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In honor of the Expressions Vinyl giveaway this week (go here to enter), I have another vinyl project for you today.
You don’t need a vinyl cutter to do these. You can use a craft punch (my recommendation) or scissors or an Exacto knife or whatever.
My Christmas tree this year looks like a whole lot of crazy threw up on it. I let the kids go nuts with it….and I kind of like it. OK, I really like it. Here’s a little glimpse of the crazy:
Regular ornaments? Obviously not quite our style.
(Green ornament with red vinyl circles punched in various sizes)
(Aqua ornament with red vinyl snowflake)
(Green ornament with red vinyl snowflakes. Also? A prime example of why you shouldn’t worry about getting out or the reflection…you’ll just look like an idiot squatting and holding the camera like that!)
What about a red ornament with a black vinyl “belt” and a little gold buckle?
Think of the possibilities!
This is such a great idea. I wanted to do this for my little gift to co workers thing, and this post just motivates me to get in gear:) Great idea using the paper punch.
At least you were dressed
At least you were dressed
What a great idea. My favorite is the turquoise and red snowflake–it looks great!
I think the felt on those poinsettia pillows looks better, but I just didn't want to cut it all out, so yah, it was really easy.
holy cow, I have boxes of ornaments ready to vinyl-ize with my cricut…a la PB style…but am kinda worried about the curve of the ornament and getting the vinyl smooth with no wrinkle/pucker.
These look gorgeous! I love the snowflakes!
I love them. You should see some of the crap I've made! lol Let's just say, Elmo died today, but it was a noble sacrifice.
I think the reflection of you squatting behind the table there might be my very favorite picture of you. Don't be mad if that's displayed at your funeral one day. It's probably the only picture of you NOT flipping off the camera.
Sheri, You rule. But you already knew that.
I love the Santa Belly ornament idea!! I may have to paint one like that.
This is such a fun idea. Thanks for posting.
I love this! I want to vinyl all my ornaments now!
What a great idea! I do wish I had one of those machines. Hopefully my husband is getting my subtle hints.
I just posted pics of my tree and had the same reflection of the camera going on. As it turned out, I had so many pictures of the rest of the crazy ornaments accumulated over 34 years of kids and a grandchild that I didn't use the reflecting ones.
Suddenly I feel the urge to drive 1 1/2 hours to the nearest IKEA and buy Grono lamps that I can decorate. I love the look of the snowflakes on the inside of the glass.
Cute vinyl on your ornaments. I love the simplicity of them. I recently did some too, check them out on my blog:
You are my kind of crazy! I love it.