Pillow and Maxfield, Aqua Bloomies" completely matches the colors we've chosen. I'll take 10 yards. LOL (All her fabrics are gorgeous, though!)
    Peace & Love,

  195. My most recent craft fail? Its not really a fail fail but a haven't finished for weeks kind of fail. I need to get out the sewing machine and finish already!

  196. Oh, and my recent crafting fail? Making some earrings for a friend with the Alabama Roll Tide "A" on them…I accidentally did the A's backwards! GAH!!! (They came out right the second time, though. lol)
    Peace & Love,

  197. I love Flower Medallion Retro Dots and Circles fabric.

  198. KnitterBug Creations says:

    I love the flower medallion and the Bloom and grow fabrics! I'm thinking a new bag or some placemats!

  199. KnitterBug Creations says:

    A recent craft fail of mine would be trying to make the picture magnets with the clear gems. you are supposed to cut a small picture into a circle and glue it to the back of a see through or clear gem then glue a magnet on the back to make cute little magnets. except mine turned out with uneven cutting, air bubbles in the glue and magnets that were not strong enough to hold up the Gems. total FAIL

  200. Lexie & Jeff says:

    Ohmi-I am totally crushing on that snowman flannel!

  201. Lexie & Jeff says:

    Ohmi-I am totally crushing on that snowman flannel!

  202. i love the All Star 2 By My Minds Eye for Riley Blake collection

  203. I can't pick a favorite, I want them all!! I do think the Jungle Animals is super cute and would make a great blanket for my little boy!

  204. Karissa Jade Ferguson says:

    I love Rainy Days By Riley Blake! I think it is just so fun :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  205. My favorite is Pop Garden By Heather Bailey, Paisley in Ivory. I pretty much like anything Paisley.

  206. Love it all! I could really use the car pattern fabric for a Christmas gift for my little guy!

  207. My most recent craft failure was trying to turn a dress with a rip in it into a skirt. It's crooked. But my 3 year-old wears it anyway because it was once her favorite dress.

  208. I love the falalala christmas bundle. She has great prices and I love the bundles!
    hollydonahue at hotmail dot com

  209. My most recent craft fail: completed a dress, already did the buttons holes and as i was ripping out the center i pushed the seam ripper through the whole side!!!
    hollydonahue at hotmail dot com

  210. Peaceful Piecer says:

    I love the colorful Christmas fabric! thanks for a chance to win

  211. Peaceful Piecer says:

    Latest craft fail…last week….making turkey shirt for grandbaby….ironed fusible on the right side of fabric and ruined it

  212. I love the All Star 2 By My Minds Eye for Riley Blake bundle. Because I have two boys and these are great vibrant colors!

  213. And most recent craft fail… is more along the lines of failure to complete. I have a turkey that I need to paint but it just sits in my unfinished wood pile.

  214. Hanna's Mom says:

    Lots of yummy prints and great prices too! Love the "wheels" pattern and the cute umbrellas!

  215. Love the snowmen!

  216. Bloom and grow. rizensun at gmail

  217. My recent craft fail…. I cut up a sweater to make into a dress for my daughter. I left the fabric out and when I was doing something else my 1 year old got a hold of it and now this mostly thread…. all well :)


  218. Plain City Dickamores says:

    Wow!!! tons of nice looking fabric. my favorite is Rainy days….also love the flannel, would make some nice jammies and pillow cases.

  219. Craft fail? Recently made my newborn and my toddler matching vests and bowties. Used a big pattern and sized it down for the vest. Forgot to size the bowtie down for the infant, though. It was as big as his head. Whoops!

  220. Love the Rainy Days by Riley Blake, Umbrella Tops. Too much fun stuff to sort through, really!

  221. Plain City Dickamores says:

    Craft fail….mmmm where do i start, the jammie bottoms i made that dont fit and seems are not straight:(

  222. I love Riley Blake's Rainy Days. The umbrellas are so great! Thanks!

  223. Most recent craft fail was an attempt at tube quilting and in the end my center diamonds did not match! The blocks are having a time-out in the craft bin right now…

  224. Holy crap! Yay for All Star 2! I've been coveting that for a while now – and it's defnintely my favorite set in her shop! Great giveaway!

    [email protected]

  225. My recent crafting fail? I tried to make a quiet book. Mhmm, made the pages backwards. DOH!

    [email protected]

  226. I love the Twelve Days of Christmas bundle!

  227. Are caramel apples a craft? Runny caramel makes quite the mess!!

  228. My favourite is definitely the Verna by Kate Spain. I have a soft spot for paisley!

  229. I love all of the Riley Blake fabrics, but I especially luuuuurve the rainy days set and the just dreamy set. Crossing my fingers for a win!


  230. thomas family says:

    loving the 12 days of christmas fabric. thanks for the chance to win :)

  231. I love Rainy Days by Riley Blake!

  232. My recent fail: I messed up about 467 times making a simple apron for my sister. I knew it was going to be a bad day of sewing from the start when I cut my fabric the wrong direction…


  233. Most recent crafting fail? Just one? Just last night I cut a whole bunch of fabric half an inch too small for the project I'm working on. I've also had a recent string of failed pyjama pants attempts. Turns out pinning is important.

  234. My most recent craft fail was a blanket made out of minky. That stuff if a bugger to work with. It wasn't really a fail but it didn't turn out as nice as I'd hoped. Talk about wonky seams and some serious unpicking. Thankfully it's just for my boy and he doesn't know the difference. lol

  235. I don't know that I can choose just one. But I do love the Flower Medallion Retro Dot and Circles print

  236. johannamathews says:

    My favorite is the "Love Birds By My Minds Eye for Riley Blake"

  237. johannamathews says:

    My latest crafting fail was a crocheted hat for my sister for her birthday. I had to rip out half of it twice due to it being too big, then too small.

  238. I love the yellow black scroll damask collection!

  239. My most recent craft fail: making a dress with a neck that my baby can't fit her head into.

  240. I love love love the Rainy Days collection.

  241. I love Riley Blake's All Star 2 fabric–so fun!

  242. My most recent craft fail was baking, does that count? I tried to make some lego head decorated cookies, and they just looked like, hmmm, what word to use? Crap. Total crap. My son said they tasted good, though, so I guess it wasn't a total loss.

  243. As for a crafting failure — Recently, I have been reupholstering my Family room couches. The backs are pillows, and when I measured I came up with 18×18 and cut 10 pillow covers to that size, only to realize later that they were suppose to be 20×20 and so I had to cut strips to add to the bottom and top of each square to make the pillows the right size. While it added a little detail to the pillows, every time I look at them I am just annoyed.

  244. I crocheted a baby hat that wouldn't for a doll, let alone a baby!

  245. Camille, did you use a walking foot? I cursed out so many minky blankets until I got my walking foot. And dialed down the pressure way down on my foot.

  246. ninjadesigns says:

    I love that xmas fa la la la la print! i had no idea there was an amy butler linen, but i'm totally intrigued!

  247. I love the rainy days fabric!

  248. I am loving the All Star print. Those big stars are adorable!

  249. My latest craft fail is the 20 projects I was working on that didn't get done before I had my baby. Who knows how long it will be until they get done!

  250. They are all so yummy that it's difficult to pick just one! I really love Love Bird by My Minds Eye for Riley Blake! It's so fun!

  251. And my latest craft fail was a painted Christmas ornament. As much as I can see in my head how it should look, it turned out looking like a 3 year old painted it. Sigh.

  252. ninjadesigns says:

    and a crafting fail? one time i was making a very special gift for a friend… it was a wooden letter for her name. i think it took me like a week of covert crafting to finish it. her name is "Rebecca", and i didn't realize until the moment I was handing it to her that I'd made a "B" instead of an "R"! pure genius…

  253. One Year of Christmas says:

    Oh this shop is lovely!! I think I'll have to order Wheels By My Minds Eye for Riley Blake White Wavy Road Car Flannel right away and make my god child a new blankie for Christmas :)

  254. I am in love with all of the Christmas fabric — can't pick just one!

  255. Natalie and Nathan says:

    I'm pretty much in love with everything Christmas. I just want ALL of it! I tell myself that I can't keep buying more until my current projects are done though….

  256. Love Bird by My Minds Eye is super cute! I love all the swirls!

  257. Natalie and Nathan says:

    Speaking of current projects…my most recent fail is/was a table runner for halloween. I'm almost done, does that count? At least I have a whole year to finish it now. : )

  258. I like Rainy Days By Riley Blake, Main Umbrella Print! :)

  259. Most recent fail? Probably a baby blanket I started on for my daughter when I was 6 months pregnant…she's now 7 months old and the blanket is still in pieces…yeah, I'm that awesome!

  260. Freebird by Momo Flower Nest is beautiful!!!

  261. For my craft fail — definetely most recent, although not the worst fail (as I'm in the process of saving it) — spend weeks collecting just the right fabric to make a quilt – found a description of a pattern online that seemed straight-forward enough to handle. Started cutting and sewing and found that I had way way too little fabric to continue and that I probably should have bought a pattern as I made everything too small for it to look good.

  262. I like the Meadowsweet FQ bundle…I see a nice lap quilt being made with it!

  263. Most recent crafting fail: Mod Podging some wooden letters for a Halloween sign. I ripped the paper off three times, used a credit card to smooth it all, but it always ended up bubbly! Mod Podge and I are not friends!

  264. Craft fail? My daughter just got her first sewing machine. She wanted to make a simple project and I lectured her for a while about making sure she had things put together correctly before she sewed it all together. She cut it all out and then got really nervous from all my stupid nagging and she asked me to sew it up. And I did. And I sewed the lining in inside out. :) Serves me right!

  265. I love the "Riley Blake All Star and Green Cheery Dot Flannel Blanket Bundle"

  266. Briana Weir says:

    i like meadowsweet the best. so cute!

  267. Meadowsweet by Sandi Henderson

  268. My recent craft fail was applique on a onesie. Ugh!

  269. Oh my goodness, The Rainy Days by Riley Blake is adorable! Definitely my favorite– especially the umbrellas.

  270. Collin and Tiffany says:

    I love the Riley Blake wheels and the David Textiles Wild Animal. It's really hard to choose an absolute favorite.

  271. My favorite is the "12 Day of Christmas" bundle. I would LOVE to make my little one some pajamas pants and cute matching tops for Christmas!!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    [email protected]

  272. Briana Weir says:

    MRCF: i kind of made a mess out of the baby mobiles I just made for my friend and me. I guess I don't know how to handle wires and beads very well!

  273. Recent craft fail? I was sewing applique on a onesie and COMPLETELY wasn't thinking and sewed through both the front and the back. Definitely not functional after that, haha. I don't know where my mind was for that one…

  274. I like the 12 Days of Christmas fabric. Very fun.

  275. Collin and Tiffany says:

    My craft fail would be a fleece hat for my son that is way too small. I must have cut the pieces too small cause it definitely does not fit on his head, more like a bump on his head.

  276. My most recent "craft fail" I don't think was really my fault. I was trying to make a little fleece hat for my son's halloween costume and the size was all wrong and the pattern pieces didn't match up. So I knitted one instead and liked it much better.

  277. Love the Riley Blake fabric! All of it!

  278. Craft fail… I picked up one of my unbisqued pots one handed the other day and broke it. :( It was the best one.

  279. I love the Wheels fabric by Minds Eye for Riley Blake. It is a good one for gifties I can make for my two grandsons.

  280. It's a tie for me! I love the 12 days of Christmas asst. and Love Birds by My Minds Eye.

  281. My latest craft fail is a mitten (my first one) I crocheted. The crocheting was easy but getting my technique to match the real deal without it looking fuzzy and stretched was a challenge. The one I am working on now is coming along nicely. Whew!

  282. I love the whole set of love birds!

  283. My most recent craft fail – I sewed a twirly skirt for my daughter and after finishing it, it was so big for her that it feel right down to the floor. We had to give it away to another little girl.

  284. Ranae Broadhead says:

    i love al lthe christmas fabric! its perfect for the season

    [email protected]

  285. I love all those retro prints in orange, red and brown.

  286. Ranae Broadhead says:

    most recent craft fail….. i tried sewing a skirt, and i just couldnt get it right, it kept puffing out at hte top making me look like i have hippo hips.. i finally figured it out after an hour.

    [email protected]

  287. My most recent failure may be a quilt I'm currently working on for my brother and SIL for Christmas. The quilting just isn't working out like I'd hoped. It's so frustrating when you see things turn out less than perfect, especially when they are gifts.

  288. I love the riley blake rainy days umbrellas. I have no idea what i would do with them but I love them.

  289. My fall craft fail was a candy corn wreath. I bought all the supplies. I still have the empty wreath form but no candy corn. It never made it to the wreath but my little boys were happy with the treat they found.

  290. Ahh. Love the rainy days. So cute.

  291. So hard to choose, think Jingle in Icicle is beautiful (in fact the whole collection 12 days of Christmas is wonderful).

  292. I love Moda's Freebird line and also the Amy Butler linen. That woman can do no wrong.

  293. oh craft fail? well…because I have an awesome friend teaching me to sew we have been able to recover my mistakes in sewing my first apron…but there have been so many mistakes…haha

  294. There is so much to pick from but what caught my eye first was the Love Birds collection! SO CUTE!

  295. I love the Be Merry christmas flanel- both the red and the blue! Thinking of what kind of jammies I could make my girls for Christmas!
    jhales_finance at yahoo dot com

  296. Fail….10 minutes ago I ironed fast2fuse to the wrong side (that is the right side) of the very expensive cow fabric I bought for a cow-quilt for my husband. I do not have much cow fabric left, so I guess I better order some more asap.
    That is what happens when you want to do things in a hurry…

  297. My most recent craft fail- tried to make myself a skirt using both a pattern and a RTW skirt as my guide. The fabric was pretty- but just doesn't work in reality! Darn!
    jhales_finance at yahoo dot com

  298. My most recent fail, I tried to make these hats:
    and hole.e.crap did they NOT turn out. I got the top all right, but the actual part where they go onto a regular head-shaped head? not so much. good stuff.

  299. greetingarts says:

    I always fall for the novelty fabrics… love that Wild Animals by David Textiles!

  300. I am loving the Colorful Christmas. Oh Fabric my love, let me win thee.

  301. i love the yellow and black scroll print!!!

  302. Maddie Lumpkin says:

    Pop Garden by Heather Bail, I love this Fabric!

  303. Usually I love pinks, but I am crushin' on the Girly Blue and Green bundle. So pretty!

  304. greetingarts says:

    My most recent craft fail was a zippered pouch which I completed by sewing in the zipper upside down… as in, facing towards the inside of the pouch. Yeah, I know. It had been a long week.

  305. my most recent fail was the hat i crocheted, thinking i remembered the pattern. it ended up HUGE.

  306. My latest craft fail was a spray paint/vinyl project. I didn't let the paint cure long enough, so when I pulled up the adhesive, it peeled off the paint.
    Luckily it is a little metal tub, so I can just turn it around and use the other side. :)

  307. deannadeiters says:

    Love Birds by My Minds Eye for Riley Blake, 1/2 Yard Bundle, 5 Prints, 2 1/2 Yards Total
    I love the color combo!

  308. I love the Flower Medallion Retro Dots and Circles! Love love LOVE!

  309. Maddie Lumpkin says:

    My most recent project flop was a newspaper decoupaged lamp! I think I just haven't found the right shade.Quite frankly, I'm just tired of messing with it!It's the "thing" I don't speak of any longer on my blog!

  310. deannadeiters says:

    My most recent crafting fail is when I tried to make my daughter a summer outfit. Think shirt and pants all in one – like a baby onesie with shorts included… only in size 3T with cute girly ruffles and such. It was a horrible disaster!! The neckhole was too small, the zipper was crazily sewn and my daughter wouldn't even wear it. I tried to put it on her for sizing and she would just burst into tears. It was awful.

  311. A fail? I have so many, what should I choose? I tried to do some art for my son's room that had the lyric of a children's song, I just couldn't write the song right, every time I tried- fail. So I left it alone for a while. Who knows, maybe I'll have it made for the grandchild…

  312. Twins Squared says:

    I love the flannel snowman fabric in red and blue. Those would make great Christmas jammies for my gang!

  313. I love the Wheels fabrics. So bright and cheerful.

  314. Twins Squared says:

    Last week, I made fleece winter hats for my kids. The first try was way too small so I adjusted up 1/2" on the pattern pieces and it was way too big. Finally, on the third try I got it right. I blogged about it here

  315. Honestly my favorite fabric is the boy pack being offered! SOOOO cute, I love it!

  316. My last fail was a table runner that had ruffles on it. When I finished the top, my husband said it looked like something the dollar store rejected! It promptly went into the trash and I never looked back!

    (P.S. My husband is uber supportive of my endeavors, so if he said it is BAD, it must really, really be awful!)

  317. Oh my goodness, I have a fabric hording problem but that doesn't stop me from desperately wanting that stack on the right! My favorite fabric from her shop is Riley Blake's Bloom Vine in Cream. Perfection indeed.

    [email protected]

  318. My recent fail? I wanted to make a binki clip for my neighbor out of this darling ribbon I had, so I sewed the ribbon into a thin tube, but to help me turn it I laid thinner ribbon in the middle to pull on. The first time I sewed the ribbon into the tube… less than effective. The second time I kept running off the edge of the ribbon so it frayed apart, the third time I was determined to get it right!! I went so slow and careful… only to find out the ribbon is too small of a tube and too stiff to actually turn!! I can't figure it out. :( So I bagged it and made a binki clip out of fabric which worked SO much better. I'm still a little bitter about the ribbon. haha!

  319. Oh the fantastic things I could do with this…I love the 12 Days of Christmas and the Yellow and Black Scroll…

  320. Wouldn't you know I just had a giant fail!!! I made a pine cone wreath. It looked great until I put it on the door and all of my pine cones started falling off.

  321. lisaswendsen says:

    I love the Christmas bundle. How cute are these fabrics?????

  322. busy little bee says:

    I really like the Red and White Polka Dot Flannel.

  323. My baby's room is pink and green, so I really like the pink and green blanket bundle. So fun!

  324. My latest craft fail is that I made myself a makeup bag and it was too small. I don't even wear much makeup. At least the bag is cute.

  325. lisaswendsen says:

    Craft fail? Hmmmmm. It would have to have been the candy corn wreathe I made for Halloween. Wreath looked cute but the California sun laughed at it as it melted :(

  326. I really like the 12 days of Christmas fabric. There are so many that I like!

  327. Audrey Ayers says:

    My fave….the Fa la la fabrics. Amazing.
    [email protected]

  328. My latest craft fail? Tried to make a bird house cozy from a felted sweater. I glued everything directly to the house, but I left the edges free for blanket stitching. I wanted to add that homespun feel…It ended up looking like my dog homespun it! Glue was all over the place, the edges were unravelling, it looked sooooo ugly!

  329. Ashlee @ I'm Topsy Turvy says:

    I have to say I'm in love with the be merry christmas fabric, but that'e bcause it's christmas time! I'm all about reds, so I love just dreaming and all stars

  330. Audrey Ayers says:

    My latest fail was last night. I was trying to sew a small lined change purse-w/o a tutorial. 4 tries later, I succeeded.
    [email protected]

  331. Love the Christmas fabric and the yellow and black damask. It's to hard to choose just one.

  332. Wow, what awesome fabrics. I LOVE Rainy Days, 12 days of Christmas, Be Merry Christmas snowmen. So many. Thanks! Craft fail–making a little girls lined jumper and put the lining in backwards, had to rip it out. Caught it early that it wasn't too bad, just frustrating.

  333. Ashlee @ I'm Topsy Turvy says:

    craft fail… I get a lot of those! I made a ruffled shirt for myself and while it looked great on the table when I put it on it was all wrong. TOO ruffly, childish, and BUSTY! Hello girls!

  334. Craft Fail…Shirring with a Brother sewing machine. Finally figured it out after hours of searching tuts online how to adjust tension in the bobbin case.

  335. I LOVE My Mind's Eye scrapbook paper, so it stands to reason I LOVE their fabric!

  336. shoutingforha says:

    I love the All Star By My Minds Eye fabric. Thanks for the giveaway!

  337. Lori@Paisley Passions says:

    I need Verna by Kate Spain. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Paisley Print!!! :)

  338. Lori@Paisley Passions says:

    Recent fail? The fact that I have some material sitting and waiting to recover an ottoman. I have had the material for a couple of months, yet NO TIME to cover the ottoman. That feels like a pretty big fail to me!

  339. I really like the 12 Days of Christmas fabric.

  340. David Textiles Wild Animal fabric is so cute! How have I never seen that before?!

  341. Recent craft fail: I tried to dye a white sweater purple. After soaking it in the dye for an hour I washed it out, and all the dye came out. So i checked the packet of dye and it says it won't work on acrylic. So i checked the label of the sweater… 100% acrylic. So I'm stuck with a white sweater.

  342. Brianna, Landon, and Rory says:

    My favorite is the Love Birds. It would go perfectly in my little girl's room. :)

  343. Brianna, Landon, and Rory says:

    My most recent fall craft was a mini witch hat headband I made for myself. I had made my daughter a witch costume, so I thought I would make myself a little hat to match. :)

  344. My favorite is All Star 2 by Mind's Eye. So beautiful!

  345. My latest craft involves a big mess with Mod Podge. I can sew anything, but obviously not Mod Podge! Pathetic.

  346. courtney*adele says:

    stars are my all-time fav, so the all-star speaks to my heart!!

  347. Toss up for favorite fabrics, but since I just acquired a new nephew, I should go with All Star 2 By My Minds Eye for Riley Blake (but for Christmas-y, I would LOVE 12 Days of Christmas By Kate Spain for Moda.)

  348. melissaballard says:

    OK, so it's really hard to just pick one fabric from that fantastic site! I'm really liking the All Star fabrics and All Star 2. It's hard to find cute boyish looking stuff and that is really cute!

  349. And my latest craft fail was sewing scrubs for my sister. When I lined up the pattern to a pair of her existing scrubs to determine the size, I somehow neglected the seam allowance. And my mother-in-law was even looking over my shoulder. Now I have to figure out if she should just get a scrub top for Christmas, or if I should buy another pattern, or tweak the one I have.

  350. melissaballard says:

    My most recent craft fail was a botched sewing job on an apron. My fabric choices were bad, and the whole thing was just a big fail!

  351. oh my gosh, I can't pick one favorite! The Merry Christmas snowflake is nice though.

  352. ahhhh!!!! How to pick just one! I love so many!!! The bloom & grow, del hi, freebird, but I think my current fav is the lovebird! So pretty!!!! And just so you know you're not alone Char….I saw several prints/lines I have hoarded away too….all with specific projects in mind of course…that makes it ok! ;)
    Thanks for the fun!!!!

  353. Bloom & grow from Riley blake – super pretty!

  354. Latest crafting fail – hasn't happened lately, but I feel it coming on with a lamp re-do project… First of all I have no place to spray paint!

  355. i really love the allstar2 bundle. it would be great to make a quilt for my son's "big boy" bed ;)

  356. Beautiful fabric! Rainy Days is my fave! (Along with the hot pink snowman/tree print!)

  357. Most recent craft failure??? I spent hours sewing pieces of fabric together to make a snake – turns out I sewed them the exact opposite way than the pattern. UGH. :)

  358. Loving the 12 Days of Christmas fabric!

  359. My most recent craft failwas an attempt to make a zig zag quilt (sewing strips & turning the…not using triangle squares), but instead of using solid colors for the alternating "zag" I used a different print. Didn't work out at all!

  360. I am thinking that I love the Love Birds by My Minds Eye!!! So very pretty.

  361. As for my latest craft fail…well that would be a casserole carrier I tried to make. So very sad!!!

  362. We just found out that we are having a little boy and the All Star 2 By My Mind Eye is so cute. I could make a cute little blanket out of those fabrics.

  363. My most recent craft fail… I tried to make a Halloween wreath and it did not turn out so great… Letters were too big, etc.. Oh well.

  364. Love the Yellow and Black Scroll and Damask Collection! Beautiful!

  365. ed and kelli says:

    i failed in trying to make cute ornaments for a party invite.. failed horribly.

  366. My latest craft fail was a knitting project. Took forever and was about 2 sizes too small for my little guy. I guess I can always gift it!

  367. ed and kelli says:

    Love Birds by My Minds Eye for Riley Blake, 1/2 Yard Bundle, 5 Prints, 2 1/2 Yards Total…that's my favorite combination… i would love making a project out of it for my daughter!

  368. Oh, I just LOVE the Jingle in Icicle, by Kate Spade, in the 12 days of christmas set! Gorgeous!

  369. I think I finally decided on the "12 Days of Christmas By Kate Spain for Moda" being my favorite… There were so many that I loved though! I think it would be cute for a lot of little projects I've been thinking about…

  370. I love the Riley Blake Rainy Days Umbrella Print. Oh so cute with the Rain drop stripe one.

  371. I can't choose, I love all the Christmas flannel!

  372. most recent fail…I had a few greeting cards go badly.

  373. I made a bunch of fabric petal pins to sell at a craft show to benefit our Mom's group at church. We hardly sold any, even after we dropped the price. I don't know if this would technically count as a fail because they turned out really cute, but I was so disappointed!

  374. pick my favorite? I'm pretty sure that's a trick question. They're like lays–you can't have just one! How about I'll be all festive–the 12 days of Christmas pack :)

  375. Most recent fail? Probably the state of my craft room currently. I'm scared to open the door.

  376. David Textiles Wild Animals Print
    So cute and fresh!

  377. sisters4saymoreismore says:

    loving the amy butler midwest modern honey comb in grey…. yum… my girls NEED (no they don't) some cute new skirts out of that fabric, because clearly they dont have enough skirts (their drawers are over-flowing) fingers crossed!!!


  378. Craft fail? I made some growth charts for my kids and keep buying doweling that is too short. Second time! You think I would measure the length I need instead of just estimating. All of this because I am trying to avoid buying a long length and cutting myself. Ugh, now I have to do just that as well as return the last batch of wooden sticks.

  379. I totally can't decide between "Twelve Days of Christmas" and "Taxi Trio Timeless Treasure." Heart them both and would love to hoard them!

  380. Craft fail? Saw pricey salt dough ornaments in the shape of Louisiana at a local cutesy shop and everyone was having a fit over them,so I went home and made some fleur-de-lis ones with my little girl. The only problem? I can't get the center to firm up. Still soft after two hours in the oven. I'm wondering if it's our humidity…

  381. My most recent crafting fail was when I was trying to sew a lining onto something and I stretched the top piece – so now I have a top that is 5 inches bigger than the lining. lovely! I am still contemplating how to fix this problem!

  382. You want me to choose only ONE? SHEESH! Um… ok… The "Robert Kaufman Vera's Garden Large Summer Flower" is screaming to be my next purse. :P I just might need to make that happen!!

  383. Fabric I would choose – Freebird by Momo would make up a beautiful purse, but then one of my little ones could use a blanket and I love the just dreamy by Riley Blake.

  384. I am in love with Rainy Days by Riley Blake. LOVE it!

  385. As for most recent fail… Sigh… It was, in fact, your tumbler skirt. Thought I'd be sneaky and make it elastic waist, rather than fumbling through another zipper installation. However, in my laziness, I forgot to add another few inches to the waistline to make the elastic actually go over my daughter's behind. I can pull it over her head though!!! LOL! So now… I get to bust seams and do a zipper anyway. Fun times, fun times… ;)

  386. crafting fail: I was punching holes in tin cans to use as votives for candles. I spent a great deal of time on two of them making a nice starburst pattern. I put candles in them and turned off the light and was very disappointed at the result. had to scrap that idea!

  387. I like the just dreamy bundle! [email protected]

  388. I made a pillow, with super cute fabric, stuffed it and sewed it, and the next day realized it is REALLY droopy! [email protected]

  389. Oh wow!! I would love to win either!!! I LOVE the Kate Spain 12 days of christmas!
    [email protected]

  390. Savannah O'Gwynn says:

    LOOOOOOOOVE all these fabrics–so glad you shared this link!!! Bookmarking it for sure:) I loooooooooove the following sets of fabric::: SALE Meadowsweet by Sandi Henderson Fat Quarter Bundle, 5 Prints; Riley Blake All Star and Green Cheery Dot Flannel Blanket Bundle, 2 Yards;—all are beautiful! OHHHH! Just love them:)

    Thanks for the chance to win! sbmmhoover [at] yahoo [dot] [[com]]

  391. i like the love birds and free birds!

  392. snippetsandyarns says:

    I guess my latest fail was working on the boy's Halloween costumes. I was trying to fuse a cardboard logo to the fabric of the costume. I ironed and ironed and ironed. Then I picked it up to iron on the other side, and the whole thing just fell off! luckily, it had left an imprint that was strong enough we could line up the logo again, without having to keep it face-up. So I was able to iron it on the back side as needed.

    ~ Meagan
    SnippetsAndYarns at gmail dot com

  393. Savannah O'Gwynn says:

    I guess my last creation that failed was….a sling that I made for a friend. Her son is 4 months old–and I made the sling too small! EH! The fabric was really expensive and is no longer printed…and I haven't figured out how to fix it!! {sigh}

    **NOTE:: I keep a journal next to my sewing machine with fails–and I always forget to read them before I start the same project/etc. MUST remember to read it!!

  394. My most recent craft fail would be the last car seat cover I made! I've made about 20 of these things, but I was having a PMS moment and I did the very best sewing job ever using minkie before I realized I had sewn the entire thing right side to wrong side!! I screamed for about 5 minutes, then I cried. I was so sad. But I moved on, and fixed it, and it was all good.

  395. I love the Meadowsweet bundle by Sandi Henderson!
    [email protected]

  396. The Healy/Jakobson Family says:

    Freebird butterfly girly bundle – ANYTHING from that group!!!!

  397. My favorite is Riley Blake Just Dreamy Medium Rose Floral. It would look great on a mug rug.

  398. My most recent craft fail is a camera strap cover that I cut to the exact measurements of the camera strap instead of calculating seam allowances in. Duh!!??

  399. Chris and Lindsey says:

    I really like the yellow and black scroll and damask collection. They are colors I want to do in my bedroom.


  400. I want that snowman flannel to make my daughter p.j.'s. snowmen and blue are my favorite combination.

  401. Chris and Lindsey says:

    My most recent craft fail was a skirt I tried to copy for my daughter. EPIC fail!

  402. my recent craft fail, I guess, is trying to make my daughter the dress where you sew the fabric to a t-shirt with the wide elastic. I didn't save my tutorial and it's just not working out for me.

  403. Their selection is AWESOME!!! I'm totally loving the Riley Blake wheels… My little boy would go nuts over it!

  404. 12 days of Christmas bundle by Kate Spain…because i cannot seem to pick just one!

  405. As far as crafting epic fail…tried to make a sweet St Patricks Day outfit for my daughter (unborn…I'm due in February) and my husband took one look at it and said, "Oh, that's just mean.". There was def a leprechaun thing happening.

  406. I'm really loving the Flower Medallion Retro Dots and Circles fabric. I really like browns and this one is just really cool.

  407. I actually LOVE the Bloom And Grow in the Girly Blue and Green set. I may have 2 girls, but soft blues and greens and browns are my favorite!

  408. Most recent craft fail… I've only just started crafting, so I've kept it simple, but attempted a ribbon flower with a ribbed ribbon. It looked cute, but the next morning, the ribbon had frayed halfway across the flower. Oh no!

  409. Craft fail….I spent some time refashioning a dress for my daughter out of a waffle knit shirt my boys had outgrown. When it was done, I realized there were holes in the bottom from where they had poked holes in it with pencils. I've got to find something to applique over the holes.

  410. Bloom and Grow would make something sweet for my little girl.

  411. I'm loving the Taxi Trio Yellow and Black Damask!

  412. Picking a favorite is tough, because I like them all but I'd have to pick Wheels for Mind's Eye by Riley Blake. Too cute, I have two boys that would love it and another boy on the way who is sure too love cars as well.

  413. My most recent craft fail is….everything! It always takes more time and costs way more for what I make. And then, in the end…it's just "ehh".

  414. My lastest craft fail: I just reupholstered a rocking chair and while it looks passable, it could have been way better. It was my first go at reupholstering more than a kitchen chair. better luck next time I guess.

  415. I have a thing for umbrellas so I am loving the Rainy Days by Riley Blake fabric. Might have to come up with a project just so I can use it. ;)

  416. Oh! I love the bloom & grow by Riely Blake. :) I'd love to make a shirt for myself out of it. :)

  417. I like the Vera's Garden, Large Summer Flower – reminds me of the sheets I had in 1976!

  418. as for my latest craft fail…I'm hoping it's not going to be the colonial vests I am sewing for school for FRIDAY! :) I'd better finish that project huh? They look REALLY big… oh well! ahibbie at gmail dot com

  419. valentinegirl says:

    I love all the Riley Blake flannels in the shop, although I would gladly take any for my stash!

  420. I like the Love Birds by minds eye for Riley Blake in her shop! Would make a cute little girls ruffle skirt for a gift.

  421. Most recent craft fail? I tried to make a ruffle scarf but cut the material WAAAY too short and it ended up being more like a ruffle collar by the time I got all the ruffles on it! :) Needless to say, it went in the trash!

  422. Mrs. Patrick says:

    Love Meadowsweet by Sandi Henderson Fat Quarter Bundle, 5 Prints

  423. I love ANYTHING Riley Blake!

  424. I LOVE that Riley Blake bloom and grow blue paisly one. soo pretty.
    jauna at Juno dot com

  425. My most recent fail? oh my too many to name. besides the burns from the glue gun or putting stuff together wrong. like wrongside out. (I'm talking bows, or pair of pants showing the seam on one leg) My most recent would have to be sewing and not figuring out what was wrong with my machine. NOTHING was working right the thread was all messed, I checked tension sure it was right nad it worked ok, so I took a break to get a drink came in and it was not working again. This happned numerous times I finally put the machine up and didnt finish what I was making. Later I find out dd #1 was changing the tension on me when I wasn't looking. She said she was mad because I wasnt making her something too. So craft fail right there.. teaching your child that touching that button totally messes up mommy's sewing. Can't tell you how many times that seam came out.
    jauna at Juno dot com

  426. I love the Rainy Days By Riley Blake, Umbrella Tops!

    amo72 at ymail dot com

  427. I love Riley Blake All Star (which I own) so I'd love her Riley Blake All Star 2!
    Having boys makes me shun all things pink and girlie :D

  428. Craft Epic Fail?
    A pair of sock monkey longies I worked on for DAYS only to have them maybe be able to fit a baby elephant in a spica cast. EPIC FAIL

  429. Great Char… my favorite fabric… ohhh the choices. I used to work for a fabric store and LOVED 99% of the fabric.
    really like 12 days of Christmas… may need some of that for stockings this year.
    Verna by Kate Spain for go wonderfully in my bathroom.
    I could go on and on of which are the favorites!

  430. recent craft fail?? Repainting and distressing a mail holder for my kitchen area. Painted nicely, stenciled nicely and I got the idea of grabbing the red mahogany stain to use a glaze. IT TURNED THE WHOLE THING PINK!!! Pink is not what i wanted. I had to start alllll over. Not a good day.

  431. The snowman flannel is beyond adorable!

  432. My fave is the Bloom and Grow for Riley Blake 1 yard bundle! I know its Christmas but I cannot resist those happy spring colors right now!

  433. And my latest craft fail? A lot of my fails are procrastinating on projects. I started an embroidery for my friend's wedding well over a month ago ago she got married 3 weeks ago. The embroidery is still not done. Same thing for a Christmas present I started 2 years ago, its still sitting in my craft cabinet.

  434. I love the designs by Riley Blake. Especially the Wheels By My Minds Eye Blue Cheery Dot and Swirls in Cranberry, and the Just Dreamy Fabric Rose Medium Floral. Fun!!! sal4qtatgmaildotcom

  435. My recent craft fail was when I tried to make a key fob. totally picked ugly colors and messed up the interfacing.

  436. I love the All star fabric by minds eye. that entire set makes me all happy. Im pretty sure I have scrapbook paper that is identical lol

  437. I LOVE the yellow and black damask. I might redecorate a room just so I can use it.

  438. I tried cooking playdough with my kids the other day and it exploded in the oven. FAIL.

  439. Cherie Phillips says:

    How can I choose just one fabric? Okay, I will chose one designer!!!! Riley Blake! =) I'll take one of everything!

  440. Cherie Phillips says:

    It's been a while but my most recent craft FAIL was a tiered skirt for me. I measured 20,807,475 times so I would only need to cut once but it still turned out too big and too short.

  441. It's SO hard to choose! The Rainy Days by Riley Blake is really nice though.

  442. I made an apron using left over fabric for the 'sash'. Unfortunately, it was a thick fabric and now it's super hard to tie because it's so stiff!

  443. Amy Woodruff says:

    Love love love the Amy Butler Fresh Poppies in Linen. Two favs in one! Linen-Amy Butler YIPEE!!

  444. Amy Woodruff says:

    Craft fail: baby shoes. I made a couple pairs the other day. When I tried a new pattern it was a disaster! At least it finally made me stop making baby shoes. :) Especially since my daughters are 3 and 4. haha!

  445. I love the whole shop in general but I must say the Moda Christmas fabrics are adorable and would be perfect for a hanging advent calendar I was making! Thanks for sharing :)

  446. Craft Fail: Placemats with side pockets for utensils. I've made them before but the person who asked me to make them this time asked me to downsize them and now they look my daughter can use them for her tea parties with stuffed animals.

  447. Rainy Days is the ONE!

    [email protected]

  448. Stupid craft fail – a rag rug that I trimmed and trimmed until it had a crew cut. Sigh.

  449. Jenn and Steve says:

    I really like the Meadowsweet set! Those are all my favorite colors and can think of a ton of things to do with them!

  450. "Just Dreamy Bloom and Grow Flower Cotton and Flannel Blanket Bundle" is gorgeous! I love that she sells bundles like this. What a great and simple idea!

  451. A Halloween table runner – I meant to sew a pretty ribbon onto the edge, but ended up sewing it into the center of the runner. Woops!

  452. Birdie3008 says:

    I love the Riley Blake Rainy Days bundle!

  453. Sewing Nutter says:

    I have fallen in love with 12 Days of Christmas By Kate Spain for Moda. I'm running ideas through my head on what to do with that one.

  454. Birdie3008 says:

    My most recent craft fail? Hmmmm. . . so many to choose! :) But it has to be the layered chiffon flowers with singed edges. All the tutorials tell you to have some water close by and for good reason-that stuff burns like crazy! Anyway you could say I "over singed" a couple of my layers and almost started a fire in my kitchen, my husband told me to stick with sewing.

  455. Sewing Nutter says:

    My latest fail was making a crayon roll and missed one of my rows that needed stitching but didn't see it til I was all done. So now I have an extra wide section. I've told my nephew it's for his matchbox car so no one knows it wasn't supposed to really be like that.

  456. There is a Verna fat quarter set that I think is going to have to come to my house. And I love that chocolate brown rickrack!

  457. My most recent craft failure is a dress that I was trying to make for my daughter. I've made this pattern tons of times and I have no idea what happened and can't figure out how to fix it. Not a clue!

  458. Brown and green jungle animals and green and white polka dot flaNNEL BLANKET BUNDLE WOULD BE GREAT FOR MY GRANDSONS ROOM.

  459. *sorry about the caps up there*

    My recent fail would be the purse that was to big so I turned it into a laptop bag which was ugly but my mama loved it…..she had too,its like a law or something. :)

  460. hannyBdesigns says:

    Anything by Riley Blake is my favorite!

  461. Becca Bowhead says:

    Black and yellow scroll. Yellow is my favorite color!

  462. What a great shop! I am absolutely in love with the yellow and black damask! I want some just to look at. =)

  463. I just found your blog today – love it! I would have to say I love all the jumbo ric rac.

  464. I love the Moda Botany!

  465. My most recent craft fail was appliqueing a backwards number 5 on my niece's birthday dress, goes to show never work at night with the lights on dim! HA! :)

  466. Hannah LaRue says:

    I love the bloom and grow and love birds lines by Riley Blake. So cute!

  467. Hannah LaRue says:

    My most recent craft fail would have to be an applique on a baby blanket. I could not get my sewing machine to cooperate. I tried to cover the messiness by trying to make the uneven sewing look intentional (going over it a few times) but I really think it didn't work.

  468. Riley Blake's Be Merry Christmas Snowman Flannel in Red because everyone should have a pair of red flannel pajamas to wear for Christmas ;-D

  469. TheDixiePixie says:

    My favorite fabric in the shop is Del Hi by Valori Wells Tango. It would make a gorgeous throw pillow on my couch, plus a beautiful dress for my daughter!
    [email protected]

  470. Love the Rainy Days fabric by Riley Blake.

  471. Steve and Jamie says:

    I really love the Bloom and Grow fabric. I'm making pillows for my bedroom soon and that would look great!

  472. Love birds is awesome

  473. McMemories says:

    All Star 2 is so cute!! Would be so cute in my twins room!!!

  474. McMemories says:

    my most recent fail is a thanksgiving banner, I went over board and it was horrible, so i went simple and turned out SO much cuter!!

  475. my last craft fail? i attempted to make my baby a hat. it fit her doll.

  476. Loving so many of them but especially the Jungle Animals Print

  477. I liked the "Pink White and Brown Flower Dot and Solid Brown Flannel Blanket Bundle, 2 Yards" because I'm all about pink and brown, and all about easy ordering! Having them prepackaged is a great idea!

  478. My hubby just made me this beautiful table for my laundry room- I didn't have any primer and I was to lazy to drive to town to get some so my mother in law lent me some of hers- So I primed it then painted and it looked great until I realized that the paint wasn't drying….. The primer she lent us was so old something had went wrong with it and it didn't let the paint set up right I spent hours scrapping and sanding it all off so it could be repainted the whole time wishing I'd taken the 20 min. to drive to the store for primer.

  479. My most recent craft fail was my Halloween costume. I was going to make two Cinderella costumes, one for me and one for my 4-yr-old. I finished my daughter's two days prior to Halloween; I have yet to even cut out the pattern for mine…

  480. That blue snowman print is already sitting in my "favorites" in etsy right now! :-) I have the bloom & grow bundle marked as well! Adorable!

  481. I love ther 12 days of christmas bundle. I will dream about coordinating pajamas this year…

  482. My recent fail? How about a Ghost costume that turned out more like a member of the KKK? We ended up getting rid of the pointed hat.

  483. Love all the Lauren and Jessi Jung for Moda florals but the Robert Kaufman Vera's Garden Daisy Floral in Yellow and Licorice totally stood out and said, "MAKE SOMETHING WITH ME!!!"

  484. craft FAIL: trying to crochet a beanie from a pattern I found online. Somehow my stitch numbering kept getting off and the hat wasn't curving down. I just had a coaster that kept getting bigger and bigger!! Lost count of how many times I started over. Someday I'll go back to it. For now it's scarves!!

  485. went to browse and ended up buying stuff lo! my fave is the brown and green animal flannel.

  486. craft fail = chalk painted pumpkins…i wasnt paying attention and spray painted on my car :( hubby is pretty unpleased….but my pumpkins were cute!

  487. I love the Meadowsweet by Sandi Henderson Fat Quarter Bundle, 5 Prints! I would love to make some cute aprons with it! :)

    srobinson8561 at

  488. my fav is the large star print in the blanket bundle section that is paired with the smaller green print.

    clark 6703 at earthlink dot net

  489. I am trying to think of my last fail…Ooh, this wasn't exactly a fail but I was repainting our screened porch furniture and tried to use some textured spray paint, but that didn't work (or look) right, so I tried to remove it, but that did not work well either, so one of the chairs looks a lot less smooth than the other ones… very disappointing :/

  490. my latest crafty fail was this past weekend… I was at a scrapbooking crop and I just could not get my pages to turn out the way I was seeing them in my head. I didn't end up liking many of the ones I completed…nothing in particular went wrong other than what I pictured when I started was NOT what I ended up with.
    clark 6703 at earthlink dot net

  491. Jenn and Steve says:

    Latest craft fail is a very unattractive quilted table runner… first time using a free motion foot and it was a disaster.

  492. I am drawn to oranges lately for some reason, so I like the Retro Flower Medallion 1/2 Yard Bundle (5 prints, 2 1/2 yards total). Maybe it's because it's fall…

  493. My favorite fabrics in the store are the Retro Flower Medallion 1/2 yard set. I love the red, orange and brown!

  494. Yeah, why does the lady always have to ask? All the more reason to shop online!

  495. As for my most recent craft fail, I tried to sew a binding on with a machine and it was huge mess. I guess I'll just stick to doing them by hand :-)

  496. as for a craft fail, it would probably be this embroidery project I have been working on for almost 4 years. I can't decide how to finish it, pillow or wall hanging…

  497. Josh and Leslie says:

    Would love some of that Christmas fabric…

  498. I am totally loving the Riley Blake Just Dreamy Orange Medium Dots. I have dot issues!

  499. Margo Tinnin says:

    Flower Medallion Retro Dots and Circles looks adorable, like it would make a wonderful owl pillow!

  500. I'm becoming a big fan of Riley Blake and still haven't gotten any Rainy Days & Mondays…. It's on my list of MUST HAVES! :)

    Thanks for the chance to enter!

  501. Most recent craft fail….? My daughter wanted some slippers like I have. I dug in my scrap bin (she's 3 — small feet) and found some fabric she'd like. I glanced at some tutorials and then dove in. They were so horrible that I threw them back in the bin! I sat and actually read a tutorial and made some that turned out okay after that…. but they were too small! Sigh. I'm just going to buy her some slippers.

  502. love the free bird by Momo for Moda!

  503. and craft fail – I was making a door sign for a friend and found the perfect brown glitter letters to use. Only problem was that every time you went to put the sticker down the glitter came off and I could not get the letters straight so by the time I was done half of the letters were missing glitter!

  504. I love the snowmen in red.

  505. I always think of you=FAIL! With my mess-ups : )

    Most recent is I when I sewed the fleece hat I was making right side to wrong side. I had to rip it all apart!

  506. So many beautiful and whimsical fabrics! My fav would be "Love Bird" by My Minds Eye!
    Thanks for sharing talented folks with us!
    [email protected]

  507. My favorite is snow flowers by Dena Designs.

  508. My latest craft fail would be an attempt to transfer my little fellas artwork to canvas….yeah, not too good.

  509. My most recent craft fail was making leaf prints. I spent a long time trying to get the amount of paint just right.

  510. I love the Retro Flower Medallion 1/2 yd bundles.

  511. Craft fail – I've had a quilt in the works for 5 years and only have half the blocks finished…maybe 2011 is the year to finish it!

  512. Melissa and Nick says:

    I really like the Rainy Days by Riley Blake! It's so cute.

    [email protected]

  513. Melissa and Nick says:

    Latest fail…completly cut a pattern wrong and had to restart, including going out and buying the fabric again.

    [email protected]

  514. absolutely love red blue and green cars and wheels by my minds eye! I'm happy to know about Raspberry Creek!

  515. Well, I had this idea that I was going to make a pillow that looked like a car (lighting mcqueen to be exact) for my two year old, but before even getting very far I gave up and just bought some lightning mcqueen fabric to make a pillow case instead. Hope he likes it anyway!

  516. Holly @ Domestic Dork says:

    Looooove the Colorful Christmas by Riley Blake, 1/2 Yard Bundle…like I need more Christmas fabric! Ah, who am I kidding? One can never have enough holiday fabric!

  517. Holly @ Domestic Dork says:

    Recent crafting fail? A toy diaper that was way too big for the doll. Had to make a new one.

  518. I want some more of Freebird by Momo. I bought a yard awhile ago but I really want more and it's hard to find now.

  519. Hmm, just ONE craft fail? I unfortunately have many. The most recent being an attempt at a ruffled handbag from my own pattern. It's all the style now and you can find lots of tutorials but a couple months ago, I was on my own.

  520. Oh Im loving the 12 days of Christmas. I have been trying to think of a project to make with all that christmas fabric just because I want to buy some!!!

  521. Oh Im loving the 12 days of Christmas. I have been trying to think of a project to make with all that christmas fabric just because I want to buy some!!!

  522. crafting fail…I would say the crazy tissue paper art I made for my play room…oh well i can just tell people my 4 year old made them :)

    favorite fabric is Rainy Days By Riley Blake, Umbrella Damask on Yellow…so fun I want it!!!

  523. And my latest failure… I tried to make a baby dress and have the top part be shirred. hmm didnt turn out to well considering the top strip was WAY too narrow. Just looks like a skirt now, NOT a dress. haha

  524. And my latest failure… I tried to make a baby dress and have the top part be shirred. hmm didnt turn out to well considering the top strip was WAY too narrow. Just looks like a skirt now, NOT a dress. haha

  525. The Celebrated Author says:

    My favorite fabric from that site is the AHMAZING "Timeless Treasures Taxi Trio Yellow and Black Damask" of which you posted a picture in this post. I LOVE IT so much I may actually buy it (gasp!).


  526. The Celebrated Author says:

    Craft fails… long list. Most recent, however, would probably be my attempt at a hat for a sock doll. Let's just say it was made of duct tape and leave it at that.


  527. My favorite fabric from the shop is Just Dreamy Fabric By Riley Blake Green Tone on Tone Floral.

  528. I haven't had a lot of craft fails lately (yay!), but I did sew my tablecloth to a quilt I was quilting several months ago. :)

  529. oh my ! this is an amazing giveaway! i hope i win! i need fabric for my new sewing machine! I like the Avlyn Belle Fleur Scroll in Black and White! thanks!

    [email protected]

  530. my craft fail is my clutch! :( the handle fell off . boo.

    [email protected]

  531. My recent craft fail??? I wanted to serge the sleeves of a top that I spent hours making… and didn't notice that a piece of the front of my top was folded under the sleeve: so I serged the sleeves and created a massive hole in my top

  532. I like Green Brown and Yellow Baby Birds Flannel.

  533. And the fabric I prefer is
    "Robert Kaufman Vera's Garden Large Summer Flower"
    verrry cute!!!
    thanks for the give away!

  534. So hard to choose, but I love the Riley Blake All star fabric for my kid's playroom.

    I wish I had time to have a recent craft fail. I've been too busy to do much lately, but I'm hoping to make some time soon and have nothing but success!

  535. I am LOVING the All Star fabric. I have two little boys who will soon be sharing a room and have been looking for fabric to make quilts out of. I am currently a "quilting student" with guidance form my mother in law. Those fabrics would be so fun in their room. I am also loving the christmas fabric. It is getting me inspired to be crafty this winter! Im such a newbie :)

  536. Crafting fail? I just recently got out my sewing machine that I got as a gift back in February. I have sewn before but this was my first time using my own machine. So mortified that my husband was sitting next to me giving me tips. LOL. Who would have thought?!

  537. There are SO many sets that I love! Mostly the Christmas fabrics.. I love them all!

  538. Does it count that I have restarted knitting the SAME scarf about 15 times? I think that's a major fail! lol

  539. Meador family says:

    It is seriously impossible to pick just one fabric! But one of my favorites is the Riley Blake Red Stripe Dot Flannel…so cute!!!

  540. Meador family says:

    Latest craft fail…I've been trying to make fabric flowers for headbands for my girls. I just can't get the stinkin' flowers right…they're too tall or too wonky or too loose…I just can't get them right. Annoying.

  541. Dogmom Diva says:

    I would so love the Green Brown and Yellow Baby Birds and Solid Green Flannel Blanket Bundle, 2 Yards..


  542. Dogmom Diva says:

    I did this a couple days ago, on an apron I was sewing, I totally sewed the hem and ric rac on the wrong side of the fabric:( ugh.


  543. My favorite is the david textile's wild animals!

    stormyranew at yahoo dot com

  544. My most recent crafting fail was trying to modpodge an recipe box with scrapbook paper. Cute idea, but it just didn't turn out too well.

    stormyranew at yahoo dot com

  545. Most recent craft fail: made an iPod nano cover for my mom, but I didn't have the iPod so I just eye-balled the size. It was WAY too small so I came home and made her another…WAY too big. Ugh.

  546. I really like the "Be Merry Christmas Snowmen" in red!

  547. And my most recent craft fail…a new handbag pattern that took 2 hours to figure out the pockets!

  548. nursemommyof3 says:

    I am totally loving Colorful Christmas by Riley Blake!

  549. nursemommyof3 says:

    My latest crafting fail involved sewing a pinafore and sewing two of the wrong seams together. It made for a twisted mess of fabric!

  550. My favorite is Colorful Christmas by Riley Blake. I work for Target so I love the bullseyes! :)

  551. Mrs. Doodle says:

    love birds and rainy days…. although I really want some of that CUTE Christmas fabric – any of the Christmas prints are super cute:)

  552. Mrs. Doodle says:

    recent fail… tried making my 3 year old a nightgown and well I really messed up the arm holes. she still wore it because it had princesses on it but I don't know how she did. lol

  553. And craft fail…. which ones aren't? But I was attempting to make some burp clothes with flannel and minky while talking to my 2 year old. Not a good idea… the stuff went everywhere!!! Sooo turned around I had to cut it in half and make a doll pillow and a catnip toy… goodness! :) Clearly, I cannot multitask!

  554. Amelia and Justin says:

    I love the rainy days by Reily Blake…so cute!

  555. spoleyoley says:

    It's so hard to pick one favorite. She's got a really great shop! I saved it to my favorites! I'm really loving Riley Blake right now, so I guess all the fabrics she has listed would be my favorites.

  556. Amelia and Justin says:

    My sisters, mother and cousins and I all participate in an ornament exchange… My ornament this year was going to be a fabulous fabric ornament that turned out to be far more fabulous in my mind than in actual practice. Back to the drawing board for surre!

  557. spoleyoley says:

    My craft fail…would be just last night! I've been hand quilting & appliquing for YEARS. But I sat down last night and for the life of me could not remember how to do a stitch around my applique pieces! I spent 30 minutes stitching and ripping it out, finally had to get a book out to get a refresher! I felt so stupid and ended up putting the project away. I got it out today and almost fell over laughing at the mess I had made.

  558. c2drvrswyf says:

    Love the 12 Days of Christmas fabric by Kate Spain. I make aprons and that fabric would be so cute made into a Christmas apron!

  559. c2drvrswyf says:

    Most recent craft fail would be the Sockhead hat I knit for my daughter. I thought it looked cool but I've only seen it on her head 1 time – and that's when she tried it on after it came of the needles. ::sigh::

  560. I love the "Lovebird" collection. So cute!!

  561. Sorry, but I can't tell you ONE fave, so here are just a few! :)

    Yellow/Black Damask (gasp!)… Be Merry Christmas Snowman Flannel in Red… 12 Days of Christmas By Kate Spain, Fig 8.

    There are LOTS of cute fabrics there!

    [email protected]

  562. I love the Meadowsweet by Sandi Henderson. Immediately caught my eye when I opened her site up…dreamy I tell you

  563. Love the giant rick rack.

  564. I was sewing patches on a GS vest and in hast sewed them on upside down before I realized it…thank god for seem rippers.

  565. Brown and blue jungle animals.

  566. I have tried to make pot holders by crocheting. I just can't get it to be square! This one craft is a difficult one for me to concor!

  567. I like "Be Merry Christmas Snowflakes" and "Riley Blake Wheels Wavy". Can't decide. :)

  568. Biggesst craft fail.. was working on an applique and for some reason my brain went dead and I ironed the wonder under on the pretty side of the fabric and ruined the entire thing…

  569. I LOVE the Retro Flower Medallion 1/2 Yard Bundle, 5 prints, 2 1/2 yards total.

  570. Craft fail? Do you know how many of those I get?!! One, I tried using soup can lids to make ornaments. We used sharpies to decorate. Nope, sharpies don't work, but my kids worked so hard on theirs that I love the ornaments anyways.

  571. The Lewis Family says:

    I love the Riley Blake Flannel Car & Stripe Blanket Bundle!! I have a boy due in January, and it would make the perfect blanket!!

  572. Freebird by Momo for Moda

  573. I tried to make t-shirt for my son using my husband's old shirt…what a diaster….

  574. How to choose just one fabric!! I LOVE the Riley Blake Bloom and Grow line and I actually have put a fat quarter bundle of the All Star 2 line in at least one virtual cart but haven't made it to checkout yet! Thanks for the giveaway!

  575. And my crafting fail is more like a "failure to craft." Between kids and house and job and my classes I need to find a few extra hours in the day. Only three more weeks until final exams, then I'm going to have to be a crafting fool to get ready for the holidays!

  576. Oh, pretty! :) I am just starting to branch out with sewing, so I'm a newbie, and fabric excites me. :) My favorite is Riley Blake Bloom and Grow Vine Print in Cream Cotton.

  577. Nicki Lundeen says:

    My favorite fabric is the Timeless Treasures yellow and black damask print and the snowmen…love snowmen. nlundeen at catt dot com

  578. Nicki Lundeen says:

    My most recent craft fail is I was trying to make this coin purse called a "Stash Bag" from Amy Butler. Now, I can sew pretty good, but the zipper area came out looking disastrous on the ends!!!!! I was going to use it for a Christmas present, but not now….I was really disappointed!

  579. I love Wheels By My Minds Eye for Riley Blake Brown Large Car Flannel.
    heidikittelson at gmail dot com

  580. Most recent craft fail? Nothing big, yet (fingers crossed). I was making santa hat cones (Idea from Thrifty Decor Chick) and the jewels just wouldn't go on evenly. Something about the uneven cone shape. Drove me crazy. Just had to succumb to the fact that it wouldn't be perfect.

  581. I *need* that "Be Merry Christmas Snowman Flannel in Blue". You're right, Char. Pajama pants :D

  582. I love all fabric! My favorite is Sandi Henderson's Meadowsweet.

  583. My most recent fail was for my dd's bday. I was trying to attach vinyl lettering to some cheapo Ikea wood frames that were not sanded before hand and I could not get the vinyl to stick!!!

  584. Philip and Micaela says:

    I love the Mini Dot in Green and the Blue Cheery Dot by Minds Eye the best. I love blue and green mixes!

  585. Philip and Micaela says:

    My latest craft fail: I tried to make a "BOO" sign for our door for Halloween. I wanted to make it simple, so I thought after I painted and modpodged the letters, I could hang them using jewlery wire. I put the letters right beside each other and they ended up folding in on each other. Not exactly what I had in mind… I thought about putting them vertically, but I decided to spray paint a grapevine wreath black and attach the wire to that. It worked out much better!

  586. Nate and Lori says:

    I am loving the All Star 2 Bundle…possibly because I am dreaming about being pregnant with a boy hopefully soon.

  587. Nate and Lori says:

    My biggest craaft fail recently is a set of frames that I was trying to paint for my daughters bedroom. I got the paint all over the matting part and now Im not really sure what I am going to do with them.

  588. Beautiful fabric!! The Verna by Kate Spain looks scrumptious!

    email: [email protected]

  589. Craft fail?…lets see…oh thismay not be the most recent but it was horrrible. I tried to make a sleeper with a zipper when I was pregnant for the baby and it totally flopped! I could not figure out the pattern…i hate patterns!

    email: [email protected]

  590. Landon and Kylie says:

    I love that she has the wheels fabric in stock still!
    [email protected]

  591. Landon and Kylie says:

    Recent craft fail: I tried to make my husband one of those "blinders" that help you sleep on planes and such. It turned out completely lopsided and super ugly. But he won't give it back. Weirdo.

  592. The 12 Days of Christmas fabric is adorable! And I've been crafting Christmas gifts for weeks now…perfect! That'd be my favorite of the day – cause you know fabric favorites rotate constantly!

  593. recent craft fail – tried to applique a little christmas tree on a shirt for my 1.5 year old…didn't use any stabilizer…learned the value of that!

  594. I am in love with the All Star 2 collection for boys and the Rainy Days for girls. So dang cute!!

  595. My most recent craft fail was my sons Halloween costume. He was supposed to be Peter Pan, so I got some knit and started sewing. I was working on his shirt and realized after sewing on one sleeve that I had done it inside out. I had never worked with Knit before and after trying to rip a different seam I realized I would have to start over again if I tried to fix the sleeve. I had a short time limit and just a little fabric… So I just sewed the other one on inside out as well. :)

  596. Amy @ Increasingly Domestic says:

    Love the Rainy Days By Riley Blake!

  597. tink.secondstar says:

    Recent craft fail: had an image of a carnival Fun Slide that I was transferring onto a t-shirt for a customer and forgot to print the image in reverse before ironing it on. It would have been perfect but for the "EDILS NUF" that was emblazoned at the top of the image.

  598. tink.secondstar says:

    I am in love with the Riley Blake Colorful Christmas bundle :))

  599. Sarah Takens says:

    Recent craft fail – I wanted to try to make a faux fur vest fro my daughter. I thought I'd be crafty and use an old zip up hoodie that she had grown out of and cut the sleeves off. I slurged on the $23 a yard fabric and bought just enough. Laid out my fake pattern and cut it, only to realize I cut two for the same side. Fail.

  600. Sarah Takens says:

    Also – HUGE fan of teh Just Dreamy by Riley Blake fabric set. Super cute designs!

  601. I HEART the rainy day umbrellas!!! What sweet fabric!

  602. My most resent craft fail…. 2 different attempts at creating a clock for my kitchen. For some reason, I keep messing with the hands enough that they won't work once I get it all decopaged and put back together. So SAD!! And it still ticks… just to taunt me! :(

  603. My favorite fabric in the shop is Rainy Days! I really want to get some umbrella fabric… I should get on that. I also LOVE the red and green bundle above.

  604. My most recent craft fail? One of the mug rugs I tried to make just did not come out right. The rectangles weren't lined up and I had to take it all apart. =/ Oh well. Looks better now.

  605. jenpetersen says:

    I've always wanted to make a Christmas quilt so I say the 12 days of Christmas bunch.

  606. bee-bo creations says:

    i'm LOVING the fa la la la christmas print bundle. so cute!

  607. I LOVE the blue snowman fabric! how adorable!

  608. I love the 2 yard bundle of the green blue yellow jungle and the green with white polka dots.

  609. I love the blue snowman fabric and the all star dot one!

  610. my most recent craft fail was a superhero mask made out of pleather – it wouldn't glide right on the machine . . . so the 1st is ugly, stretched and went right to the trash. But then I used baby powder to not make it so sticky to my presser foot – worked like a charm!

  611. I love the All Star 2 By My Minds Eye…I've already got a recipient picked out for a set of burp cloths and other baby items made out of it. Hope I win!

  612. I love the blanket bundle with Riley Blake Bloom and Grow Pink Daisy Print. My daughter needs a room makeover and that's just what I am looking for!

  613. My recent crafting fail: I was making a soft winter book for my kids. It is made out of a fabric panel, so how hard can it be? Well, with my first cut, I cut off a big chunk I wasn't supposed to…Oops!

  614. Riley Blake cars flannel – have been eyeing that for my little man for a while now :)

  615. Oooohhh, I love Meadowsweet and Love Birds! I have been looking for wonderful fabric to make aprons for Christmas presents and I think I found them!!!!

  616. Such cute fabrics!!!! Im loving Brown and Blue Jungle animals and the christmas fabrics are darling!

  617. My fave is the 12 days of Christmas!!

  618. My recent craft fail wasnt really a fail because I figured out how to do it the second time around! It was a hair flower clip made from fabric.. Looked so bad!

  619. LOVE BIRDS. That's my fav.

  620. Crafting? What's that? I haven't had time to craft in like…forever. But, as for an epic fail, I would have to say trying to etch glass. Did you know that sometimes your glass won't etch if you have an old piece of glassware? Eh? Well now you know.

  621. Mama Mama Quite Contrary says:

    I love the rainy day umbrella tops.

  622. Oooh, so lovely! I know this isn't a single fabric, but I'm ga-ga over the 12 Days of Christmas bundle! Great shop!

  623. Rainy Days would be my favorite for sure!

  624. I completely botched a pair of pj pants. Don't know why or how but they were terrible.

  625. Ha! So many recent craft fails from which to choose. A particularly epic disaster was my attempt to decoupage an elephant to the back of a clear paint and then crackle paint all around it. It was supposed to be sort of rustic, but sheesh! I hung that sucker up anyway. At least until hubby stubbed his toe because he wasn't watching where we was going because he was too busy laughing at my creation.

  626. I'm already using the Colorful Christmas line for our Christmas PJ's (I LOVE it!) but I also adore the Wheels fabric. How cute is that??

  627. Recent craft fail: a burlap rosette that, when looked at closely, was really just a mass of burlap and dried glue.

  628. mandy burgess says:

    Oooooooh, I love the Rainy Days bundle! Oh the possibilities!

  629. mandy burgess says:

    Recent fail…..I didn't buy enough fabric for a project, went back to JoAnn's a couple weeks later….they were out. Procrastination is my middle name….and now I am using a different fabric to complete it, but I don't LOVE it like I did the other. :(

  630. Love the christmas bundle….oooooo the possibilities!!

  631. Latest Craft flop?? Tried to make a 3 tiered skirt, it was straight up and down, hard for my little girl walk in!!

  632. I loved the Botany line from moda. I am going to have to wrangle mu budget to get some!

  633. Recent craft fail… an ottoman which started out as a coffee table. It started out so well, but due to limited funds I tried to make the cushion out of batting and stuffing. It worked for the first week or so until the stuffing went flat and the fabric is now slack…. Time to redo it with actual foam cushions.

  634. brown paper packages says:

    LOVE her holiday fabrics! And of course, and anything Amy Butler. :)

  635. brown paper packages says:

    I really wanted to make placemats out of a canvas dropcloth.

    I might try again…one day.

  636. Kevin, Holly, Kari and Bryce says:

    I'm totally in the fall mood and the Flower Medallion has hit the spot! Love the oranges and browns.

  637. Kevin, Holly, Kari and Bryce says:

    And hmmm, my most recent craft fail? Which one should I choose??? I tried painting our bathroom with a fancy "technique". Note to self: leave the techniques to those self-proclaimed DIYers at Lowe's. My daughter loves to point out all the imperfections each morning as she's brushing her teeth. Gives her plenty of time to brush those pearly whites, I suppose!

  638. *MICHELLE CAUDLE* says:

    My favorite fabric is "Bullseye Star Print in Green"…I think it would be adorable in the quilts I want to make for my boys!

  639. *MICHELLE CAUDLE* says:

    My craft fail: Today I didn't realize that a piece of wood I was spray painting was going to be SO porous, so I had to go back and prime it. It's REALLY annoying wasting spray paint on a board like that!!!

  640. The Jungle Animal and Green Polka Dot is my favorite as it would be a really cute receiving blanket for my new grandchild. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love the bundle of the brown and aqua as it would match the colors in the new babies room.

  641. lily_bug_boutique says:

    I love, love, love the Riley Blake All Star fabric line. Love the colors!

  642. lily_bug_boutique says:

    My latest craft fail…well it wasn't really a failure. I made a tie for my 5 year old and it ended up being way too long. So I just tucked it away for a few years and made him a smaller one. :)

  643. My favorite fabric is the wheels. I'm sure my son would love to have a new blankie made with that design.
    [email protected]

  644. My latest craft fail was making a tutu. I have 2 boys and neither would let me measure them to make one for my niece of the same age. Regardless to say, the waist was too big and the skirt was too long. Still cute :)
    [email protected]

  645. I am loving the All Star 2 bundle and Love Birds bundles! Gorgeous!!!

    A recent craft fail?? I'm on a sewing spree making leggings for my girls. I have just enough sparkly hot pink zebra knit to make a pair of biker type shorts for the 4 year old. I cut both pieces out facing the same way and didn't figure that out until I was trying to sewing the crotch together and couldn't get it to line up right for the life of me. EPIC FAIL.


  646. I love the Rainy Days by Riley Blake. So cute!

  647. I was going to make snowflakes out of Popsicle sticks, and as great of an idea as it sounded when i bought the stuff, everything is still in the package. It just seems too elementary now. Think I'm gonna have to return the sticks… :(

  648. Scott, Kasie & Payton says:

    I love the Retro Flower Medallion fabrics. There are so many choices though!!!

  649. Scott, Kasie & Payton says:

    I love the Retro Flower Medallion fabrics. There are so many choices though!!!

  650. Bloom Vine in cream. But how can you choose. I just love fabric.

  651. CRAFT FAIL! Trying to alter a regular dress pattern to make it a maternity dress pattern. Very, very, very bad.

  652. I would love: 12 Days of Christmas

  653. Latest craft fail: I made a fleece beanie for my nephew, that was WAY too BIG, and since I am not a fan of picking out my mistakes… I decided I would keep it for me! :) (it's a little tight!!)

  654. My fav is definitely the Love Birds set! Such great colors!

  655. My most recent craft fail was the covered notebooks I was planning on making for my daughters teachers. I got half way through and became bored, so just quit!

  656. Sharesa Larsen says:

    I love the Love Bird Bundle, each one of those fabrics is beautiful! I can think of so many ways to use a yard!

  657. Sharesa Larsen says:

    My most recent craft fail is sewing on a zipper, only three plus hours and numerous you tube vidoes before I finally got a 4 inch zipper sewed onto a quiet book page. This is making me rethink the whole quiet book for Christmas idea!

  658. Love the Pop garden by Heather Bailey! Love her stuff!


  659. I love the yellow and black damask. I also really like the Riley Blake Just Dreamy collection. Along with quite a bit more of the Riley Blake fabric. Beautiful choices.

  660. My most recent craft fail was a faux painting I attempted to do. I used scrapbook paper and mod podged a bird and several tree branches. It was looking great until I did the last step. I was trying to paint over it with white paint as the tutorial suggested and I completely blew it. It looked terrible. Oh well. I moved on to sewing after that.

  661. I love the Rainy Days! So many are adorable though, and I too have hoarding issues. I find cute ones and then I don't want to use them. lol And I have HUGE issues with making a decision when pairing contrasting or coordinating colors for appliques and other projects. Huge overthinker!


  662. I have 2 (err 3) recent craft fails. I bought a Simplicity pattern of pin cushions for .99 at Joanns and tried to make the turtle cushion for a friend twice. Both resulted in deformed looking critters. They actually look like someone's puppy got a hold of them. I have pictures. The other craft fail is anything and everything that I've attempted to cut on my new Silhouette has been a disaster. Customer Service is sending me a new blade because that one might possibly be defective. I hope the new blade fixes the problems because if not, then I'm going to have to assume everyone who just loves it is nuts.

  663. quilteddog says:

    Hands down, its the Riley Blake colorful christmas! LOVE IT! and also, love your blog! I'm subscribing!

  664. quilteddog says:

    recent craft fail…bought a styrofoam maniquin head with the idea that I could cut off the top of the head and put a plant on it for "hair"…, well, ended up that i had to cut off way more of her head than I wanted to accomodate the pot, then the whole thing was unstable and knocked over easily…I'm still looking for a head to become a planter for my "hair" plant….some day I hope to make this a crafting success!

  665. Pilkington Family says:

    would love to use Wheels by My Minds Eye to make something for my boys!!

  666. Pilkington Family says:

    also recent craft fail…. I was making a skirt for a gift and had just enough fabric. figured out once it was waaay to late that I had cut out all the pieces with the wrong measurements. love when that happens!

  667. Wheels by Minds Eye is my favorite! That would make a great quilt for my 2 year old son.

  668. Recent craft fail – A quilted apron. Somehow gathering 2 layers of fabric with batting in between doesn't produce great results.

  669. My favorite fabrics are those Love Birds fabrics by Riley Blake. So cute!

  670. Yes! I just purchased Amy Butler linen and it is beautiful, as expected!

  671. candywrappermama says:

    I'd have to say the Happy Butterfly in blush from Sandi Henderson's Meadowsweet collection is my favorite. To look at it just makes one, well, happy! I want the whole collection, I might make that happen today;)

  672. candywrappermama says:

    My latest craft fail is not paying attention to the Bernina sales person and using the wrong bobbin in my new machine. After a very frustrating afternoon of crappy stitches I got out my old machine and was delighted with it's mediochre performance. Well, problem solved and now I'm in love.

  673. Pop Garden is lovely. I could use that for a few things.

  674. My last failure was making a Tinkerbell cake and her dress came out unlevel.

  675. Lori Dupre Jackson says:

    I think I NEED the love birds bundle! With 4 little girls to sew for, it just seems right. :)

  676. Lori Dupre Jackson says:

    Oh, and my latest fall craft project was flannel-lined canvas pants for the one little man we have here. <3

  677. I like the Love Birds by My Minds Eye. Hard to choose though – there are lots of lovely fabrics on the site…

  678. Dreamingof03 says:
  679. Dreamingof03 says:

    my last fail…. technically… my last fail was the one that made me cry. I was doing a recycle t shirt king size scrappy throw. I got the quilt to queen size and then… my pfaff machine stopped. Just stopped. My foot pedal just went dead and no longer responded. I will be getting my sewing machine back one way or another for Christmas because I have some quilts that need to be done. My hubby and mom are already looking into it. :)

    [email protected]

  680. The Keele's says:

    I love the bloom and grow ones! Especially the blue on blue- soooo pretty!

  681. The Keele's says:

    Well I have had several fails! One I am working to fix is a chalkboard that I've been working on since july! I got the board cut 1/2 an inch too small….. The worst part is that the measurments were written on the back of the frame I'm using, but I dind't notice till it was too late!! I just got board #2 cut and I need to aint it so wish me luck!!!

  682. The Andersons says:

    Oh, I would love to win this! I'm so excited to explore the Raspberry Creek Fabrics, they are beautiful!!!

  683. jackshoney71 says:

    OMG all those fabrics are gorgeous!!! I can't pick one favorite. Love the snowmen, flower medallion, freebird etc. See I couldn't pick one:)

  684. Char, I found ALOT I like.
    Here is a list of the wonderful ones she has to offer. All star 2 by Minds Eye, Flower medallion Retro Dot, Lauren and Jessi Jung for Moda Botany Bramble, Fa La La La Christmas Prints, Botany by Lauren and Jessie Jung for Moda, EVERYTHING RILEY BLAKE>

  685. My most recent fail was making fortune cookies out of fabric a suggestion that I found in a famous former jailbirds magazine. I love her but I dont want to use her name but her initials are MS, you all know who she is. ;)
    Anyways, I am not cretain that they actually planned the measurements through or actually tried this but it was an epic fail.
    The measurements were totally off in thier pattern and it left me with a million circles of fabric in the cutest valentines print. Now I have to find an idea for those darned valentines covered circles. Oh well it is a creative challenge and I am always up for that!

  686. I love the Botany fabric!

  687. Oh How I love Freebird, lovebird, and rainy days.

  688. As for my most recent craft fail… I was getting really cocky on how cute these hair clips were that I was making for my girls. Well when I was finished two of them were glued shut and two others were totally upside down. UUUGH. I considered changing the parts in their hair so they would still work!

  689. My most recent fail left me feeling rather stupid. I was making a pixie dust style bag for my daughter. It was supposed to resemble a flower with the petals showing on the outside when cinched shut. Well, the petals would never sit right and would get sucked into the bag every time it was cinched. I disappointed but figure at least the bag worked.

    Fast forward a few days later and I realize I had it inside out. Does it still count as a fail when I was obviously not using my head? ;)

  690. Tom and Katie says:

    David's Textiles Wild Animal Cotton is my fave… Such fun fabric! Thanks for showing us such a great etsy site!

    And my craft fail was just last night. I was trying to make a ruffle/cone christmas tree thing with my crafty gals…. and it was just horrific. They were all laughing at my craptastic cone. Terrible. :)

  691. I love the Green Brown and Yellow Baby Birds and Solid Green Flannel Blanket Bundle- so cute.
    dumei42 gmail com

  692. I've been spending a lot of time unraveling a sweater I knitted- it ended up heavy and long and UGLY! Major fail.
    dumei42 gmail com

  693. Alas, I just moved and haven't found a local fabric shop… maybe on-line shopping is for me!!!

  694. whereshesloved says:

    Really Loving the Amy Butler Midwest Modern 2 Optic Blossom in Olive <3

  695. whereshesloved says:

    Most Recent Craft Fail…Baby Bibs for a friends baby shower… I had a pattern, but I am still a sewing novice.. I did not trim the corners or 'valleys' and was left with an awful puckered mess… to top it off I left this until the 11th hour and was forced to go buy something so as not not arrive sans gift… very sad and lesson learned!!

  696. I'm am LOVING that Love Birds set she's got for the giveaway, I was already drooling over it. But my fav in the shop might be Rainy Days by Riley Blake! So cute!

  697. My saddest craft failure… wooden blocks with lettering. "How simple" some may think. But I totally messed up on them and haven't attempted to fix them after many months.

  698. I'm already thinking about my New Years Resolutions: Fabric from Rasberry Creek would make a beautiful handbag.

  699. The Edwards Family says:

    Oh I love the Timeless Treasures Yellow and Black Damask. I think I need to make a little bag out of that material.

    kurtessa at yahoo dot com

  700. I love the Rainy days! Craft fail…I "made" a necklace – super cute – but when I was done it didn't even go around my neck! Back to the beginning!

  701. Yellow and Black Scroll and Damask Collection is my favorite! Love them all though!

  702. I'm in love with the Colorful Christmas by Riley Blake, Blue Stripe Flannel… it's just screaming Christmas PJ's for my sons!!!

  703. Oh & my latest craft fail… a crayon roll. Yup, I failed at one of the easiest most recognized and replicated projects in the blogosphere! I'm actually really good at sewing, I swear.. it's hard to get used to sewing with my mom's machine (that's my story and I'm sticking to it)!

  704. I absolutely LOVE the "Riley Blake Blue/Teal and Green Plaid Flannel". I'm a sucker for anything plaid!

  705. I love Bloom and Grow from Riley Blake!

  706. I totally heart anything by Riley Blake, and her new All Star 2 line is fabulousness!! I have everything from her original All Star line :)

  707. Hmmm … recent craft fail?? I'm making patchwork bibs and totally forgot about needing backs for each one. I cut my fat quarters completely *wrong* thinking that I was *saving* fabric. Now I get to cut another big hunk out of each one for the backs. If I'd thought it thru the first time, I coulda cut it right and not wasted so much. And it's the fabulous Nicey Jane collection even!! Grrr …

  708. Marianne, aka Ranger Anna says:

    Holy crap! The fabric I need for the grand nieces and nephews is right there! Pick me! Pick me!

  709. For myself, I'd choose the Flower Medallion Retro Dot collection. But I really like the Wheels collection for my two boys!

    tari.mcdonald [at] gmail [dot] com

  710. My latest craft fail… I bought a dress on clearance to refashion into a longer skirt for church. I was able to make it into a skirt, but when I wear it, my stomach seems several sizes bigger than it actually is… so disappointing! :(

  711. Fabric giveaway…I LOVE IT ALL!!! Lovebirds and Wheels by Minds Eye and the 12 Days of Christmas. CUTE!

  712. I'm loving the pretty bird and snow flower!… or lauren and jesse jung… or there are just too many cute fabrics to choose from!

  713. All Stars by my minds eye!!

  714. My most recent craft fail… I thought I'd make a pair of those loose pantaloons for my little girl (yes even though it's fall time). I thought I'd just wing it from a pair of her pants… bad idea. I didn't even try fitting her leg in cause it would've gotten stuck! Instead my niece uses the cute little pants for her doll! Glad they went to a good home :)

  715. I love the Be Merry Christmas in red! All very beautiful, fun and lovely.

  716. I just love the 12 days of christmas line. Thanks for the giveaway.
    spackattak7 at hotmail dot com

  717. My most recent craft fail was a baby's first Christmas ornament for my daughter. White embroidered words on white felt do not show up at all. Had to unpick the whole thing. Fail! Thanks again.

  718. My most recent crafting mistake was making an infant hat to match a snuggler I made for my SIL. I used a knit cap as a pattern to make one out of fleece. So in the end, there wasn't close to enough stretch to even fit a small orange, forget a 10 lbs baby!

    Oh, my email is Paula.Titel at gmail

  719. I've been meaning to get some Botany for awhile so this bundles are looking good!

  720. Ooo Rainy days and Lovebird are both high on my list, but so hard to choose ONE favorite!

  721. Crafting fail… not sure it counts as "crafting" but I made some corduroy pants for my baby that look like balloon pants. And she's already got chubby legs! At least they fit over her cloth daipers :)

  722. My most recent craft fail is not very entertaining: I cut into a charm pack before thinking too much about my plan and turns out my idea doesn't really work… Charm pack ruined :(

  723. divaskychick says:

    Oh my gosh Rainy Days by Riley Blake is my fav (altho Lord knows I could pick dozens!) Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  724. divaskychick says:

    Oh and craft fail… Well I made a stuffed animal for my daughter and I messed up the seam allowance. Poor cat has no chin!

  725. Definitely loving the All Star 2 Fabric. Would be perfect for some room decorations for my 1 year old.

  726. My most recently failed craft? Yesterday I tried to paint a canvas sign for my dining room. It was supposed to go with another decoration that says "love is…" the canvas was supposed to say patient, kind, never fails, always protects, always hopes. But it turned out HORRIBLE. the paint bled under my stencils, you couldn't read it. Very upsetting :(

  727. I am in love with the idea of those blanket bundles. I think my favorite is the Riley Blake Wheels Wavy Road & Green Dot bundle.

  728. Jennifer ~ Mi Vida Loca says:

    Thanks so much for the chance to win this wonderful give-away! I love this ETSY shop and this is my 1st time seeing it so I'm really glad you posted about it.

    The fabric I liked the best in this shop is the Flora Bark by Lauren and Jessi Jung from the Moda Botany coolection. Actually, I loved the coordinated packages of this coolection that are for sale at Raspberry Spice but since I had to pick just one, that's it!

  729. Jennifer ~ Mi Vida Loca says:

    Bonus question…My most recent craft failure was about 2 weeks ago – I was making a felted mouse stuffed figure and the head is about the size of a walnut and calls to be sewn so I decided to hand sew it since it's so small and I could do it on my luncgh break at work…Yep, 2 days of lunch breaks spent hand sewing this lil' guys head and when I turned the head right side out after it was sewn, it was completely NOT the rihght shape! :(

  730. Kristi Rowley says:

    I Love the Pink Daisy Bloom and Grow! So Cute!

  731. Kristi Rowley says:

    Hmmm, Fail? Let's put it this way, if it's something I am trying to do and can see that it's not going to turn out like it is supposed to, then I just never finish it. I have many unfinished projects.

  732. My favorite fabric is the Cream Vine Bloom and Grow.

    [email protected]

  733. My most recent fail is a desk I am trying to paint. It's not really that bad it's just that it's such a pain because it has tiny shelves that can't be removed that I did the primer and it has been sitting in my garage ever since. I'm thinking about trying spray paint instead.

    [email protected]

  734. I love this! Just Dreamy Bloom and Grow Flower Cotton and Flannel Blanket Bundle, 2 Yards

  735. My most recent fail? Hmmm … guess that would be a mystery quilt I did earlier this year. I hate the color combo I chose so I haven't finished it.

  736. Most recent craft fail – Trying to make a reverseable dress without a pattern and having never made anything reverseable. I got the front made and the back made… sewed two fabrics together for each side to look like double-sided fabric… and then realized there would be side seams just like always, when I sewed the front to the back. FAIL. Then I tried to put some trim on the bottom and because of the way I curved the bottom of the dress it's pretty much impossible to put anything on it now that it's already in one piece. FAIL. So it will just be a learning experience and never get worn because I refuse to rip ALL the seams out to try to salvage it.

  737. I like "Rainy Days" by Riley Blake. I hadn't seen that one yet!

  738. I must say I love the Rainy Days…too cute!

    I just love fabric! When people ask me what I want for Christmas…I actually told them some cute fabric :)…who needs diamonds? lol

    [email protected]

  739. My latest craft fail??? Hmmm-I don't really craft…but I sew…ALOT. I bought a new pattern for the little boys jon jon's and it was a disaster! The pattern was all wrong. The 12 month size (that I made FOUR of before realizing that it was goofed up) was actually a 9 month, and the 18 month was actually a 12 month and so on. It was no fault of mine…the pattern was off. So, that's my latest fail. It was horrible! :(

  740. I love the blue fabrics and would love to see what kind of quilt I could make for my son with it

  741. My recent failure is a handprint turkey onesie, my 1 year old did not want to paint with his hands

  742. Love the Love Birds print – this cute fabric is so addicting!! Would love to make my daughter a little blanket!

  743. Hard to pick out a favorite but I choose, 12 Days of Christmas By Kate Spain for Moda, Figure 8 in Fir Tree. Latest fail? I have lost weight and was excited to sew a new dress. Um, I apparently lost some measuring abilities because it looked absolutely ridiculous!

  744. I love the Main Umbrella Print of the Rainy Days collection for Riley Blake.

  745. I have a hard time finding fabric I love for my three boys, but I do love the All Star 2 by My Minds Eye.

  746. Jacob and Cami says:

    liking the love birds by my mind's eye.
    [email protected]

  747. My favorite fabric in the shop is Rainy Days.

  748. I love the Christmas flannel…in the Holiday mood these days. Probably for a pillow case for my son's bed.

  749. Craft failure – ghost suckers for Halloween – 1st time I couldn't get the sticks to stick between the nutter butter cookies…

  750. SarahJarnagin says:

    I love the 12 Days of Christmas fabrics! So many great choices.

  751. SarahJarnagin says:

    Unfortunately, my last craft fail was flannel Christmas pj pants for my toddler that I forgot to zig zag thus they unraveled and fell apart. UGH.

  752. I need some of that snowman flannel for PJ's.

  753. Fail???
    I just finished a cute little skirt for my nearly 2 year old Gdaughter, and it wouldn't go up past her mid thigh. We gave it to her 2 month old sister and I made another for her adding about 5 more inches.

  754. LOVE the "Just Dreamy Bloom and Grow Flower Cotton and Flannel Blanket Bundle" I am terrible at choosing cute combinations for blankets and this would be PERFECT!

    [email protected]

  755. My latest craft fail is my classic — not finishing a project! Once it gets tedious I am so outta there! I started these darling baby food jar displays and I got stuck when it was time to hot glue the twine to the lids. I did one… and have 5 more to go! (and haven't done anything in over a month on it!)

    [email protected]

  756. ShadowCorpse says:

    For me it's a toss up between the rainy days and love bird, I can easily see cute little dresses made out of those for my girls. I had to stop looking there are just so,so,SO many different ones that I want, lol.

  757. ShadowCorpse says:

    My most recent crafting fail… really made me sad 'cause I really REALLY wanted it to turn out like it was suppose to. I was watching Martha Stewart's show and she had a woman on who was showing how to make these really cool wallets out of scrapbooking paper and clear vinyl… it looked sooo easy, and would have been, I'm sure, if I hadn't overlooked one very important step in making the wallet… you need a certain type of needle and presserfoot for your machine that won't stick to the vinyl… needless to say it didn't end up anything like what it was suppose to, lol. I'm just glad I didn't ruin my machine. >.<

  758. I am so ready for Christmas. My favorite fabric in the shop is from Kate Spain's 12 Days of Christmas Line. It's the print with the little ice skaters called Figure 8. I just love it!

  759. Also, biggest fail lately: trying to paint a sky texture on fabric. I put the fabric on top of newspaper and the paint bled through. The newspaper is now stuck to the fabric. I'm not sure what I'm going to do instead. Oh well!

  760. Oh Man, I totally love the yellow and black damask! LOVE!

  761. I tried to sew together 2 pieces of that minky fabric…it looked like a fluffy ball by the end. I want to give all the fabric away now.

  762. Forcing me to pick my favorite fabric is just evil, I tell you. Worse than trying to pick a favorite movie. If I was forced at gunpoint, I guess I'd have to say the Rainy Days bundle from Riley Blake, but the guy with the gun would have to be really mean and nasty looking.

  763. And my crafting fail – it has to be the peasant style dress with raglan sleeves I made for my daughter's upcoming birthday (well, that was my original intention for it anyway). The armholes ended up WAY too small. I have no idea what happened. Had to start completely from scratch.

    But my worst crafting fail was in college – I was trying to make candles out of acorn squashes like I had seen in a Martha Stewart magazine, and I cut my finger clear down to the bone and needed 5 stitches from trying to cut the top off the squash… Talk about a fail.

  764. I love the be merry snowman flannel!!! I'm a newbie within the year of sewing, and I have no delish fabric or scrap horde to pull from…sadness…

  765. Oh, and craft fail-I made a friend a handle pad thing for an infant seat carrier. I didn't have directions of a pic to go by except in my head.It turned out like a swiss cake roll-too bulky, not right at all. So after her shower (and a quick google) I took it back, seam ripped some velcro, cut it down a bit, and folded it over in half. yay, much nicer!!!

  766. sandyandcosmo says:

    I love Rainy Days by Riley Blake, Main Umbrella print.

  767. sandyandcosmo says:

    My last craft fail? I tried to glitter skeletons like Martha for Halloween. I'm still vacuuming glitter out of my carpet and the skeletons look like, well, skeletons with a few specks of glitter on their hips!

  768. Those fabrics are all so adorable! Most recent crafting fail…making my own curtains…

  769. I love the all the Rainy Days collection by Riley Blake!!!

  770. The Taxi Trio by Timeless Treasures is soooo gorgeous!

  771. Most recent craft fail? An empire waist dress I made with out a pattern…princess seams are NOT my friend. I think I'll have to rip the top off and make a high waisted skirt. EPIC Fail!

  772. Nice

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